1 public static void main(String[] args) { 2 main0(args); 3 }
1 public static NamesrvController main0(String[] args) { 2 try { 3 NamesrvController controller = createNamesrvController(args); 4 start(controller); 5 String tip = "The Name Server boot success. serializeType=" + RemotingCommand.getSerializeTypeConfigInThisServer(); 6; 7 System.out.printf("%s%n", tip); 8 return controller; 9 } catch (Throwable e) { 10 e.printStackTrace(); 11 System.exit(-1); 12 } 13 14 return null; 15 }
1 public static NamesrvController createNamesrvController(String[] args) throws IOException, JoranException { 2 System.setProperty(RemotingCommand.REMOTING_VERSION_KEY, Integer.toString(MQVersion.CURRENT_VERSION)); 3 //PackageConflictDetect.detectFastjson(); 4 5 Options options = ServerUtil.buildCommandlineOptions(new Options()); 6 commandLine = ServerUtil.parseCmdLine("mqnamesrv", args, buildCommandlineOptions(options), new PosixParser()); 7 if (null == commandLine) { 8 System.exit(-1); 9 return null; 10 } 11 12 final NamesrvConfig namesrvConfig = new NamesrvConfig(); 13 final NettyServerConfig nettyServerConfig = new NettyServerConfig(); 14 nettyServerConfig.setListenPort(9876); 15 if (commandLine.hasOption('c')) { 16 String file = commandLine.getOptionValue('c'); 17 if (file != null) { 18 InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); 19 properties = new Properties(); 20 properties.load(in); 21 MixAll.properties2Object(properties, namesrvConfig); 22 MixAll.properties2Object(properties, nettyServerConfig); 23 24 namesrvConfig.setConfigStorePath(file); 25 26 System.out.printf("load config properties file OK, %s%n", file); 27 in.close(); 28 } 29 } 30 31 if (commandLine.hasOption('p')) { 32 InternalLogger console = InternalLoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerName.NAMESRV_CONSOLE_NAME); 33 MixAll.printObjectProperties(console, namesrvConfig); 34 MixAll.printObjectProperties(console, nettyServerConfig); 35 System.exit(0); 36 } 37 38 MixAll.properties2Object(ServerUtil.commandLine2Properties(commandLine), namesrvConfig); 39 40 if (null == namesrvConfig.getRocketmqHome()) { 41 System.out.printf("Please set the %s variable in your environment to match the location of the RocketMQ installation%n", MixAll.ROCKETMQ_HOME_ENV); 42 System.exit(-2); 43 } 44 45 LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); 46 JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); 47 configurator.setContext(lc); 48 lc.reset(); 49 configurator.doConfigure(namesrvConfig.getRocketmqHome() + "/conf/logback_namesrv.xml"); 50 51 log = InternalLoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerName.NAMESRV_LOGGER_NAME); 52 53 MixAll.printObjectProperties(log, namesrvConfig); 54 MixAll.printObjectProperties(log, nettyServerConfig); 55 56 final NamesrvController controller = new NamesrvController(namesrvConfig, nettyServerConfig); 57 58 // remember all configs to prevent discard 59 controller.getConfiguration().registerConfig(properties); 60 61 return controller; 62 }
1 private String rocketmqHome = System.getProperty(MixAll.ROCKETMQ_HOME_PROPERTY, System.getenv(MixAll.ROCKETMQ_HOME_ENV)); 2 private String kvConfigPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "namesrv" + File.separator + "kvConfig.json"; 3 private String configStorePath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "namesrv" + File.separator + ""; 4 private String productEnvName = "center"; 5 private boolean clusterTest = false; 6 private boolean orderMessageEnable = false;
1 private int listenPort = 8888; 2 private int serverWorkerThreads = 8; 3 private int serverCallbackExecutorThreads = 0; 4 private int serverSelectorThreads = 3; 5 private int serverOnewaySemaphoreValue = 256; 6 private int serverAsyncSemaphoreValue = 64; 7 private int serverChannelMaxIdleTimeSeconds = 120; 8 9 private int serverSocketSndBufSize = NettySystemConfig.socketSndbufSize // 65535; 10 private int serverSocketRcvBufSize = NettySystemConfig.socketRcvbufSize // 65535; 11 private boolean serverPooledByteBufAllocatorEnable = true;
