简单的员工信息增删改查程序 表信息 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013‐04‐01 2,Jack Wang,28,13451024608,HR,2015‐01‐07 3,Rain Wang,21,13451054608,IT,2017‐04‐01 增加 add staff_table Alex Li,25,134435344,IT,2015-10-29 以phone做唯一键(即不允许表里有手机号重复的情况),staff_id需自增 查询支持三种语法 find name,age from staff_table where age > 22 find * from staff_table where dept = "IT" find * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" 删除指定员工信息纪录 del from staff_table where dept = "IT" 更新记录 update staff_table set dept="Market" where dept = "IT" update staff_table set age=25 where name = "Alex Li"
def syntax_parser(input_sql): """ 解析sql语句并执行 :param input_sql: :return: """ # print_log("syntax_parser sql star") syntax_list ={ 'find': syntax_find, 'del': syntax_del, 'add': syntax_add, 'update': syntax_update } if input_sql.split()[0] in syntax_list.keys() and 'staff_table' in input_str.split(): if 'where' in input_sql.split(): query_clause, where_clause = input_sql.split("where") # print_log(query_clause + where_clause) # 执行where条件 match_data = syntax_where(where_clause.strip()) input_action = query_clause.split()[0] # 执行不同的action syntax_list[input_action](match_data, query_clause) else: match_data = [] for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO["id"]): row = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) match_data.append(row) syntax_list[input_sql.split()[0]](match_data, input_sql.strip()) else: print_log("语法错误,find/del/add/updata name,age from [staff_table] [where] age [<,>,=,like][1]", 'error')
def syntax_where(where_clause): """ 解析where条件 where age > 22 :param where_clause: :return: """ # 操作字符 op_list = [">", "<", "=", "like"] for op_key in op_list: if op_key in where_clause: q_name, q_cond = where_clause.split(op_key) if q_name.strip() in COLUMN_NAME and q_cond.strip() != "": match_data = op_compare(q_name.strip(), q_cond.strip(),op_key) return match_data else: if not q_name.strip() in COLUMN_NAME: error_str = "语法错误,字段%s不存在" % q_name else: error_str = "条件值为空" print_log(error_str, "error") return False else: print_log("语法错误,符号不在[<,>,=,like]中","error") return False
where 语句的比较运算
def op_compare(q_name, q_cond, compare_str): """ 解析where 语句的操作符 :param q_name: :param q_cond: :param compare_str: :return: """ match_data = [] if compare_str == "=": compare_str = "==" for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO[q_name]): if compare_str != "like" and q_cond.isdigit(): # 数字比较 exp_str = "%d%s%d" % (int(val), compare_str, int(q_cond)) elif compare_str != "like" and not q_cond.isdigit(): # 转换操作符两边字符串 # 把val两边加上'val'或"val" ,与输入字符串比较 'Sales' = 'Sales' or "Sales" = "Sales" if q_cond.find("'") != -1: val = "'"+val+"'" elif q_cond.find("\"") != -1: val = "\"" + val + "\"" else: val = "'" + val + "'" q_cond = "'" + q_cond + "'" # 字符比较 exp_str = "%s%s%s" % (val, compare_str, q_cond) # print_log(exp_str) else: # if compare_str = like then compare_str = ' in ' op_str = ' in ' if q_cond.find("'") != -1: val = "'" + val + "'" elif q_cond.find("\"") != -1: val = "\"" + val + "\"" else: val = "'" + val + "'" q_cond = "'" + q_cond + "'" # 字符比较 "'2015' in '2016-02-01'" # print(q_cond,val) exp_str = "%s%s%s" % (q_cond, op_str, val) # print_log("in="+exp_str) # print_log(exp_str) if eval(exp_str): row_data = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row_data.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) match_data.append(row_data) # print(tabulate(match_data, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) return match_data
