

mysql> select * from t;
| id   |
|    1 |
|    3 |
|    5 |
|    9 |
|   11 |




1. 凡是涉及范围锁,都会在行记录上加Next-Key Lock(X和GAP锁)

2. 小于时,唯一索引和非唯一索引加锁最大范围,都是索引中最接近边界的下一个索引,并且包含该索引(Next-Key),如索引5,和离边界6最近的索引9;


3. 大于时,唯一索引和非唯一索引加锁最小范围,都是索引中最接近边界的前一个索引,但不包含该索引,如索引5,和离6最近的索引5;

  如果插入的值超过索引中最大值,锁类型变为X锁,被锁的最大行为supremum pseudo-record,它是索引中的伪记录,表示索引中可能存在的最大值。此时,锁的范围扩大到正无穷。

4. 等于时

  ① 唯一索引,在索引中存在该值,锁由Next-Key Lock降级为Record锁,只锁住该行;索引中不存在边界值,锁的范围为离边界值最近的两个索引,但不包含这两个索引,如5和9;

  ② 非唯一索引,无论索引中存在该边界值与否,都会找离边界值最近的两个索引(边界值在索引中,也会去前边一个索引,如5,会取3)

5. 无索引情况下,对全表行加锁

6. InnoDB存储引擎中底层锁定的实际范围会根据插入值而变化,给用户感觉锁情况为上表。

7. 如果删除范围锁中的上下边界索引(当然是未被锁定的索引),范围锁会动态地将锁的范围扩大到下一个索引位置



select * from t where XXX  lock in share mode;

select * from information_schema.INNODB_LOCKS;



1. 唯一索引


  锁定:select * from t where id < 5 lock in share mode;


insert into t VALUES(4);

insert into t VALUES(2);

insert into t VALUES(-1);

小结① 加锁都是X,GAP;② lock_data字段(范围锁最大的边界),根据插入值而缩小范围;③ lock_rec字段为锁的行数,插入-1时会锁住1和-1,即2行;没搞清插入2和4,为何分别为5和9

  锁定:select * from t where id > 5 lock in share mode;


  删除索引5,范围锁变为:锁 > 3,即锁会动态变化找到下一个索引的位置。

insert into t VALUES(6); 

insert into t VALUES(10);

insert into t VALUES(12);

小结1① lock_data字段根据插入值,会缩小锁定范围;

② 当插入值超过记录的最大值,即超过所有记录,锁则转变为X锁,并且lock_data为supremum pseudo-record,锁的范围将变成(5~无穷大)

delete from t where id in (5)  成功
insert into t VALUES(5);


  锁定:select * from t where id = 5 lock in share mode;


delete from t where id in (5)

小结:① 加锁为X锁;② lock_data表示锁定5。



  锁定:select * from t where id < 6 lock in share mode;


insert into t VALUES(7);

  锁定:select * from t where id > 6 lock in share mode;



  锁定:select * from t where id = 6 lock in share mode;


insert into t VALUES(5);  



 2. 非唯一索引

具体情况与唯一索引类似,此处不再重复赘述。唯一的区别是lock_data字段不同,由于表中没有主键或唯一性索引,InnoDB存储引擎会为行记录自动生成一个隐藏的主键。在lock_data中既包含索引值,也包含隐藏的主键,如(9, 0x000000000304) 。

  select * from t where id < 7 lock in share mode;


insert into t VALUES(6);

insert into t VALUES(4);

3. 无索引


  select * from t where id < 5 lock in share mode;


insert into t VALUES(4);

insert into t VALUES(3);        同上
insert into t VALUES(5);     同上
insert into t VALUES(100);     同上

小结:① 无索引,锁为X锁;② lock_data为 supremum pseudo-record,表示全表行锁;③ lock_index为GEN_CLUST_INDEX ,表示表的主键为存储引擎自动生成的



Column name Description
LOCK_ID Unique lock ID number, internal to InnoDB. Treat it as an opaque string. Although LOCK_ID currently contains TRX_ID, the format of the data in LOCK_ID is not guaranteed to remain the same in future releases. Do not write programs that parse the LOCK_ID value.
LOCK_TRX_ID ID of the transaction holding this lock. Details about the transaction can be found by joining with INNODB_TRX on TRX_ID.
LOCK_MODE Mode of the lock. One of S, X, IS, IX, S_GAP, X_GAP, IS_GAP, IX_GAP, or AUTO_INC for shared, exclusive, intention shared, intention exclusive row locks, shared and exclusive gap locks, intention shared and intention exclusive gap locks, and auto-increment table level lock, respectively. Refer to the sections Section 14.5.3, “InnoDB Lock Modes” and Section 14.5.2, “The InnoDB Transaction Model and Locking” for information on InnoDB locking.
LOCK_TYPE Type of the lock. One of RECORD or TABLE for record (row) level or table level locks, respectively.
LOCK_TABLE Name of the table that has been locked or contains locked records.
LOCK_INDEX Name of the index if LOCK_TYPE=’RECORD’, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_SPACE Tablespace ID of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=’RECORD’, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_PAGE Page number of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=’RECORD’, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_REC Heap number of the locked record within the page if LOCK_TYPE=’RECORD’, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_DATA Primary key value(s) of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=’RECORD’, otherwise NULL. This column contains the value(s) of the primary key column(s) in the locked row, formatted as a valid SQL string (ready to be copied to SQL commands). If there is no primary key then the InnoDB internal unique row ID number is used. If a gap lock is taken for key values or ranges above the largest value in the index, LOCK_DATA reports “supremum pseudo-record”. When the page containing the locked record is not in the buffer pool (in the case that it was paged out to disk while the lock was held), InnoDB does not fetch the page from disk, to avoid unnecessary disk operations. Instead, LOCK_DATA is set to NULL.




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