## # 名称:NamesrvConfig.rocketmqHome <String> # 默认值:(通过 sh mqnamesrv 设置 ROCKETMQ_HOME 环境变量,在源程序中获取环境变量得 # 到的目录) # 描述:RocketMQ 主目录 # 建议:不主动配置 ## rocketmqHome = /usr/rocketmq ## # 名称:NamesrvConfig.kvConfigPath <String> # 默认值:$user.home/namesrv/kvConfig.json <在源程序中获取用户环境变量后生成> # 描述:kv 配置文件路径,包含顺序消息主题的配置信息 # 建议:启用顺序消息时配置 ## kvConfigPath = /root/namesrv/kvConfig.json ## # 名称:NamesrvConfig.configStorePath <String> # 默认值:$user.home/namesrv/ <在源程序中获取用户环境变量后生成> # 描述:NameServer 配置文件路径 # 建议:启动时通过 -c 指定 ## configStorePath = /root/namesrv/ ## # 名称:NamesrvConfig.clusterTest <boolean> # 默认值:false <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:是否开启集群测试 # 建议:不主动配置 ## clusterTest = false ## # 名称:NamesrvConfig.orderMessageEnable <boolean> # 默认值:false <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:是否支持顺序消息 # 建议:启用顺序消息时配置 ## orderMessageEnable = false ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.listenPort <int> # 默认值:9876 <在源程序中初始化后单独设置> # 描述:服务端监听端口 # 建议:不主动配置 ## listenPort = 9876 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverWorkerThreads <int> # 默认值:8 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:Netty 业务线程池线程个数 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverWorkerThreads = 8 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverCallbackExecutorThreads <int> # 默认值:0 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:Netty public 任务线程池线程个数,Netty 网络设计,根据业务类型会创建不同的线程池,比如处理发送消息、消息消费、心跳检测等。如果该业务类型(RequestCode)未注册线程池,则由 public 线程池执行 # 建议: ## serverCallbackExecutorThreads = 0 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverSelectorThreads <int> # 默认值:3 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:IO 线程池线程个数,主要是 NameServer、Broker 端解析请求、返回响应的线程个数,这类线程池主要是处理网络请求的,解析请求包,然后转发到各个业务线程池完成具体的业务操作,然后将结果再返回调用方 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverSelectorThreads = 3 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverOnewaySemaphoreValue <int> # 默认值:256 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:send oneway 消息请求并发度 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverOnewaySemaphoreValue = 256 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverAsyncSemaphoreValue <int> # 默认值:64 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:异步消息发送最大并发度 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverAsyncSemaphoreValue = 64 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverChannelMaxIdleTimeSeconds <int> # 默认值:120 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:网络连接最大空闲时间,单位秒,如果连接空闲时间超过该参数设置的值,连接将被关闭 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverChannelMaxIdleTimeSeconds = 120 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverSocketSndBufSize <int> # 默认值:65535 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:网络 socket 发送缓存区大小,单位 B,即默认为 64KB # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverSocketSndBufSize = 65535 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverSocketRcvBufSize <int> # 默认值:65535 <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:网络 socket 接收缓存区大小,单位 B,即默认为 64KB # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverSocketRcvBufSize = 65535 ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.serverPooledByteBufAllocatorEnable <int> # 默认值:true <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:ByteBuffer 是否开启缓存,建议开启 # 建议:不主动配置 ## serverPooledByteBufAllocatorEnable = true ## # 名称:NettyServerConfig.useEpollNativeSelector <int> # 默认值:false <在源程序中初始化字段时指定> # 描述:是否启用 Epoll IO 模型 # 建议:Linux 环境开启 ## useEpollNativeSelector = true
1 public NamesrvController(NamesrvConfig namesrvConfig, NettyServerConfig nettyServerConfig) { 2 this.namesrvConfig = namesrvConfig; 3 this.nettyServerConfig = nettyServerConfig; 4 this.kvConfigManager = new KVConfigManager(this); 5 this.routeInfoManager = new RouteInfoManager(); 6 this.brokerHousekeepingService = new BrokerHousekeepingService(this); 7 this.configuration = new Configuration( 8 log, 9 this.namesrvConfig, this.nettyServerConfig 10 ); 11 this.configuration.setStorePathFromConfig(this.namesrvConfig, "configStorePath"); 12 }