def syntax_del(dataset, query_clause): """ 解析删除语句 del from staff_table where id=3 :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ for row in dataset: staff_id = row[0] # 得到id值 staff_index = STAFF_INFO['id'].index(staff_id) # 得到id值在STAFF_INFO[id]的索引 # print_log(staff_index) for col in COLUMN_NAME: STAFF_INFO[col].remove(STAFF_INFO[col][staff_index]) # 修改col_name值 save_db() print_log("成功删除%s条纪录" % len(dataset))
def syntax_add(dataset, query_clause): """ 解析增加语句 add staff_table Alex Li,25,134435344,IT,2015-10-29 :param dataset: dataset = [[1,Alex Li,18,13651054608,开发,2013-04-01]] :param query_clause: :return: """ # 得到增加的值列表 add_data = [col.strip() for col in query_clause.split("staff_table")[-1].split(',')] phone_ind = COLUMN_NAME.index("phone") # 得到手机所在列 if(len(COLUMN_NAME) - 1 == len(add_data)): # 得到最后一行数据,自增长最后一行数据Id最大 max_id = dataset[-1][0] # 自增长ID max_id = int(max_id) + 1 # 把ID插入到第一列 add_data.insert(0,str(max_id)) # 得到手机号 phone_val = add_data[phone_ind] # 判断手机号是否重复 if not (phone_val in STAFF_INFO["phone"]): # 把数据插入到STAFF_INFO for index, col in enumerate(COLUMN_NAME): STAFF_INFO[col].append(add_data[index]) print(tabulate(STAFF_INFO, headers=COLUMN_NAME)) save_db() print_log("成功添加1条纪录到staff_table表") else: print_log("手机号%s重复" %phone_val ,'error') else: print_log("语法错误,列数不对,必须字段%s:"% COLUMN_NAME[1:], "error")
def syntax_update(dataset, query_clause): """ 修改语句 update staff_table set age=25 where name='Alex Li' :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ if "set" in query_clause: formula_str = query_clause.split("set") col_name, new_val = formula_str[-1].strip().split('=') # print(col_name, new_val) # STAFF_INFO[col_name] if new_val.find("'") == 0: new_val = new_val.replace("'", "") elif new_val.find("\"") == 0: new_val = new_val.replace("\"", "") for row in dataset: staff_id = row[0] # 得到id值 staff_index = STAFF_INFO['id'].index(staff_id) # 得到id值在STAFF_INFO[id]的索引 STAFF_INFO[col_name][staff_index] = new_val # 修改col_name值 # print_log(STAFF_INFO) save_db() print_log("成功修改了%s条数据!" % len(dataset)) else: print_log("语法错误,未检测到set", "error")
def save_db(): """ #把修改的数据保存到硬盘上 :return: """ f = open(""%DB_FILE, "w",encoding="utf-8") # for k in COLUMN_NAME: # row = [] # row = STAFF_INFO[k] for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO["id"]): row = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) w_data = ",".join(row) # print_log(w_data) f.write(w_data+"\n") f.close() os.remove(DB_FILE) os.rename(""%DB_FILE, DB_FILE) # 回写原来的文件
def syntax_find(dataset, query_clause): """ 查询语句解析 :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ query_col = query_clause.split("from")[0][4:].split(',') # 得到name,age filter_col = [col.strip() for col in query_col] # 去除col中的空格 # print(query_col) reformat_dataset = [] if '*' in filter_col: # 输出所有列 print(tabulate(dataset, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) print_log("匹配到%s条数据!" % len(dataset)) else: for row in dataset: # 筛选列 filter_val = [] for col in filter_col: index = COLUMN_NAME.index(col) filter_val.append(row[index]) reformat_dataset.append(filter_val) print(tabulate(reformat_dataset, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) print_log("匹配到%s条数据!" % len(reformat_dataset))
if __name__ == '__main__': """ 用户信息查询 """ # 把数据载入内存 STAFF_INFO = load_db(DB_FILE) while True: input_str = input("[staff db:]").strip() if not input_str : continue syntax_parser(input_str)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2018/3/17 12:27 # @Site : # @File : # @Software: PyCharm """ 简单的员工信息增删改查程序 表信息 1,Alex Li,22,13651054608,IT,2013‐04‐01 2,Jack Wang,28,13451024608,HR,2015‐01‐07 3,Rain Wang,21,13451054608,IT,2017‐04‐01 增加 add staff_table Alex Li,25,134435344,IT,2015-10-29 以phone做唯一键(即不允许表里有手机号重复的情况),staff_id需自增 查询支持三种语法 find name,age from staff_table