








 1 private Button mStartBtn;
 2 @Override
 3 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 4     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
 5     setContentView(R.layout.activity_intent_service);
 6     mStartBtn = findViewById(R.id.start);
 7     new Thread(new Runnable() {
 8         @Override
 9         public void run() {
10             mStartBtn.post(new Runnable() {
11                 @Override
12                 public void run() {
13                     //处理一些耗时操作
14                     mStartBtn.setText("end");
15                 }
16             });
17         }
18     }).start();
19 }





/** 2 * <p>Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue. 3 * The runnable will be run on the user interface thread.</p> 4 * ...... 5 */ 6 public boolean post(Runnable action) { 7 final AttachInfo attachInfo = mAttachInfo; 8 if (attachInfo != null) { 9 return attachInfo.mHandler.post(action); // 10 } 11 // Postpone the runnable until we know on which thread it needs to run. 12 // Assume that the runnable will be successfully placed after attach. 13 getRunQueue().post(action); // 14 return true; 15 }



       1)mAttachInfo != null,走代码①的逻辑。

       2)mAttachInfo == null,走代码②的逻辑。


  (1)mAttachInfo != null的情况


 1 //=============View.AttachInfo===============
 2 /**
 3  * A Handler supplied by a view's {@link android.view.ViewRootImpl}. This
 4  * handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue.
 5  */
 6 final Handler mHandler;
 7 AttachInfo(IWindowSession session, IWindow window, Display display,
 8         ViewRootImpl viewRootImpl, Handler handler, Callbacks effectPlayer,
 9         Context context) {
10     ......
11     mViewRootImpl = viewRootImpl;
12     mHandler = handler;
13     ......
14 }


void dispatchAttachedToWindow(AttachInfo info, int visibility) { 2 mAttachInfo = info; 3 ...... 4 }


  (2)mAttachInfo == null的情况


 1 //=============View.java============
 2 /**
 3  * Queue of pending runnables. Used to postpone calls to post() until this
 4  * view is attached and has a handler.
 5  */
 6 private HandlerActionQueue mRunQueue;
 7 /**
 8  * Returns the queue of runnable for this view.
 9  * ......
10  */
11 private HandlerActionQueue getRunQueue() {
12     if (mRunQueue == null) {
13         mRunQueue = new HandlerActionQueue();
14     }
15     return mRunQueue;
16 }



 1 //============HandlerActionQueue ========
 2 /**
 3  * Class used to enqueue pending work from Views when no Handler is attached.
 4  * ......
 5  */
 6 public class HandlerActionQueue {
 7     private HandlerAction[] mActions;
 8     private int mCount;
10     public void post(Runnable action) {
11         postDelayed(action, 0);
12     }
14     public void postDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMillis) {
15         final HandlerAction handlerAction = new HandlerAction(action, delayMillis);
17         synchronized (this) {
18             if (mActions == null) {
19                 mActions = new HandlerAction[4];
20             }
21             mActions = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mActions, mCount, handlerAction);
22             mCount++;
23         }
24     }
25    ......
26     public void executeActions(Handler handler) {
27         synchronized (this) {
28             final HandlerAction[] actions = mActions;
29             for (int i = 0, count = mCount; i < count; i++) {
30                 final HandlerAction handlerAction = actions[i];
31                 handler.postDelayed(handlerAction.action, handlerAction.delay);
32             }
34             mActions = null;
35             mCount = 0;
36         }
37     }
38    ......
39     private static class HandlerAction {
40         final Runnable action;
41         final long delay;
43         public HandlerAction(Runnable action, long delay) {
44             this.action = action;
45             this.delay = delay;
46         }
47        ......
48     }
49 }



       代码②处执行的结果就是将post的参数Runnable action添加到View的全局变量mRunQueue中了,这样就将Runnable任务存储下来了。那么这些Runnable在什么时候开始执行呢?我们在View类中搜索一下会发现,mRunQueue的真正使用只有一处:

 1 //===========View.java============
 2 void dispatchAttachedToWindow(AttachInfo info, int visibility) {
 3       ......
 4       // Transfer all pending runnables.
 5       if (mRunQueue != null) {
 6            mRunQueue.executeActions(info.mHandler);
 7            mRunQueue = null;
 8        }
 9       ......
10       onAttachedToWindow();
11       ......
12 }

