$ cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
kong: v0.13.1
postgresql: v10.3 (注意:psql版本必须与kong版本对应)
$ sudo yum install -y pcre pcre-devel
$ sudo yum install -y pcre pcre-devel
$ sudo yum install -y zlib zlib-devel
$ sudo yum install -y openssl openssl-devel
postgresql 部署
$ /usr/local/bin/kong start 2018/06/08 12:07:55 [warn] postgres database 'kong' is missing migration: (response-transformer) 2016-05-04-160000_resp_trans_schema_changes Error: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/start.lua:34: [postgres error] the current database schema does not match this version of Kong. Please run `kong migrations up` to update/initialize the database schema. Be aware that Kong migrations should only run from a single node, and that nodes running migrations concurrently will conflict with each other and might corrupt your database schema!
$ sudo yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/10/redhat/rhel-latest-x86_64/pgdg-centos10-10-2.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install -y postgresql10-server postgresql10-contrib
$ sudo /usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-setup initdb Initializing database ... OK
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-10.service
# 启动服务 $ sudo systemctl start postgresql-10.service # 查看psql运行状态 $ sudo systemctl status postgresql-10.service ● postgresql-10.service - PostgreSQL 10 database server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-10.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-06-08 12:22:17 CST; 16s ago Docs: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/ Process: 12951 ExecStartPre=/usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-check-db-dir ${PGDATA} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 12957 (postmaster) CGroup: /system.slice/postgresql-10.service ├─12957 /usr/pgsql-10/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/ ├─12959 postgres: logger process ├─12961 postgres: checkpointer process ├─12962 postgres: writer process ├─12963 postgres: wal writer process ├─12964 postgres: autovacuum launcher process ├─12965 postgres: stats collector process └─12966 postgres: bgworker: logical replication launcher Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 systemd[1]: Starting PostgreSQL 10 database server... Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.798 CST [12957] LOG: listeni...432 Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.798 CST [12957] LOG: could n...ess Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.798 CST [12957] HINT: Is ano...ry. Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.801 CST [12957] LOG: listeni...32" Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.808 CST [12957] LOG: listeni...32" Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.825 CST [12957] LOG: redirec...ess Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 postmaster[12957]: 2018-06-08 12:22:17.825 CST [12957] HINT: Future...g". Jun 08 12:22:17 172-18-38-219 systemd[1]: Started PostgreSQL 10 database server. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
$ passwd postgres
Changing password for user postgres.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: The password contains the user name in some form
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
为了安全以及满足 Kong 初始化的需求,需要在建立一个 postgre 用户 kong 和对应的 linux 用户 kong,并新建数据库 kong。
# 新建 linux kong 用户 $ sudo adduser kong # 使用管理员账号登录 psql 创建用户和数据库 # 切换 postgres 用户 # 切换 postgres 用户后,提示符变成 `-bash-4.3$` $ su postgres # 进入psql控制台,此时会进入到控制台(系统提示符变为'postgres=#') bash-4.3$ psql could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied psql (10.4) Type "help" for help. #为管理员用户postgres修改密码,之前改过了这里就不用改了 postgres=# password postgres #建立新的数据库用户(和之前建立的系统用户要一样) postgres=# create user kong with password 'kong'; CREATE ROLE #为新用户建立数据库 postgres=# create database kong owner kong; CREATE DATABASE #把新建的数据库权限赋予 kong postgres=# grant all privileges on database kong to kong; GRANT #退出控制台 postgres=# \q bash-4.3$
注意:在 psql 控制台下执行命令,一定记得在命令后添加分号。
$ cat /etc/passwd ... postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash kong:x:1002:1002::/home/kong:/bin/bash
用命令行登录,在root账户下登录postgresql 数据库会提示权限问题:
$ psql -U kong -d kong -h -p 5432 psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "kong"
$ vim /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf
# 增加如下两条配置
$ vim var/lib/pgsql/10/data/postgresql.conf
# CONNECTIONS AND AUTHENTICATION #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # - Connection Settings - listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-10.service $ psql -U kong -d kong -h -p 5432 psql (9.5.13) Type "help" for help. kong=>
$ sudo yum install kong-community-edition-0.13.1.el7.noarch.rpm ... Downloading packages: Running transaction check Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded Running transaction Installing : kong-community-edition-0.13.1-1.noarch 1/1 Verifying : kong-community-edition-0.13.1-1.noarch 1/1 Installed: kong-community-edition.noarch 0:0.13.1-1 Complete!