where age > 22 find * from staff_table where dept = "IT" find * from staff_table where enroll_date like "2013" 删除指定员工信息纪录 del from staff_table where dept = "IT" 更新记录 update staff_table set dept="Market" where dept = "IT" update staff_table set age=25 where name = "Alex Li" """ from tabulate import tabulate import os # 存储信息的文件 DB_FILE = "staff.db" COLUMN_NAME = ['id', 'name', 'age', 'phone', 'dept', 'enroll_date'] # 打印信息 def print_log(msg, log_type="info"): if log_type == 'info': print("\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" %msg) elif log_type == 'error': print("\033[31;1m%s\033[0m" %msg) def load_db(DB_FILE): """ 载入员工信息 :return: """ staff_data = {} # 构建字典空列表 #{'id': [],'name':[],'age': [],'phone':[],'dept':[],'enrolled_date'[] for d in COLUMN_NAME: staff_data[d] = [] with open(DB_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: staff_datas = line.split(",") # 构建员工信息字典 for ind, d in enumerate(staff_datas): staff_data[COLUMN_NAME[ind]].append(d.strip()) # 去掉末尾回车 return staff_data def op_compare(q_name, q_cond, compare_str): """ 解析where 语句的操作符 :param q_name: :param q_cond: :param compare_str: :return: """ match_data = [] if compare_str == "=": compare_str = "==" for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO[q_name]): if compare_str != "like" and q_cond.isdigit(): # 数字比较 exp_str = "%d%s%d" % (int(val), compare_str, int(q_cond)) elif compare_str != "like" and not q_cond.isdigit(): # 转换操作符两边字符串 # 把val两边加上'val'或"val" ,与输入字符串比较 'Sales' = 'Sales' or "Sales" = "Sales" if q_cond.find("'") != -1: val = "'"+val+"'" elif q_cond.find("\"") != -1: val = "\"" + val + "\"" else: val = "'" + val + "'" q_cond = "'" + q_cond + "'" # 字符比较 exp_str = "%s%s%s" % (val, compare_str, q_cond) # print_log(exp_str) else: # if compare_str = like then compare_str = ' in ' op_str = ' in ' if q_cond.find("'") != -1: val = "'" + val + "'" elif q_cond.find("\"") != -1: val = "\"" + val + "\"" else: val = "'" + val + "'" q_cond = "'" + q_cond + "'" # 字符比较 "'2015' in '2016-02-01'" # print(q_cond,val) exp_str = "%s%s%s" % (q_cond, op_str, val) # print_log("in="+exp_str) # print_log(exp_str) if eval(exp_str): row_data = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row_data.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) match_data.append(row_data) # print(tabulate(match_data, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) return match_data def syntax_where(where_clause): """ 解析where条件 where age > 22 :param where_clause: :return: """ # 操作字符 op_list = [">", "<", "=", "like"] for op_key in op_list: if op_key in where_clause: q_name, q_cond = where_clause.split(op_key) if q_name.strip() in COLUMN_NAME and q_cond.strip() != "": match_data = op_compare(q_name.strip(), q_cond.strip(),op_key) return match_data else: if not q_name.strip() in COLUMN_NAME: error_str = "语法错误,字段%s不存在" % q_name else: error_str = "条件值为空" print_log(error_str, "error") return False else: print_log("语法错误,符号不在[<,>,=,like]中","error") return False def syntax_del(dataset, query_clause): """ 解析删除语句 del from staff_table where id=3 :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ for row in dataset: staff_id = row[0] # 得到id值 staff_index = STAFF_INFO['id'].index(staff_id) # 得到id值在STAFF_INFO[id]的索引 # print_log(staff_index) for col in COLUMN_NAME: STAFF_INFO[col].remove(STAFF_INFO[col][staff_index]) # 修改col_name值 save_db() print_log("成功删除%s条纪录" % len(dataset)) def syntax_add(dataset, query_clause): """ 解析增加语句 add staff_table Alex Li,25,134435344,IT,2015-10-29 :param dataset: dataset = [[1,Alex Li,18,13651054608,开发,2013-04-01]] :param query_clause: :return: """ # 得到增加的值列表 add_data = [col.strip() for