1 public class KVConfigManager { 2 private final NamesrvController namesrvController; 3 private final HashMap<String/* Namespace */, HashMap<String/* Key */, String/* Value */>> configTable = 4 new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); 5 6 public KVConfigManager(NamesrvController namesrvController) { 7 this.namesrvController = namesrvController; 8 } 9 ...... 10 }
1 public class RouteInfoManager { 2 private final HashMap<String/* topic */, List<QueueData>> topicQueueTable; 3 private final HashMap<String/* brokerName */, BrokerData> brokerAddrTable; 4 private final HashMap<String/* clusterName */, Set<String/* brokerName */>> clusterAddrTable; 5 private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, BrokerLiveInfo> brokerLiveTable; 6 private final HashMap<String/* brokerAddr */, List<String>/* Filter Server */> filterServerTable; 7 private final static long BROKER_CHANNEL_EXPIRED_TIME = 1000 * 60 * 2; 8 9 public RouteInfoManager() { 10 this.topicQueueTable = new HashMap<String, List<QueueData>>(1024); 11 this.brokerAddrTable = new HashMap<String, BrokerData>(128); 12 this.clusterAddrTable = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(32); 13 this.brokerLiveTable = new HashMap<String, BrokerLiveInfo>(256); 14 this.filterServerTable = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(256); 15 } 16 ...... 17 }
RouteInfoManager则记录了这些路由信息,其中BROKER_CHANNEL_EXPIRED_TIME 表示允许的不活跃的Broker存活时间
1 public class BrokerHousekeepingService implements ChannelEventListener { 2 private static final InternalLogger log = InternalLoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerName.NAMESRV_LOGGER_NAME); 3 private final NamesrvController namesrvController; 4 5 public BrokerHousekeepingService(NamesrvController namesrvController) { 6 this.namesrvController = namesrvController; 7 } 8 9 @Override 10 public void onChannelConnect(String remoteAddr, Channel channel) { 11 } 12 13 @Override 14 public void onChannelClose(String remoteAddr, Channel channel) { 15 this.namesrvController.getRouteInfoManager().onChannelDestroy(remoteAddr, channel); 16 } 17 18 @Override 19 public void onChannelException(String remoteAddr, Channel channel) { 20 this.namesrvController.getRouteInfoManager().onChannelDestroy(remoteAddr, channel); 21 } 22 23 @Override 24 public void onChannelIdle(String remoteAddr, Channel channel) { 25 this.namesrvController.getRouteInfoManager().onChannelDestroy(remoteAddr, channel); 26 } 27 }
1 public static NamesrvController start(final NamesrvController controller) throws Exception { 2 if (null == controller) { 3 throw new IllegalArgumentException("NamesrvController is null"); 4 } 5 6 boolean initResult = controller.initialize(); 7 if (!initResult) { 8 controller.shutdown(); 9 System.exit(-3); 10 } 11 12 Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHookThread(log, new Callable<Void>() { 13 @Override 14 public Void call() throws Exception { 15 controller.shutdown(); 16 return null; 17 } 18 })); 19 20 controller.start(); 21 22 return controller; 23 }
1 public boolean initialize() { 2 this.kvConfigManager.load(); 3 4 this.remotingServer = new NettyRemotingServer(this.nettyServerConfig, this.brokerHousekeepingService); 5 6 this.remotingExecutor = 7 Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nettyServerConfig.getServerWorkerThreads(), new ThreadFactoryImpl("RemotingExecutorThread_")); 8 9 this.registerProcessor(); 10 11 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 12 13 @Override 14 public void run() { 15 NamesrvController.this.routeInfoManager.scanNotActiveBroker(); 16 } 17 }, 5, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 