
场景: 有n条请求需要发送给后台,单次请求的时间不定。

分析: 如果把n条都放在一次请求里面,会遇到2个问题。

  1. 请求数据库时间太长,timeout.

  2. 页面时间太长,timeout.

  3. 发送内容太大,页面挂



 1 requestWaferDies: function(LOTS, step, root){
 2         var output = MyApp.settings['WaferDieOutput'].getOutputs();
 3         if(!(wafer_store.hasOwnProperty('unit'))){wafer_store.unit = {}}
 4         var lots = LOTS.split(',').filter(function(w){if(!(wafer_store.unit.hasOwnProperty(w))){return true}});
 5         if(lots.length > 0){
 6             var size_of_request = 1;
 7             var paras = {lot:lots, step: step, output:output};
 8             wafer_store.progress = [];
 9             this.PB_percentage(lots.length, root, LOTS);
10             this.req_fn1(paras, size_of_request);
11         }
12     },


 1 PB_percentage: function(lot_len, root, LOTS) {
 2         var progressBar=Ext.Msg.show({
 3             title:"",
 4             msg:"Loading data .....",
 5             progress:true,
 6             width:300
 7         });
 8         var count=0;
 9         var bartext="";
10         var curnum=0;
11         var me = this;
13         var task = {
14             run:function () {
15                 count = wafer_store.progress.length;
16                 if (count>lot_len) {
17                     progressBar.hide();
18                     Ext.TaskManager.stop(task);
19                     wafer_store.progress = [];  //reset
20                     arguments[0].plot_heatmap(root,arguments[1]);
21                 }
22                 curnum=count/lot_len;
23                 bartext=parseInt(curnum*100)+"%";
24                 progressBar.updateProgress(curnum,bartext);
25                 if (count==lot_len) {   //to show 100%
26                     wafer_store.progress.push('any');
27                 }
28             },
29             args:[me, LOTS],
30             interval:100
31         }
32         Ext.TaskManager.start(task);
34     },


 1 req_fn1: function(paras, size){    // to request unit level data per wafer# && step
 2         var res = {};
 3         Ext.Ajax.request({
 4             url: 'backend/api/Data/query_wafer_dies_per_lot_oper',
 5             method: 'POST',
 6             async: true,
 7             headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
 8             jsonData : {
 9                 lot_name: paras.lot.slice(0, size),
10                 step: paras.step,
11                 outputs: paras.output,
12             },
13             // timeout: 60000,
14             scope: this,
15             success: function(responseTxt){
16                 // this.sessionExpireMessage(responseTxt);
17                 JSON.parse(responseTxt.responseText).data.map(function(d){
18                     if(res.hasOwnProperty(d.lot_number)){
19                         res[d.lot_number].push(d);
20                     }else{
21                         res[d.lot_number] = [d];
22                     }
23                 })
24                 Object.getOwnPropertyNames(res).map(function(lot){
25                     if(!wafer_store.unit.hasOwnProperty(lot)){
26                         wafer_store.unit[lot] = res[lot];
27                         wafer_store.progress.push(lot);
28                         // console.log(wafer_store.unit[lot].length);
29                     }
30                 })
32                 if(paras.lot.slice(size,999999).length > 0){
33                     paras.lot = paras.lot.slice(size,999999);
34                     this.req_fn1(paras, size);
35                 }
36             },
37             failure: function(response){alert('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status + '\nrefresh your page and try again.')}//this.serverFailRequest
38         });
39     },




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