col in query_clause.split("staff_table")[-1].split(',')] phone_ind = COLUMN_NAME.index("phone") # 得到手机所在列 if(len(COLUMN_NAME) - 1 == len(add_data)): # 得到最后一行数据,自增长最后一行数据Id最大 max_id = dataset[-1][0] # 自增长ID max_id = int(max_id) + 1 # 把ID插入到第一列 add_data.insert(0,str(max_id)) # 得到手机号 phone_val = add_data[phone_ind] # 判断手机号是否重复 if not (phone_val in STAFF_INFO["phone"]): # 把数据插入到STAFF_INFO for index, col in enumerate(COLUMN_NAME): STAFF_INFO[col].append(add_data[index]) print(tabulate(STAFF_INFO, headers=COLUMN_NAME)) save_db() print_log("成功添加1条纪录到staff_table表") else: print_log("手机号%s重复" %phone_val ,'error') else: print_log("语法错误,列数不对,必须字段%s:"% COLUMN_NAME[1:], "error") def syntax_update(dataset, query_clause): """ 修改语句 update staff_table set age=25 where name='Alex Li' :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ if "set" in query_clause: formula_str = query_clause.split("set") col_name, new_val = formula_str[-1].strip().split('=') # print(col_name, new_val) # STAFF_INFO[col_name] if new_val.find("'") == 0: new_val = new_val.replace("'", "") elif new_val.find("\"") == 0: new_val = new_val.replace("\"", "") for row in dataset: staff_id = row[0] # 得到id值 staff_index = STAFF_INFO['id'].index(staff_id) # 得到id值在STAFF_INFO[id]的索引 STAFF_INFO[col_name][staff_index] = new_val # 修改col_name值 # print_log(STAFF_INFO) save_db() print_log("成功修改了%s条数据!" % len(dataset)) else: print_log("语法错误,未检测到set", "error") def save_db(): """ #把修改的数据保存到硬盘上 :return: """ f = open(""%DB_FILE, "w",encoding="utf-8") # for k in COLUMN_NAME: # row = [] # row = STAFF_INFO[k] for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO["id"]): row = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) w_data = ",".join(row) # print_log(w_data) f.write(w_data+"\n") f.close() os.remove(DB_FILE) os.rename(""%DB_FILE, DB_FILE) # 回写原来的文件 def syntax_parser(input_sql): """ 解析sql语句并执行 :param input_sql: :return: """ # print_log("syntax_parser sql star") syntax_list ={ 'find': syntax_find, 'del': syntax_del, 'add': syntax_add, 'update': syntax_update } if input_sql.split()[0] in syntax_list.keys() and 'staff_table' in input_str.split(): if 'where' in input_sql.split(): query_clause, where_clause = input_sql.split("where") # print_log(query_clause + where_clause) # 执行where条件 match_data = syntax_where(where_clause.strip()) input_action = query_clause.split()[0] # 执行不同的action syntax_list[input_action](match_data, query_clause) else: match_data = [] for ind, val in enumerate(STAFF_INFO["id"]): row = [] for col in COLUMN_NAME: row.append(STAFF_INFO[col][ind]) match_data.append(row) syntax_list[input_sql.split()[0]](match_data, input_sql.strip()) else: print_log("语法错误,find/del/add/updata name,age from [staff_table] [where] age [<,>,=,like][1]", 'error') def syntax_find(dataset, query_clause): """ 查询语句解析 :param dataset: :param query_clause: :return: """ query_col = query_clause.split("from")[0][4:].split(',') # 得到name,age filter_col = [col.strip() for col in query_col] # 去除col中的空格 # print(query_col) reformat_dataset = [] if '*' in filter_col: # 输出所有列 print(tabulate(dataset, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) print_log("匹配到%s条数据!" % len(dataset)) else: for row in dataset: # 筛选列 filter_val = [] for col in filter_col: index = COLUMN_NAME.index(col) filter_val.append(row[index]) reformat_dataset.append(filter_val) print(tabulate(reformat_dataset, headers=COLUMN_NAME, tablefmt="grid")) print_log("匹配到%s条数据!" % len(reformat_dataset)) if __name__ == '__main__': """ 用户信息查询 """ # 把数据载入内存 STAFF_INFO = load_db(DB_FILE) while True: input_str = input("[staff db:]").strip() if not input_str : continue syntax_parser(input_str)