       这里我们又到dispatchAttachedToWindow()方法了,第一种情况也是到了这个方法就停下来了。我们看看第6行,传递的参数也是形参AttachInfo info的mHandler。进入到HandlerActionQueue类的executeActions可以看到,这个方法的作用就是通过传进来的Handler,来post掉mRunQueue中存储的所有Runnable,该方法中的逻辑就不多说了,比较简单。这些Runnable最终在哪个线程运行,就看这个Handler了。





       这里需要对框架部分的代码进行全局搜索,所以需要准备一套系统框架部分的源码,以及源码阅读工具。笔者这里用的是Source Insight来查找的(不会使用童鞋可以学习一下,使用非常广的源码阅读工具,推荐阅读:【工利其器】必会工具之(一)Source Insight篇)。没有源码的童鞋,也可以直接在线查找,直接通过网站的形式来阅读源码(不知道如何操作的,推荐阅读:安卓本卓】Android系统源码篇之(一)源码获取、源码目录结构及源码阅读工具简介第四点,AndroidXRef,使用非常广)。




 1 //=============ViewRootImpl.java===========
 2 final View.AttachInfo mAttachInfo;
 3  ......
 4 public ViewRootImpl(Context context, Display display) {
 5        ......
 6        mAttachInfo = new View.AttachInfo(mWindowSession, 
 7              mWindow, display, this, mHandler, this, context);
 8        ......
 9 }
11 private void performTraversals() {
12        ......
13        host.dispatchAttachedToWindow(mAttachInfo, 0);
14        ......    
15 }
16 ......
17 final ViewRootHandler mHandler = new ViewRootHandler();
18 ......




 在ViewGroup类中,这个方法出现稍微多一点,但是稍微观察可以发现,根本没有找到AttachInfo实例化的地方,要么直接使用的View类中的mAttachInfo(因为ViewGroup是View的子类),要么就是图一中通过传参得到。而图一的方法,也是重写的View的方法,所以这个AttachInfo info实际也是来自View。这样一来我们也就排除了ViewGroup类中的调用了,原始的调用不在这里面。


1 /**
2  * A Handler supplied by a view's {@link android.view.ViewRootImpl}. This
3  * handler can be used to pump events in the UI events queue.
4  */
5 final Handler mHandler;







1 //==========WindowManagerGlobal=========
2 public void addView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params,
3             Display display, Window parentWindow) {
4       ......
5       ViewRootImpl root;
6       ......
7       root = new ViewRootImpl(view.getContext(), display);
8       ......
9 }

       到这里,我们就很难继续追踪了,因为调用addView的地方太多了,很难全局搜索,我们先在这里停一会。其实到这个addView方法时,我们会看到里面有很多对View view参数的操作,而addView顾名思义,也是在修改UI。而对UI的修改,只能发生主线程中,否则会报错,这是一个常识问题,所以我们完全可以明确,addView这个方法,就是运行在主线程的。我想,这样去理解,应该是完全没有问题的。但是笔者总感觉还差点什么,总觉得这里有点猜测的味道,所以还想一探究竟,看看这个addView方法是否真的就运行在主线程。当然,如果不愿意继续深入探究的童鞋,记住本节最后的结论也没有问题。



1 public static void main(String[] args) {
2       ......
3       ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread();
4       ......
5 }


 1 //========ActivityThread.java=========
 2 ......
 3 final H mH = new H();
 4 ......
 5 private class H extends Handler {
 6       public static final int LAUNCH_ACTIVITY         = 100;
 7       public static final int RESUME_ACTIVITY         = 107;
 8       public static final int RELAUNCH_ACTIVITY       = 126;
 9       ......
10       public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
11           switch (msg.what) {
12                 case LAUNCH_ACTIVITY: 
13                       ......
14                  case RESUME_ACTIVITY:
15                       handleResumeActivity(...) 
16                       ......
17                  case RELAUNCH_ACTIVITY:
18                       ......
19 }
20 ......
21 final void handleResumeActivity(...) {
22      ......
23      ViewManager wm = a.getWindowManager();
24      ......
25      wm.addView(decor, l);
26      ......
27 }

其中定义了一个Handler H,现在毫无疑问,mH使用的是主线程的Looper了。如果清楚Activity的启动流程,就会知道不同场景启动一个Acitivty时,都会进入到ActivityThread,通过mH来sendMessage,从而直接或间接地在handleMessage回调方法中调用handleResumeActivity(…),显然,这个方法就运行在主线程中了。














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