18 19 this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { 20 21 @Override 22 public void run() { 23 NamesrvController.this.kvConfigManager.printAllPeriodically(); 24 } 25 }, 1, 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); 26 27 if (TlsSystemConfig.tlsMode != TlsMode.DISABLED) { 28 // Register a listener to reload SslContext 29 try { 30 fileWatchService = new FileWatchService( 31 new String[] { 32 TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerCertPath, 33 TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerKeyPath, 34 TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerTrustCertPath 35 }, 36 new FileWatchService.Listener() { 37 boolean certChanged, keyChanged = false; 38 @Override 39 public void onChanged(String path) { 40 if (path.equals(TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerTrustCertPath)) { 41"The trust certificate changed, reload the ssl context"); 42 reloadServerSslContext(); 43 } 44 if (path.equals(TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerCertPath)) { 45 certChanged = true; 46 } 47 if (path.equals(TlsSystemConfig.tlsServerKeyPath)) { 48 keyChanged = true; 49 } 50 if (certChanged && keyChanged) { 51"The certificate and private key changed, reload the ssl context"); 52 certChanged = keyChanged = false; 53 reloadServerSslContext(); 54 } 55 } 56 private void reloadServerSslContext() { 57 ((NettyRemotingServer) remotingServer).loadSslContext(); 58 } 59 }); 60 } catch (Exception e) { 61 log.warn("FileWatchService created error, can't load the certificate dynamically"); 62 } 63 } 64 65 return true; 66 }
1 public void load() { 2 String content = null; 3 try { 4 content = MixAll.file2String(this.namesrvController.getNamesrvConfig().getKvConfigPath()); 5 } catch (IOException e) { 6 log.warn("Load KV config table exception", e); 7 } 8 if (content != null) { 9 KVConfigSerializeWrapper kvConfigSerializeWrapper = 10 KVConfigSerializeWrapper.fromJson(content, KVConfigSerializeWrapper.class); 11 if (null != kvConfigSerializeWrapper) { 12 this.configTable.putAll(kvConfigSerializeWrapper.getConfigTable()); 13"load KV config table OK"); 14 } 15 } 16 }
1 public NettyRemotingServer(final NettyServerConfig nettyServerConfig, 2 final ChannelEventListener channelEventListener) { 3 super(nettyServerConfig.getServerOnewaySemaphoreValue(), nettyServerConfig.getServerAsyncSemaphoreValue()); 4 this.serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(); 5 this.nettyServerConfig = nettyServerConfig; 6 this.channelEventListener = channelEventListener; 7 8 int publicThreadNums = nettyServerConfig.getServerCallbackExecutorThreads(); 9 if (publicThreadNums <= 0) { 10 publicThreadNums = 4; 11 } 12 13 this.publicExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(publicThreadNums, new ThreadFactory() { 14 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 15 16 @Override 17 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 18 return new Thread(r, "NettyServerPublicExecutor_" + this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet()); 19 } 20 }); 21 22 if (useEpoll()) { 23 this.eventLoopGroupBoss = new EpollEventLoopGroup(1, new ThreadFactory() { 24 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 25 26 @Override 27 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 28 return new Thread(r, String.format("NettyEPOLLBoss_%d", this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet())); 29 } 30 }); 31 32 this.eventLoopGroupSelector = new EpollEventLoopGroup(nettyServerConfig.getServerSelectorThreads(), new ThreadFactory() { 33 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 34 private int threadTotal = nettyServerConfig.getServerSelectorThreads(); 35 36 @Override 37 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 38 return new Thread(r, String.format("NettyServerEPOLLSelector_%d_%d", threadTotal, this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet())); 39 } 40 }); 