--创建数据库命令 create database j1216 on ( name=j1216, filename='E:\shuju\j1216\j1216.mdf', size=10, maxsize=50, filegrowth=5 ) log on ( name=j1216_log, filename='E:\shuju\j1216\j1216_log.ldf', size=5, maxsize=25, filegrowth=5 ) go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --创建表 --创建学生表 create table tb_student ( id int identity(1,1) primary key not null, s_name varchar(20), sex varchar(10), age int ) --创建成绩表 create table tb_sc ( tno varchar(20) primary key not null, grade int, sno varchar(20) not null, c_no int not null ) --创建课程表 create table tb_course ( c_id int identity(1,1) primary key not null, c_no int not null, c_name varchar(50) ) --创建部门表 create table tb_depart ( id int identity(1,1) primary key not null, d_no int , d_name varchar(50) ) --创建成绩表 create table tb_grade ( g_no varchar(20) primary key not null, s_no varchar(20) not null, w_grade int, l_grade int ) --创建订单表 create table OrderDetails ( OrderD int primary key not null, ProductD int, UnitPrice money, Quantity int ) --创建货仓表 create table Products ( ProductD int primary key not null, UnetislnStock int ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --删除表 select * from tb_student select * from tb_user select * from OrderDetails; select * from tb_sc; drop table tb_sc drop table tb_student_clone drop table tb_student_clone2 create table tb_user ( id int, uname varchar(20) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --使用数据库 use j1216 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --修改表的字段类型 alter table tb_student alter column s_name varchar(30) --删除字段 alter table tb_student drop column age --添加字段 alter table tb_student add age int alter table tb_student add tno varchar(20) alter table tb_student add d_no int --字段重命名 exec sp_rename 'tb_student.s_name','sname','column' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------给表添加主键 ----添加列语法:ALTER TABLE 表名 Add 列名 类型 ... alter table tb_user add userid int not null identity(10,1); ------ 语法: alter table 表名 add constraint 约束名 primary key (你的主键); alter table tb_user add constraint pk_tb_user primary key (userid); --给表tb_student添加外键 ----- 语法:alter table 表名 add constraint 约束名 foreign key (你的外键) references (表名)(字段名) ------ 指定表中的数据是否用新添加的或重新启用的 FOREIGN KEY 或 CHECK 约束进行验证。如果没有指定,对于新约束,假定为 WITH CHECK,对于重新启用的约束,假定为 WITH NOCHECK alter table tb_student with check add constraint pk_tno foreign key(tno) references tb_sc(tno) --给表OrderDetails添加外键 alter table OrderDetails with nocheck add constraint pk_ProductD foreign key(ProductD) references Products(ProductD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --向表中添加数据 --向学生表中添加数据 insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('张三','男',21,'1203',15); insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('欧阳锋','男',120,'1208',63); insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('欧阳亚雄','男',27,'1203',42); insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('DB_i11','男',32,'1207',77); insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('DB_ii1111','男',23,'1201',56); --向成绩表中添加数据 insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1201',85,'1',1000) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1202',80,'2',1001) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1203',77,'1',1000) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1204',65,'2',1001) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1205',45,'1',1000) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1206',98,'1',1000) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1207',78,'2',1001) insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1208',86,'2',1001) --向课程表中添加数据 insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1000,'java') insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1001,'c++') insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1002,'c#') insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1003,'.net') insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1004,'php') insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1005,'android') --向院系表中添加信息 insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(1111,'计算机学院') insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(2222,'管理学院') insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(3333,'旅游学院') insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(4444,'烹饪学院') --向货仓表中添加数据 insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(1,15) insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(2,65) insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(3,20) insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(4,50) --向订单表中添加数据 insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10522,1,31.00,6) insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10523,2,9.65,7) insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10524,3,30.00,10) insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10525,4,19.00,5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --循环向tb_grade表中添加数据 --声明变量 declare @t int declare @a int declare @s int --随即产生1-100之间的整数 set @t=rand()*100 set @a=rand()*100 print @t; print @a; set @s=0 print @s; while(@s<100) begin if(@t>10 and @a>10) begin -----一般来讲cast()适用范围略广,convert(),一般用于日期和字符串之间进行转换SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,121) AS DATETIME insert into tb_grade(g_no, s_no, w_grade, l_grade) values('s27181'+cast(@s as varchar(2)),'s2530'+cast(@s as varchar(2)),@t,@a) set @t=rand()*100 set @a=rand()*100 end set @s=@s+1 end go select * from tb_grade; select * from tb_student; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --修改表中信息 update tb_student set sex='女' where s_name like '%三' update tb_student set sex='男' where s_name like 'DB%' update tb_student set d_no=1111 where id<7 update tb_student set d_no=2222 where id<23 and id>=21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --删除整张表的信息 delete from tb_student delete from tb_student_clone delete from tb_student_clone2 delete from tb_sc delete from tb_grade delete from OrderDetails delete from Products --删除部分数据 delete from tb_student where id=1 delete from tb_student where s_name like '欧阳%' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --查询语句 select * from tb_student select * from tb_sc select * from tb_course select * from tb_grade select * from tb_student_clone select * from tb_student_clone2 select * from Products select * from OrderDetails --根据id降序查询 select * from tb_student order by id desc --根据id升序查询 select * from tb_student order by id asc --查询所有年龄在20岁以下的学生的姓名及其年龄 select s_name,age from tb_student where age>20 --查询年龄在20到25岁之间的学生的信息 select * from tb_student where age>20 and age<25 select * from tb_student where age between 21 and 24 --查询姓"欧阳"且全名只有3个字的学生的姓名 --- sql中like用法 : --- * 它同于DOS命令中的通配符,代表多个字符。 (如:c*c代表cc,cBc,cbc,cabdfec等) --- % 这种方法在很多程序中要用到,主要是查询包含子串的。 (如:%c%代表agdcagd等) --- [*] 代替* (如:a[*]a代表a*a) --- ? 同于DOS命令中的?通配符,代表单个字符 (如:b?b代表brb,bFb等) --- # 大致同上,不同的是代只能代表单个数字。 (如:k#k代表k1k,k8k,k0k) --- _ 指定一个范围中任意一个 (如:[a-z]代表a到z的26个字母中任意一个) --- [!字符] 它只代表单个字符 (如:[!a-z]代表9,0,%,*等) --- [!数字] 它只代表单个字符 (如:[!0-9]代表A,b,C,d等) --- 字符[范围类型]字符 可以和其它几种方式组合使用 (如:cc[!a-d]#代表ccF#等) select s_name from tb_student where s_name like '欧阳_' select s_name from tb_student where s_name like '欧阳%' and len(s_name)=3 --查询"DB_"开头,且倒数第三个字符为i的课程的详细情况 --当记录中有通配符时使用转义\escape '\' select * from tb_student where s_name like 'DB\_%i__'escape '\' --查询选修了3号课程的学生的学号及其成绩,查询结果按分数的降序排列 select sno,grade from tb_sc where sno=3 order by grade desc --查询男女生各有多少人 select count(*)from tb_student where sex='男' union select count(*)from tb_student where sex='女' --按性别分组查询 select sex as '性别',count(*) as '人数' from tb_student group by sex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --把相同的字段去掉 select distinct sex from tb_student --truncate 和delete,truncate 执行的速度比delete快 --删除全部数据,保留表的结构 truncate table tb_course ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --T-SQL --循环想表中添加数据的SQL脚本 declare @t int --声明一个整型变量 declare @s char(2) --性别 set @t=0 --给整型变量赋值 while(@t<10) --循环 begin --循环体 if(@t%2!=0) set @s='男' else set @s='女' insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno) values('刘备'+cast(@t as varchar(2)),@s,35+@t,cast((1202+@t) as varchar(30) )) set @t=@t+1 end --循环修改表中的数据 declare @t int --声明一个变量 declare @s int set @t=1197 --给整型变量赋值 set @s=31 while(@t<1204) --循环 begin --循环体 update tb_student set d_no=@t where id=@s set @t=@t+1 set @s=@s+1 end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --复制表 select * into tb_student_clone from tb_student where 1=1 --复制表结构 select * into tb_student_clone2 from tb_student where 1=2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --分页每页显示5条记录 select top 5 * from tb_student select top 5 * from tb_student order by id asc --显示第二页 select top 5 * from tb_student where id not in(select top 5 id from tb_student) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --冒牌分页 declare @t1 int --声明一个整型变量 declare @pagecount int set @t1=0 --给整型变量赋值 set @pagecount=(cast((select count(*) as count from tb_student) as int)/5)+1; print @pagecount; while(@t1<(@pagecount)) --循环 begin --循环体 select top 5 * from tb_student where id not in(select top (5*@t1) id from tb_student) set @t1=@t1+1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --每页显示m条数据,查询第n页结果 declare @m int ---每页显示多少条数据 declare @n int --- set @m=5 set @n=(cast((select count(*) as count from tb_student) as int)/5)+1; print @n if (@n-1)>0 begin select top (@m) * from tb_student where id not in(select top (@m*(@n-1)) id from tb_student) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --求交集,可以直接用and select * from tb_student where sex='女' intersect select * from tb_student where age>35 --求并集 系统会自动将重复的元组去掉 select * from tb_student where sex='男' union select * from tb_student where age>21 ----求交集 系统保留重复元素组 select * from tb_student where sex='男' union all select * from tb_student where age>21 --求补集 select * from tb_student where sex='男' except select * from tb_student where age<30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --获得当前增量的值 identity--系统变量 select @@identity as abc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --cast类型转换函数 select cast('123' as int) select cast('2012-12-11' as datetime) select cast(CONVERT(varchar(800),GETDATE(),121) as datetime) --convert类型转换函数 select convert(datetime, '2012-12-11') --获取当前时间 select current_timestamp --获取当前主机端口号和主机名 select host_id() as '主机端口号',host_name() as '主机名' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --字符串的连接 select * from tb_student where s_name=('刘备'+'0') --当表中不存在此字段时,系统会自动创建一个虚列字段 select *,('abc'+'123') as a from tb_student select * from tb_student select * from tb_depart ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --多表查询 select distinct * from tb_student as s,tb_course as c,tb_sc as sc where s.tno=sc.tno and c.c_no=sc.c_no --连接查询 --内联查询 select a.*,b.d_name from tb_student a inner join tb_depart b on b.d_name='计算机学院' and a.d_no=b.d_no --左连查询,以左边表为基表,满足条件的查询出来,不满足条件用null填充 select * from tb_student a left join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='计算机学院' --右连查询,以右边表为基表,满足条件的查询出来,不满足条件用null填充 select * from tb_student a right join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='计算机学院' --嵌套查询 select * from tb_depart as a where a.d_no in(select d_no from tb_student where s_name='张三') select * from tb_depart as a where a.d_no not in(select d_no from tb_student where s_name='张三') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --创建视图 create view view_sc as select a.*,b.d_name from tb_student a right join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='计算机学院' --查询视图 select * from view_sc a,tb_sc b where a.tno=b.tno --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --判断数据库是否存在,如果存在,就删除它 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='j1216') drop database j1216 --判断表在数据库中是否存在,如果存在,就删除它 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='tb_sc') drop table tb_sc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --定义变量保存表中的记录 declare @t2 int select @t2=count(*) from tb_student print @t2; --打印变量 ----print 直接返回一个值 ----select 返回一个带有结构的值,比如说有列名 print @t2 select @t2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --全局变量的使用 --打印SQL Server的版本 print 'SQL Server的版本: '+@@VERSION --打印服务器的名称 print '服务器的名称: '+@@SERVERNAME --向tb_student表中添加一行数据 INSERT INTO tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) VALUES('武松','男',23,'1205',63) --如果大于0表示上一条语句执行有错误 print '当前错误号: '+convert(varchar(5),@@ERROR) --打印刚在表中添加的数据的ID号 print '刚才报名的学员,座位号为:' +convert(varchar(5),@@IDENTITY ) --修改tb_student表中姓名为'李四'的学生的年龄 UPDATE tb_student SET age=85 WHERE s_name='李四' --如果大于0表示上一条语句执行有错误 print '当前错误号: '+convert(varchar(5),@@ERROR) --GO是批处理的标志, --表示SQL Server将这些T-SQL语句编译为一个执行单元,提高执行效率 GO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --if-else语句的使用 declare @a float select @a=avg(w_grade) from tb_grade print @a print '平均分是:'+convert(varchar(10),@a) if(@a>=60) begin print '平均成绩:良' select top 3 g_no, s_no, w_grade from tb_grade order by w_grade desc end else begin print '平均成绩:差' select top 3 g_no, s_no, w_grade from tb_grade order by w_grade asc end go --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --while循环语句 declare @a1 float while(1=1) begin select @a1=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 print @a1 if(@a1>0) begin update tb_grade set w_grade=w_grade+2 where w_grade<60 end else begin break; end end go select * from tb_grade; --变量保存小于60分的学生人数 declare @c int select @c=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 while(@c>0) begin update tb_grade set w_grade=w_grade+2 select @c=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 end go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --case end ---相当于switch select *, case when w_grade>=90 then 'A' when w_grade>=80 and w_grade<=89 then 'B' when w_grade>=70 