多线程动态规划算法求解TSP(Traveling Salesman Problem) 并附C语言实现例程
接下来定义一个函数,用来求解每个子问题,这个时候出现了另一个问题:怎么样表示一个子问题。在动态规划算法中有一个状态压缩的概念,即为用一段二进制码表示城市的集合,例如共五个城市时表示{1, 3, 4}这个集合即为二进制”11010″。相同的思路,对于d(1,{2,3})问题,我们给函数输入起点,以及目标的集合,就可以完整的表示问题。函数内选择的是递归算法,因为非递归算法很难保证子问题互不相关(可能也只是我懒得想,有思路的同学可以在评论区中讨论一下)。具体的动态规划递归实现算法很多文章中都有,我就不过多赘述了。下面是这一部分的源代码:
int TSP( int x, int setMask ) { int mask, i, minimum; if ( dp[ setMask ][ x ] != -1 ) return dp[ setMask ][ x ]; /* if already have value */ mask = 1 << x; dp[ setMask ][ x ] = 1e9; /* set infinite */ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( i != x && ( setMask & ( 1 << i ) ) && map[ i ][ x ] != 0 ) { /* if have path */ minimum = TSP( i, setMask - mask ) + map[ i ][ x ] ; dp[ setMask ][ x ] = min( dp[ setMask ][ x ], minimum); } } return dp[ setMask ][ x ]; }
对于从同一个整道题求解的问题分离出来的子问题来说,其城市集合其实是一个组合数。我们还选取图2作为例子,现在经过计算后,我们需要把主问题拆分两层,即拆到d(2,{3})这一层。我们列出所有的集合,分别是”1100″, “1010”, “0110”,发现了吗,其实这些集合也就是剔除了起点城市以后,将两个1与一个0进行组合的所有情况。这个规律同样可以推广到n个城市,如果要将问题拆分k层,所有的问题集合即是固定集合中对应初始点(即程序输入的s)为0后将n-k-1个1与k-1个0的所有组合数。数学表示为:
*注:公式中的${S \choose n-k-1}$表示S集合的n-k-1排列。
$Let\ S=\{0,1,2,\cdots,n-1\}\backslash\{s\}
Then\ let\ C= {S \choose n-k-1}
For\ every\ i \in C, its\ setmask=\overbrace{00\cdots00}^{n}+(1<<i[0])+(1<<i[1])+\cdots+(1<<i[n-k-1])$
while (t > nn) { /* let all thread have work to do */ nn *= (nn - 1); nc += 1; /* extends layers until t > nn */ } j = 0; candiNum = malloc(sizeof(int) * (n - 1)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { /* candiNum set means all cities exclude the start piont*/ if (i != s) { candiNum[j] = i; /* exclude the start point */ j++; } } combNum = factorial(nc, n - 1); /* calculate combination number */ combSet = malloc(sizeof(int) * combNum); combptr = combSet; numOf1 = n - 1 - nc; /* there should have `numOf1` of 1 in every item */ setCombination(candiNum, n - 1, numOf1);
// file tsp.c
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "tsp.h" #include <time.h> #define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) /* macro func of min */ time_t tm; int ** map, ** dp, * combSet, * combptr, * posOf1, n; /* init vars */ trdArgs args[20]; pthread_t tid[20]; /* thread ids */ int TSP( int x, int setMask ) { int mask, i, minimum; if ( dp[ setMask ][ x ] != -1 ) return dp[ setMask ][ x ]; /* if already have value */ mask = 1 << x; dp[ setMask ][ x ] = 1e9; /* set infinite */ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if ( i != x && ( setMask & ( 1 << i ) ) && map[ i ][ x ] != 0 ) { /* if have path */ minimum = TSP( i, setMask - mask ) + map[ i ][ x ] ; dp[ setMask ][ x ] = min( dp[ setMask ][ x ], minimum); } } return dp[ setMask ][ x ]; } void * trd(void * SArg) { TSP((*(trdArgs *)SArg).startPoint, (*(trdArgs *)SArg).setMask); return NULL; } void setCombination(int arr[], int n, int r) { /* set all combination into combptr */ int * data = malloc(sizeof(int) * r); /* Temporary array to store current combination */ combinationUtil(arr, data, 0, n - 1, 0, r); free(data); /* avoid leak */ } void combinationUtil(int arr[], int data[], int start, int end, int index, int r) { int i, j, tmpi = 0; /* init vars */ if (index == r) { for (j = 0; j < r; j++) /* add nums to binay */ tmpi |= (1 << data[j]); *combptr = tmpi; combptr++; /* next cell in array */ return; } for (i = start; i <= end && end - i + 1 >= r - index; i++) { /* recersive */ data[index] = arr[i]; combinationUtil(arr, data, i + 1, end, index + 1, r); /* call selfe */ } } long factorial(int m, int n) { /* caculate combination number */ int i, j; long ans = 1; if (m < n - m) m = n - m; /* C(m,n)=C(n-m,n) */ for (i = m + 1; i <= n; i++) ans *= i; for (j = 1; j <= n - m; j++) ans /= j; return ans; /* answer */ } int main() { long combNum; int t, s, i, j, k, nn, nc, ans, numOf1, * candiNum, * combSet, * tmptr; /* init vars */ nc = 0; scanf("%d %d %d", &t, &n, &s); /* get &t, &n, &s */ if (t < 0 || n <= 0 || n <= s || s < 0) {printf("-1\n"); return 0;} /* error input */ if (n == 1) {printf("0\n"); return 0;} nn = n - 1; /* first layer */ map = malloc(sizeof(int *)*n); /* alloc for 2dim array: map */ tmptr = malloc(sizeof(int) * n * n); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { map[i] = tmptr; /* set 2dim to 1dim */ tmptr += n; } dp = malloc(sizeof(int *) * (1 << n)); /* alloc for 2dim array: map */ tmptr = malloc(sizeof(int) * (1 << n) * n); for (i = 0; i < (1 << n); ++i) { dp[i] = tmptr; /* set 2dim to 1dim */ tmptr += n; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) /* get the map */ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) scanf("%d", &map[i][j]); /* store */ memset(dp[0], -1, sizeof(int) * (1 << n) * n); /* fill all dp with -1 */ for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) dp[ 1 << i ][ i ] = map[ 0 ][ i ]; while (t > nn) { /* let all thread have work to do */ nn *= (nn - 1); nc += 1; /* extends layers until t > nn */ } j = 0; candiNum = malloc(sizeof(int) * (n - 1)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { /* candiNum set means all cities exclude the start piont*/ if (i != s) { candiNum[j] = i; /* exclude the start point */ j++; } } combNum = factorial(nc, n - 1); /* calculate combination number */ combSet = malloc(sizeof(int) * combNum); combptr = combSet; numOf1 = n - 1 - nc; /* there should have `numOf1` of 1 in every item */ setCombination(candiNum, n - 1, numOf1); posOf1 = malloc(sizeof(int) * numOf1); /* arr to store the position of 1 in each comb */ k = 0; for (i = 0; i < combNum; ++i) { tmptr = posOf1; for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { /* go through all bits */ if ((combSet[i] & (1 << j)) != 0) { *tmptr = j; tmptr++; /* point to next cell */ } } for (j = 0; j < numOf1; ++j) { /* arrange jobs */ args[k].id = k; /* set thread id arg */ args[k].startPoint = posOf1[j]; args[k].setMask = combSet[i]; /* set thread set mask args */ pthread_join(tid[k], NULL); pthread_create(&tid[k], NULL, trd, &args[k]); /* new thread */ k = (k + 1) % t; } } for (i = 0; i < t; ++i)/* join all thread */ pthread_join(tid[i], NULL); ans = TSP(0, ( 1 << n ) - 1); if (ans == 1e9) printf("-1\n"); else printf("%d\n", ans); /* final answer */ free(dp[0]); /* free */ free(dp); free(map[0]); /* free */ free(map); free(posOf1); /* free */ free(combSet); free(candiNum); /* free */ return 0; }
// file tsp.h typedef struct threadArgs { int id; int startPoint; int setMask; } trdArgs; int TSP( int x, int setMask ); void * trd(void * SArg) ; void combinationUtil(int arr[], int data[], int start, int end, int index, int r); void setCombination(int arr[], int n, int r) ; long factorial(int m, int n) ;
CC=gcc CFLAGS=-Wpedantic -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c89 -pthread -D_GNU_SOURCE tsp.o: tsp.c tsp.h ${CC} ${CFLAGS} tsp_blog.c -o tsp.o