41 } else { 42 this.eventLoopGroupBoss = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, new ThreadFactory() { 43 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 44 45 @Override 46 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 47 return new Thread(r, String.format("NettyNIOBoss_%d", this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet())); 48 } 49 }); 50 51 this.eventLoopGroupSelector = new NioEventLoopGroup(nettyServerConfig.getServerSelectorThreads(), new ThreadFactory() { 52 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 53 private int threadTotal = nettyServerConfig.getServerSelectorThreads(); 54 55 @Override 56 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 57 return new Thread(r, String.format("NettyServerNIOSelector_%d_%d", threadTotal, this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet())); 58 } 59 }); 60 } 61 62 loadSslContext(); 63 }
1 private void registerProcessor() { 2 if (namesrvConfig.isClusterTest()) { 3 4 this.remotingServer.registerDefaultProcessor(new ClusterTestRequestProcessor(this, namesrvConfig.getProductEnvName()), 5 this.remotingExecutor); 6 } else { 7 8 this.remotingServer.registerDefaultProcessor(new DefaultRequestProcessor(this), this.remotingExecutor); 9 } 10 }
1 public void registerDefaultProcessor(NettyRequestProcessor processor, ExecutorService executor) { 2 this.defaultRequestProcessor = new Pair<NettyRequestProcessor, ExecutorService>(processor, executor); 3 }
1 public void scanNotActiveBroker() { 2 Iterator<Entry<String, BrokerLiveInfo>> it = this.brokerLiveTable.entrySet().iterator(); 3 while (it.hasNext()) { 4 Entry<String, BrokerLiveInfo> next =; 5 long last = next.getValue().getLastUpdateTimestamp(); 6 if ((last + BROKER_CHANNEL_EXPIRED_TIME) < System.currentTimeMillis()) { 7 RemotingUtil.closeChannel(next.getValue().getChannel()); 8 it.remove(); 9 log.warn("The broker channel expired, {} {}ms", next.getKey(), BROKER_CHANNEL_EXPIRED_TIME); 10 this.onChannelDestroy(next.getKey(), next.getValue().getChannel()); 11 } 12 } 13 }
1 private long lastUpdateTimestamp; 2 private DataVersion dataVersion; 3 private Channel channel; 4 private String haServerAddr;
1 public void printAllPeriodically() { 2 try { 3 this.lock.readLock().lockInterruptibly(); 4 try { 5"--------------------------------------------------------"); 6 7 { 8"configTable SIZE: {}", this.configTable.size()); 9 Iterator<Entry<String, HashMap<String, String>>> it = 10 this.configTable.entrySet().iterator(); 11 while (it.hasNext()) { 12 Entry<String, HashMap<String, String>> next =; 13 Iterator<Entry<String, String>> itSub = next.getValue().entrySet().iterator(); 14 while (itSub.hasNext()) { 15 Entry<String, String> nextSub =; 16"configTable NS: {} Key: {} Value: {}", next.getKey(), nextSub.getKey(), 17 nextSub.getValue()); 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 } finally { 22 this.lock.readLock().unlock(); 23 } 24 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 25 log.error("printAllPeriodically InterruptedException", e); 26 } 27 }
1 public void start() throws Exception { 2 this.remotingServer.start(); 3 4 if (this.fileWatchService != null) { 5 this.fileWatchService.start(); 6 } 7 }
1 public void start() { 2 this.defaultEventExecutorGroup = new DefaultEventExecutorGroup( 3 nettyServerConfig.getServerWorkerThreads(), 4 new ThreadFactory() { 5 6 private AtomicInteger threadIndex = new AtomicInteger(0); 7 8 @Override 9 public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 10 return new Thread(r, "NettyServerCodecThread_" + this.threadIndex.incrementAndGet()); 11 } 12 }); 13 14 ServerBootstrap childHandler = 15, this.eventLoopGroupSelector) 16 .channel(useEpoll() ? EpollServerSocketChannel.class : NioServerSocketChannel.class) 17 .