一次非常有趣的 SQL 优化经历
#课程表 create table Course( c_id int PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(10) )
#增加课程表100条数据 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_Course; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_Course() BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; WHILE i<=100 DO INSERT INTO Course(`c_id`,`name`) VALUES(i, CONCAT('语文',i+'')); SET i = i+1; END WHILE; END $ CALL insert_Course();
CALL insert_Course(); > OK > 时间: 0.152s
#学生表 create table Student( s_id int PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(10) )
#学生表增加70000条数据 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_Student; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_Student() BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; WHILE i<=70000 DO INSERT INTO Student(`s_id`,`name`) VALUES(i, CONCAT('张三',i+'')); SET i = i+1; END WHILE; END $ CALL insert_Student();
CALL insert_Student(); > OK > 时间: 175.838s
#成绩表 CREATE table Result( r_id int PRIMARY KEY, s_id int, c_id int, score int )
#成绩表增加70W条数据 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_Result; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_Result() BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE sNum INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE cNum INT DEFAULT 1; WHILE i<=700000 DO if (sNum%70000 = 0) THEN set sNum = 1; elseif (cNum%100 = 0) THEN set cNum = 1; end if; INSERT INTO Result(`r_id`,`s_id`,`c_id`,`score`) VALUES(i,sNum ,cNum , (RAND()*99)+1); SET i = i+1; SET sNum = sNum+1; SET cNum = cNum+1; END WHILE; END $ CALL insert_Result();
CALL insert_Result(); > OK > 时间: 2029.5s
#查询语文1考100分的考生 select s.* from Student s where s.s_id in (select s_id from Result r where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100)
EXPLAIN select s.* from Student s where s.s_id in (select s_id from Result r where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100)
CREATE index result_c_id_index on Result(c_id); CREATE index result_score_index on Result(score);
SELECT `example`.`s`.`s_id` AS `s_id`, `example`.`s`.`name` AS `name` FROM `example`.`Student` `s` semi JOIN ( `example`.`Result` `r` ) WHERE ( ( `example`.`s`.`s_id` = `<subquery2>`.`s_id` ) AND ( `example`.`r`.`score` = 100 ) AND ( `example`.`r`.`c_id` = 1 ) )
#先执行 EXPLAIN select s.* from Student s where s.s_id in (select s_id from Result r where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100); #在执行 show warnings;
select s_id from Result r where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100
select s.* from Student s where s.s_id in (12871,40987,46729,61381,3955,10687,14047,26917,28897,31174,38896,56518,10774,25030,9778,12544,24721,27295,60361, 38479,46990,66988,6790,35995,46192,47578,58171,63220,6685,67372,46279,64693)
DROP index result_c_id_index on Result; DROP index result_score_index on Result;
select s.* from Student s INNER JOIN Result r on r.s_id = s.s_id where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100;
CREATE index result_s_id_index on Result(s_id); show index from Result;
SELECT `example`.`s`.`s_id` AS `s_id`, `example`.`s`.`name` AS `name` FROM `example`.`Student` `s` JOIN `example`.`Result` `r` WHERE ( ( `example`.`s`.`s_id` = `example`.`r`.`s_id` ) AND ( `example`.`r`.`score` = 100 ) AND ( `example`.`r`.`c_id` = 1 ) )
DROP index result_s_id_index on Result;
SELECT s.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM Result r WHERE r.c_id = 1 AND r.score = 100 ) t INNER JOIN Student s ON t.s_id = s.s_id
CREATE index result_c_id_index on Result(c_id); CREATE index result_score_index on Result(score);
SELECT s.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM Result r WHERE r.c_id = 1 AND r.score = 100 ) t INNER JOIN Student s ON t.s_id = s.s_id
EXPLAIN select s.* from Student s INNER JOIN Result r on r.s_id = s.s_id where r.c_id = 1 and r.score = 100;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS insert_Result_TO300W; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE insert_Result_TO300W() BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 700001; DECLARE sNum INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE cNum INT DEFAULT 1; WHILE i<=3000000 DO INSERT INTO Result(`r_id`,`s_id`,`c_id`,`score`) VALUES(i,(RAND()*69999)+1 ,(RAND()*99)+1 , (RAND()*99)+1); SET i = i+1; END WHILE; END $ CALL insert_Result_TO300W();
show index from Result;
select s.* from Student s INNER JOIN Result r on r.s_id = s.s_id where r.c_id = 81 and r.score = 84;
DROP index result_c_id_index on Result; DROP index result_score_index on Result; CREATE index result_c_id_score_index on Result(c_id,score);
MySQL 嵌套子查询效率确实比较低
连接表时,可以先用 where 条件对表进行过滤,然后做表连接(虽然 MySQL 会对连表语句做优化)
学会分析 sql 执行计划,mysql 会对 sql 进行优化,所有分析计划很重要
select * from user_test_copy where sex = 2 and type = 2 and age = 10
CREATE index user_test_index_sex on user_test_copy(sex); CREATE index user_test_index_type on user_test_copy(type); CREATE index user_test_index_age on user_test_copy(age);
create index user_test_index_sex_type_age on user_test(sex,type,age);
select * from user_test where sex = 2 and type = 2 and age = 10
select * from user_test where sex = 2 select * from user_test where sex = 2 and type = 2 select * from user_test where sex = 2 and age = 10
select sex,type,age from user_test where sex = 2 and type = 2 and age = 10
select * from user_test where sex = 2 and type = 2 ORDER BY user_name
select * from user_test where sex = 2 and type = 2 ORDER BY user_name
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