修改 kong 的配置文件
$ sudo vi /etc/kong/kong.conf #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # DATASTORE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Kong will store all of its data (such as APIs, consumers and plugins) in # either Cassandra or PostgreSQL. # # All Kong nodes belonging to the same cluster must connect themselves to the # same database. database = postgres # Determines which of PostgreSQL or Cassandra # this node will use as its datastore. # Accepted values are `postgres` and # `cassandra`. pg_host = # The PostgreSQL host to connect to. pg_port = 5432 # The port to connect to. pg_user = kong # The username to authenticate if required. pg_password = kong # The password to authenticate if required. pg_database = kong # The database name to connect to. ssl = off # 如果不希望开放 8443 的 ssl 访问可关闭
$ kong migrations up -c /etc/kong/kong.conf migrating core for database kong core migrated up to: 2015-01-12-175310_skeleton core migrated up to: 2015-01-12-175310_init_schema core migrated up to: 2015-11-23-817313_nodes core migrated up to: 2016-02-29-142793_ttls core migrated up to: 2016-09-05-212515_retries core migrated up to: 2016-09-16-141423_upstreams core migrated up to: 2016-12-14-172100_move_ssl_certs_to_core core migrated up to: 2016-11-11-151900_new_apis_router_1 core migrated up to: 2016-11-11-151900_new_apis_router_2 core migrated up to: 2016-11-11-151900_new_apis_router_3 core migrated up to: 2016-01-25-103600_unique_custom_id core migrated up to: 2017-01-24-132600_upstream_timeouts core migrated up to: 2017-01-24-132600_upstream_timeouts_2 core migrated up to: 2017-03-27-132300_anonymous core migrated up to: 2017-04-18-153000_unique_plugins_id core migrated up to: 2017-04-18-153000_unique_plugins_id_2 core migrated up to: 2017-05-19-180200_cluster_events core migrated up to: 2017-05-19-173100_remove_nodes_table core migrated up to: 2017-06-16-283123_ttl_indexes core migrated up to: 2017-07-28-225000_balancer_orderlist_remove core migrated up to: 2017-10-02-173400_apis_created_at_ms_precision core migrated up to: 2017-11-07-192000_upstream_healthchecks core migrated up to: 2017-10-27-134100_consistent_hashing_1 core migrated up to: 2017-11-07-192100_upstream_healthchecks_2 core migrated up to: 2017-10-27-134100_consistent_hashing_2 core migrated up to: 2017-09-14-121200_routes_and_services core migrated up to: 2017-10-25-180700_plugins_routes_and_services migrating response-transformer for database kong response-transformer migrated up to: 2016-05-04-160000_resp_trans_schema_changes migrating ip-restriction for database kong ip-restriction migrated up to: 2016-05-24-remove-cache migrating statsd for database kong statsd migrated up to: 2017-06-09-160000_statsd_schema_changes migrating jwt for database kong jwt migrated up to: 2015-06-09-jwt-auth jwt migrated up to: 2016-03-07-jwt-alg jwt migrated up to: 2017-05-22-jwt_secret_not_unique jwt migrated up to: 2017-07-31-120200_jwt-auth_preflight_default jwt migrated up to: 2017-10-25-211200_jwt_cookie_names_default migrating cors for database kong cors migrated up to: 2017-03-14_multiple_orgins migrating basic-auth for database kong basic-auth migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_basicauth basic-auth migrated up to: 2017-01-25-180400_unique_username migrating key-auth for database kong key-auth migrated up to: 2015-07-31-172400_init_keyauth key-auth migrated up to: 2017-07-31-120200_key-auth_preflight_default migrating ldap-auth for database kong ldap-auth migrated up to: 2017-10-23-150900_header_type_default migrating hmac-auth for database kong hmac-auth migrated up to: 2015-09-16-132400_init_hmacauth hmac-auth migrated up to: 2017-06-21-132400_init_hmacauth migrating datadog for database kong datadog migrated up to: 2017-06-09-160000_datadog_schema_changes migrating tcp-log for database kong tcp-log migrated up to: 2017-12-13-120000_tcp-log_tls migrating acl for database kong acl migrated up to: 2015-08-25-841841_init_acl migrating response-ratelimiting for database kong response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_response_ratelimiting response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 2016-08-04-321512_response-rate-limiting_policies response-ratelimiting migrated up to: 2017-12-19-120000_add_route_and_service_id_to_response_ratelimiting migrating request-transformer for database kong request-transformer migrated up to: 2016-05-04-160000_req_trans_schema_changes migrating rate-limiting for database kong rate-limiting migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_ratelimiting rate-limiting migrated up to: 2016-07-25-471385_ratelimiting_policies rate-limiting migrated up to: 2017-11-30-120000_add_route_and_service_id migrating oauth2 for database kong oauth2 migrated up to: 2015-08-03-132400_init_oauth2 oauth2 migrated up to: 2016-07-15-oauth2_code_credential_id oauth2 migrated up to: 2016-12-22-283949_serialize_redirect_uri oauth2 migrated up to: 2016-09-19-oauth2_api_id oauth2 migrated up to: 2016-12-15-set_global_credentials oauth2 migrated up to: 2017-04-24-oauth2_client_secret_not_unique oauth2 migrated up to: 2017-10-19-set_auth_header_name_default oauth2 migrated up to: 2017-10-11-oauth2_new_refresh_token_ttl_config_value oauth2 migrated up to: 2018-01-09-oauth2_pg_add_service_id 62 migrations ran
$ kong start
Kong started
$ curl {"plugins":{"enabled_in_cluster":[],"available_on_server":{"response-transformer":true,"correlation-id":true,"statsd":true,"jwt":true,"cors":true,"basic-auth":true,"key-auth":true,"ldap-auth":true,"http-log":true,"oauth2":true,"hmac-auth":true,"acl":true,"datadog":true,"tcp-log":true,"ip-restriction":true,"request-transformer":true,"file-log":true,"bot-detection":true,"loggly":true,"request-size-limiting":true,"syslog":true,"udp-log":true,"response-ratelimiting":true,"aws-lambda":true,"runscope":true,"rate-limiting":true,"request-termination":true}},"tagline":"Welcome to kong","configuration":{"error_default_type":"text\/plain","client_ssl":false,"lua_ssl_verify_depth":1 ....