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1024) 18 .option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true) 19 .option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, false) 20 .childOption(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true) 21 .childOption(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, nettyServerConfig.getServerSocketSndBufSize()) 22 .childOption(ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, nettyServerConfig.getServerSocketRcvBufSize()) 23 .localAddress(new InetSocketAddress(this.nettyServerConfig.getListenPort())) 24 .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { 25 @Override 26 public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception { 27 ch.pipeline() 28 .addLast(defaultEventExecutorGroup, HANDSHAKE_HANDLER_NAME, 29 new HandshakeHandler(TlsSystemConfig.tlsMode)) 30 .addLast(defaultEventExecutorGroup, 31 new NettyEncoder(), 32 new NettyDecoder(), 33 new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, nettyServerConfig.getServerChannelMaxIdleTimeSeconds()), 34 new NettyConnectManageHandler(), 35 new NettyServerHandler() 36 ); 37 } 38 }); 39 40 if (nettyServerConfig.isServerPooledByteBufAllocatorEnable()) { 41 childHandler.childOption(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT); 42 } 43 44 try { 45 ChannelFuture sync = this.serverBootstrap.bind().sync(); 46 InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress); 47 this.port = addr.getPort(); 48 } catch (InterruptedException e1) { 49 throw new RuntimeException("this.serverBootstrap.bind().sync() InterruptedException", e1); 50 } 51 52 if (this.channelEventListener != null) { 53 this.nettyEventExecutor.start(); 54 } 55 56 this.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { 57 58 @Override 59 public void run() { 60 try { 61 NettyRemotingServer.this.scanResponseTable(); 62 } catch (Throwable e) { 63 log.error("scanResponseTable exception", e); 64 } 65 } 66 }, 1000 * 3, 1000); 67 }
1 class NettyServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<RemotingCommand> { 2 3 @Override 4 protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RemotingCommand msg) throws Exception { 5 processMessageReceived(ctx, msg); 6 } 7 }
1 public void processMessageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RemotingCommand msg) throws Exception { 2 final RemotingCommand cmd = msg; 3 if (cmd != null) { 4 switch (cmd.getType()) { 5 case REQUEST_COMMAND: 6 processRequestCommand(ctx, cmd); 7 break; 8 case RESPONSE_COMMAND: 9 processResponseCommand(ctx, cmd); 10 break; 11 default: 12 break; 13 } 14 } 15 }
1 public void processRequestCommand(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final RemotingCommand cmd) { 2 final Pair<NettyRequestProcessor, ExecutorService> matched = this.processorTable.get(cmd.getCode()); 3 final Pair<NettyRequestProcessor, ExecutorService> pair = null == matched ? this.defaultRequestProcessor : matched; 4 final int opaque = cmd.getOpaque(); 5 6 if (pair != null) { 7 Runnable run = new Runnable() { 8 @Override 9 public void run() { 10 try { 11 doBeforeRpcHooks(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(, cmd); 12 final RemotingCommand response = pair.getObject1().processRequest(ctx, cmd); 13 doAfterRpcHooks(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(, cmd, response); 14 15 if (!cmd.isOnewayRPC()) { 16 if (response != null) { 17 response.setOpaque(opaque); 18 response.markResponseType(); 19 try { 20 ctx.writeAndFlush(response); 21 } catch (Throwable e) { 22 log.error("process request over, but response failed", e); 23 log.error(cmd.toString()); 24 log.error(response.toString()); 25 } 26 } else { 27 28 } 29 } 30 } catch (Throwable e) { 31 log.error("process request exception", e); 32 log.error(cmd.toString()); 33 34 if (!cmd.isOnewayRPC()) { 35 final RemotingCommand response = RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(RemotingSysResponseCode.SYSTEM_ERROR, 36 RemotingHelper.exceptionSimpleDesc(e)); 37 response.setOpaque(opaque); 38 ctx.writeAndFlush(response); 39 } 40 } 41 } 42 }; 43 44 