mysql 练习题

1. 查询出部门编号为30的所有员工

 select * from wrc where deptno;

2. 所有销售员的姓名、编号和部门编号。

select ename,job,deptno from wrc;

3. 找出奖金高于工资的员工。

select * from  wrc where comm>sal;


4. 找出奖金高于工资60%的员工。

 select * from wrc where comm >sal*0.6;



select * from wrc where deptno = 10 and job =”经理” or job = “销售员”and deptno =20;



6. 找出部门编号为10中所有经理,部门编号为20中所有销售员,还有即不是经理又不是销售员但其工资大或等于20000的所有员工详细资料。 

select * from wrc where deptno = 10 and job =”经理” or job = “销售员”and deptno =20 or sal>20000 and job <>”经理” and job<>”销售员”;



7. 无奖金或奖金低于1000的员工。

select * from wrc where comm between 0 and 1000;

或者 select * from wrc where comm<1000 and comm >=0;


8. 查询名字由三个字组成的员工。

select * from wrc where ename like “___”;






select * from wrc where hiredate like “2000%”;


10. 查询所有员工详细信息,用编号升序排序

select * from wrc order by empno desc;



11. 查询所有员工详细信息,用工资降序排序,如果工资相同使用入职日期升序排序


 select * from wrc order by sal desc,hiredate asc;


12. 查询姓周的两个名字的员工。


select * from wrc where ename like “周%”;


13. 查询所有姓张的员工。


select * from wrc where ename like  “张%”;


14. 查询该部门有多少个岗位,每个岗位有多少人。


select count(job),job from wrc group by job;



 select count(job),job from wrc group by job having count(job)>3;



posted on 2018-05-04 20:20 鲁系大厨 阅读() 评论() 编辑 收藏

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