and w_grade<=79 then 'C' when w_grade>=60 and w_grade<=69 then 'D' else 'E' end as '成绩评定' from tb_grade go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --触发器的语法 ---- create trigger triggerName on tableName ---- for delete,|insert,|update ---- as ---- begin ---- --T-SQL ---- end --创建一张备份表 select * into tb_student_clone from tb_student where 1=2 --创建触发器的脚本 --deleted inserted是删除,增加时调用的虚拟表 drop trigger tg_student; drop trigger tg_student1; drop trigger tg_student2; ------ tb_student和tb_sc有主外键关联,创建删除触发器需要先删除从表后删主表 ---------------------------------删除触发器 create trigger tg_student on tb_student for delete as begin insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end ----调用触发器 delete from tb_student where id=25 ---报错: 当 IDENTITY_INSERT 设置为 OFF 时,不能为表 'tb_student_clone' 中的标识列插入显式值。 --------正确如下: create trigger tg_student1 on tb_student for delete as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end -------------------------插入触发器 create trigger tg_student2 on tb_student for insert as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from inserted end --触发器的调用 insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('','',25,'1206',9) select * from tb_student_clone --删除触发器 drop trigger tg_student --禁用触发器 disable trigger tg_student on tb_student disable trigger tg_student2 on tb_student --启用触发器 enable trigger tg_student on tb_student --修改触发器 只需要在创建触发器的脚本中将create改为alter alter trigger tg_student on tb_student for delete,update as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --创建触发器,使得在向OrderDetails表中添加数据时,货仓表中的货物数量UnetislnStock --则要减去相应的订单表中预定的数量Quantity create trigger tg_order on OrderDetails for insert as begin --@a是订单中产品数量 declare @a int --@b是订单中产品号码 declare @b int select @a=Quantity from inserted select @b=ProductD from inserted update Products set UnetislnStock=(UnetislnStock-@a) where ProductD=@b end --禁用触发器 disable trigger tri_order on OrderDetails --启用触发器 enable trigger tri_order on OrderDetails --调用触发器 insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10527,4,19.00,10) select * from Products select * from OrderDetails; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --创建无参存储过程 create proc pro_2 as begin insert into tb_student( s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values('李刚','男',35,'1207',8) end --调用存储过程 exec pro_2 --创建带参数的存储过程,输入和输出参数(用output定义的参数为输出参数) --用in定义的参数是输入参数(in可以不写) create proc pro_4(@name varchar(20),@sex varchar(2), @age int,@tno varchar(50),@d_no int,@c int output) as begin insert into tb_student(s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values(@name,@sex,@age,@tno,@d_no) set @c=@@rowcount print '添加'+convert(varchar(5),@c)+'条数据' end --调用存储过程 declare @a int exec pro_4 '凤姐','女',30,'1203',250,@a --修改存储过程 只需要在创建存储过程的脚本中将create改为alter alter proc pro_4(@name varchar(20),@sex varchar(2), @age int,@tno varchar(50),@d_no int,@c int output) as begin if @name='' begin raiserror('姓名不能为空',17,1) return end insert into tb_student(s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values(@name,@sex,@age,@tno,@d_no) set @c=@@rowcount print '添加'+convert(varchar(5),@c)+'条数据' end --调用存储过程 declare @a int exec pro_4 '','女',30,'1207',250,@a declare @a int exec pro_4 '伏羲','女',30,'1207',250,@a --删除存储过程 drop proc pro_2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --存储过程:查询数据库中指定开始行到结束行记录 create proc pro_zuoye(@a int,@b int) as begin select * from tb_student where id not in(select top (@a-1) id from tb_student) intersect select * from tb_student where id in(select top (@b) id from tb_student ) end --调用存储过程 exec pro_zuoye 5,8 --------------------简单的分页,使用存储过程 USE [j1216] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Sp_PapeView] Script Date: 07/24/2013 15:45:31 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc Sp_PageView ( @RecordCount int OUTPUT, --总记录数 @PageSize int=4, --每页的大小(记录数) @PageCurrent int=1, --要显示的页码 @PageCount int OUTPUT --总页数 ) as begin select @RecordCount=COUNT(*) from tb_student select @PageCount=@RecordCount/@PageSize+1 select top (@PageSize) * from tb_student where id not in (select top ((@PageCurrent-1)*@PageCount) id from tb_student) end declare @RecordCount int,@PageCount int exec sp_pageView @RecordCount,5,1,@PageCount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --备注:凡是使用create函数创建的数据库元素,全部都用drop来删除
【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】
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【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】
【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】
【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】 【少于150字的随笔不允许发布到网站首页】