if (pair.getObject1().rejectRequest()) { 45 final RemotingCommand response = RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(RemotingSysResponseCode.SYSTEM_BUSY, 46 "[REJECTREQUEST]system busy, start flow control for a while"); 47 response.setOpaque(opaque); 48 ctx.writeAndFlush(response); 49 return; 50 } 51 52 try { 53 final RequestTask requestTask = new RequestTask(run,, cmd); 54 pair.getObject2().submit(requestTask); 55 } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { 56 if ((System.currentTimeMillis() % 10000) == 0) { 57 log.warn(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr( 58 + ", too many requests and system thread pool busy, RejectedExecutionException " 59 + pair.getObject2().toString() 60 + " request code: " + cmd.getCode()); 61 } 62 63 if (!cmd.isOnewayRPC()) { 64 final RemotingCommand response = RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(RemotingSysResponseCode.SYSTEM_BUSY, 65 "[OVERLOAD]system busy, start flow control for a while"); 66 response.setOpaque(opaque); 67 ctx.writeAndFlush(response); 68 } 69 } 70 } else { 71 String error = " request type " + cmd.getCode() + " not supported"; 72 final RemotingCommand response = 73 RemotingCommand.createResponseCommand(RemotingSysResponseCode.REQUEST_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED, error); 74 response.setOpaque(opaque); 75 ctx.writeAndFlush(response); 76 log.error(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr( + error); 77 } 78 }
1 final RemotingCommand response = pair.getObject1().processRequest(ctx, cmd);
1 public RemotingCommand processRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, 2 RemotingCommand request) throws RemotingCommandException { 3 4 if (ctx != null) { 5 log.debug("receive request, {} {} {}", 6 request.getCode(), 7 RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(, 8 request); 9 } 10 11 12 switch (request.getCode()) { 13 case RequestCode.PUT_KV_CONFIG: 14 return this.putKVConfig(ctx, request); 15 case RequestCode.GET_KV_CONFIG: 16 return this.getKVConfig(ctx, request); 17 case RequestCode.DELETE_KV_CONFIG: 18 return this.deleteKVConfig(ctx, request); 19 case RequestCode.QUERY_DATA_VERSION: 20 return queryBrokerTopicConfig(ctx, request); 21 case RequestCode.REGISTER_BROKER: 22 Version brokerVersion = MQVersion.value2Version(request.getVersion()); 23 if (brokerVersion.ordinal() >= MQVersion.Version.V3_0_11.ordinal()) { 24 return this.registerBrokerWithFilterServer(ctx, request); 25 } else { 26 return this.registerBroker(ctx, request); 27 } 28 case RequestCode.UNREGISTER_BROKER: 29 return this.unregisterBroker(ctx, request); 30 case RequestCode.GET_ROUTEINTO_BY_TOPIC: 31 return this.getRouteInfoByTopic(ctx, request); 32 case RequestCode.GET_BROKER_CLUSTER_INFO: 33 return this.getBrokerClusterInfo(ctx, request); 34 case RequestCode.WIPE_WRITE_PERM_OF_BROKER: 35 return this.wipeWritePermOfBroker(ctx, request); 36 case RequestCode.GET_ALL_TOPIC_LIST_FROM_NAMESERVER: 37 return getAllTopicListFromNameserver(ctx, request); 38 case RequestCode.DELETE_TOPIC_IN_NAMESRV: 39 return deleteTopicInNamesrv(ctx, request); 40 case RequestCode.GET_KVLIST_BY_NAMESPACE: 41 return this.getKVListByNamespace(ctx, request); 42 case RequestCode.GET_TOPICS_BY_CLUSTER: 43 return this.getTopicsByCluster(ctx, request); 44 case RequestCode.GET_SYSTEM_TOPIC_LIST_FROM_NS: 45 return this.getSystemTopicListFromNs(ctx, request); 46 case RequestCode.GET_UNIT_TOPIC_LIST: 47 return this.getUnitTopicList(ctx, request); 48 case RequestCode.GET_HAS_UNIT_SUB_TOPIC_LIST: 49 return this.getHasUnitSubTopicList(ctx, request); 50 case RequestCode.GET_HAS_UNIT_SUB_UNUNIT_TOPIC_LIST: 51 return this.getHasUnitSubUnUnitTopicList(ctx, request); 52 case RequestCode.UPDATE_NAMESRV_CONFIG: 53 return this.updateConfig(ctx, request); 54 case RequestCode.GET_NAMESRV_CONFIG: 55 return this.getConfig(ctx, request); 56 default: 57 break; 58 } 59 return null; 60 }