门控循环神经网络(gated recurrent neural network)的提出,正是为了更好地捕捉时间序列中时间步距离较大的依赖关系。它通过可以学习的门来控制信息的流动。其中,门控循环单元(gated recurrent unit,GRU)是一种常用的门控循环神经网络。
门控循环单元的设计。它引入了重置门(reset gate)和更新门(update gate)的概念,从而修改了循环神经网络中隐藏状态的计算方式。
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # coding: utf-8 3 4 # In[10]: 5 6 7 import d2lzh as d2l 8 from mxnet import nd 9 from mxnet.gluon import rnn 10 import zipfile 11 12 13 # In[11]: 14 15 16 def load_data_jay_lyrics(file): 17 """Load the Jay Chou lyric data set (available in the Chinese book).""" 18 with zipfile.ZipFile(file) as zin: 19 with zin.open(\'jaychou_lyrics.txt\') as f: 20 corpus_chars = f.read().decode(\'utf-8\') 21 corpus_chars = corpus_chars.replace(\'\n\', \' \').replace(\'\r\', \' \') 22 corpus_chars = corpus_chars[0:10000] 23 idx_to_char = list(set(corpus_chars)) 24 char_to_idx = dict([(char, i) for i, char in enumerate(idx_to_char)]) 25 vocab_size = len(char_to_idx) 26 corpus_indices = [char_to_idx[char] for char in corpus_chars] 27 return corpus_indices, char_to_idx, idx_to_char, vocab_size 28 29 30 # In[12]: 31 32 33 file =\'/Users/James/Documents/dev/test/data/jaychou_lyrics.txt.zip\' 34 (corpus_indices, char_to_idx, idx_to_char, vocab_size) = load_data_jay_lyrics(file) 35 36 37 # In[13]: 38 39 40 num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_outputs = vocab_size, 256, vocab_size 41 ctx = d2l.try_gpu() 42 43 def get_params(): 44 def _one(shape): 45 return nd.random.normal(scale=0.01, shape=shape, ctx=ctx) 46 47 def _three(): 48 return (_one((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), 49 _one((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), 50 nd.zeros(num_hiddens, ctx=ctx)) 51 52 W_xz, W_hz, b_z = _three() # 更新门参数 53 W_xr, W_hr, b_r = _three() # 重置门参数 54 W_xh, W_hh, b_h = _three() # 候选隐藏状态参数 55 # 输出层参数 56 W_hq = _one((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) 57 b_q = nd.zeros(num_outputs, ctx=ctx) 58 # 附上梯度 59 params = [W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q] 60 for param in params: 61 param.attach_grad() 62 return params 63 64 65 # In[14]: 66 67 68 def init_gru_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, ctx): 69 return (nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx), ) 70 71 72 # In[15]: 73 74 75 def gru(inputs, state, params): 76 W_xz, W_hz, b_z, W_xr, W_hr, b_r, W_xh, W_hh, b_h, W_hq, b_q = params 77 H, = state 78 outputs = [] 79 for X in inputs: 80 Z = nd.sigmoid(nd.dot(X, W_xz) + nd.dot(H, W_hz) + b_z) 81 R = nd.sigmoid(nd.dot(X, W_xr) + nd.dot(H, W_hr) + b_r) 82 H_tilda = nd.tanh(nd.dot(X, W_xh) + nd.dot(R * H, W_hh) + b_h) 83 H = Z * H + (1 - Z) * H_tilda 84 Y = nd.dot(H, W_hq) + b_q 85 outputs.append(Y) 86 return outputs, (H,) 87 88 89 # In[16]: 90 91 92 num_epochs, num_steps, batch_size, lr, clipping_theta = 160, 35, 32, 1e2, 1e-2 93 pred_period, pred_len, prefixes = 40, 50, [\'分开\', \'不分开\'] 94 95 96 # In[ ]: 97 98 99 d2l.train_and_predict_rnn(gru, get_params, init_gru_state, num_hiddens, 100 vocab_size, ctx, corpus_indices, idx_to_char, 101 char_to_idx, False, num_epochs, num_steps, lr, 102 clipping_theta, batch_size, pred_period, pred_len, 103 prefixes)
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常用的门控循环神经网络:长短期记忆(long short-term memory,LSTM)。它比门控循环单元的结构稍微复杂一点。
LSTM 中引入了3个门,即输入门(input gate)、遗忘门(forget gate)和输出门(output gate),以及与隐藏状态形状相同的记忆细胞(某些文献把记忆细胞当成一种特殊的隐藏状态),从而记录额外的信息。
1 #LSTM 初始化参数 2 num_inputs, num_hiddens, num_outputs = vocab_size, 256, vocab_size 3 ctx = d2l.try_gpu() 4 5 def get_params(): 6 def _one(shape): 7 return nd.random.normal(scale=0.01, shape=shape, ctx=ctx) 8 9 def _three(): 10 return (_one((num_inputs, num_hiddens)), 11 _one((num_hiddens, num_hiddens)), 12 nd.zeros(num_hiddens, ctx=ctx)) 13 14 W_xi, W_hi, b_i = _three() # 输入门参数 15 W_xf, W_hf, b_f = _three() # 遗忘门参数 16 W_xo, W_ho, b_o = _three() # 输出门参数 17 W_xc, W_hc, b_c = _three() # 候选记忆细胞参数 18 # 输出层参数 19 W_hq = _one((num_hiddens, num_outputs)) 20 b_q = nd.zeros(num_outputs, ctx=ctx) 21 # 附上梯度 22 params = [W_xi, W_hi, b_i, W_xf, W_hf, b_f, W_xo, W_ho, b_o, W_xc, W_hc, 23 b_c, W_hq, b_q] 24 for param in params: 25 param.attach_grad() 26 return params 27 28 29 # In[19]: 30 31 32 def init_lstm_state(batch_size, num_hiddens, ctx): 33 return (nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx), 34 nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, num_hiddens), ctx=ctx))
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