知网情感词典下载地址:- http://www.keenage.com/html/c_bulletin_2007.htm
3.1 基于BosonNLP情感分析原理
3.2 基于BosonNLP情感分析代码:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pandas as pd import jieba #基于波森情感词典计算情感值 def getscore(text): df = pd.read_table(r"BosonNLP_dict\BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt", sep=" ", names=[\'key\', \'score\']) key = df[\'key\'].values.tolist() score = df[\'score\'].values.tolist() # jieba分词 segs = jieba.lcut(text,cut_all = False) #返回list # 计算得分 score_list = [score[key.index(x)] for x in segs if(x in key)] return sum(score_list) #读取文件 def read_txt(filename): with open(filename,\'r\',encoding=\'utf-8\')as f: txt = f.read() return txt #写入文件 def write_data(filename,data): with open(filename,\'a\',encoding=\'utf-8\')as f: f.write(data) if __name__==\'__main__\': text = read_txt(\'test_data\微博.txt\') lists = text.split(\'\n\') # al_senti = [\'无\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'消极\',\'中性\',\'消极\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'积极\',\'积极\',\'积极\', # \'无\',\'积极\',\'积极\',\'中性\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'积极\', # \'无\',\'中性\',\'消极\',\'中性\',\'消极\',\'积极\',\'消极\',\'消极\',\'消极\',\'消极\',\'积极\' # ] al_senti = read_txt(r\'test_data\人工情感标注.txt\').split(\'\n\') i = 0 for list in lists: if list != \'\': # print(list) sentiments = round(getscore(list),2) #情感值为正数,表示积极;为负数表示消极 print(list) print("情感值:",sentiments) print(\'人工标注情感倾向:\'+al_senti[i]) if sentiments > 0: print("机器标注情感倾向:积极\n") s = "机器判断情感倾向:积极\n" else: print(\'机器标注情感倾向:消极\n\') s = "机器判断情感倾向:消极"+\'\n\' sentiment = \'情感值:\'+str(sentiments)+\'\n\' al_sentiment= \'人工标注情感倾向:\'+al_senti[i]+\'\n\' #文件写入 filename = \'result_data\BosonNLP情感分析结果.txt\' write_data(filename,\'情感分析文本:\') write_data(filename,list+\'\n\') #写入待处理文本 write_data(filename,sentiment) #写入情感值 write_data(filename,al_sentiment) #写入机器判断情感倾向 write_data(filename,s+\'\n\') #写入人工标注情感 i = i+1
微博语料:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Pskzw7bg9qTnXD_QKF-4sg 提取码:15bu
3.3 基于知网情感词典的情感挖掘原理
3.4 基于知网情感词典的情感分析代码:
import pyltp from pyltp import Segmentor from pyltp import SentenceSplitter from pyltp import Postagger import numpy as np #读取文件,文件读取函数 def read_file(filename): with open(filename, \'r\',encoding=\'utf-8\')as f: text = f.read() #返回list类型数据 text = text.split(\'\n\') return text #将数据写入文件中 def write_data(filename,data): with open(filename,\'a\',encoding=\'utf-8\')as f: f.write(str(data)) #文本分句 def cut_sentence(text): sentences = SentenceSplitter.split(text) sentence_list = [ w for w in sentences] return sentence_list #文本分词 def tokenize(sentence): #加载模型 segmentor = Segmentor() # 初始化实例 # 加载模型 segmentor.load(r\'E:\tool\python\Lib\site-packages\pyltp-0.2.1.dist-info\ltp_data\cws.model\') # 产生分词,segment分词函数 words = segmentor.segment(sentence) words = list(words) # 释放模型 segmentor.release() return words #词性标注 def postagger(words): # 初始化实例 postagger = Postagger() # 加载模型 postagger.load(r\'E:\tool\python\Lib\site-packages\pyltp-0.2.1.dist-info\ltp_data\pos.model\') # 词性标注 postags = postagger.postag(words) # 释放模型 postagger.release() #返回list postags = [i for i in postags] return postags # 分词,词性标注,词和词性构成一个元组 def intergrad_word(words,postags): #拉链算法,两两匹配 pos_list = zip(words,postags) pos_list = [ w for w in pos_list] return pos_list #去停用词函数 def del_stopwords(words): # 读取停用词表 stopwords = read_file(r"test_data\stopwords.txt") # 去除停用词后的句子 new_words = [] for word in words: if word not in stopwords: new_words.append(word) return new_words # 获取六种权值的词,根据要求返回list,这个函数是为了配合Django的views下的函数使用 def weighted_value(request): result_dict = [] if request == "one": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\most.txt") elif request == "two": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\very.txt") elif request == "three": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\more.txt") elif request == "four": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\ish.txt") elif request == "five": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\insufficiently.txt") elif request == "six": result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\degree_dict\inverse.txt") elif request == \'posdict\': result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\emotion_dict\pos_all_dict.txt") elif request == \'negdict\': result_dict = read_file(r"E:\学习笔记\NLP学习\NLP code\情感分析3\emotion_dict\neg_all_dict.txt") else: pass return result_dict print("reading sentiment dict .......") #读取情感词典 posdict = weighted_value(\'posdict\') negdict = weighted_value(\'negdict\') # 读取程度副词词典 # 权值为2 mostdict = weighted_value(\'one\') # 权值为1.75 verydict = weighted_value(\'two\') # 权值为1.50 moredict = weighted_value(\'three\') # 权值为1.25 ishdict = weighted_value(\'four\') # 权值为0.25 insufficientdict = weighted_value(\'five\') # 权值为-1 inversedict = weighted_value(\'six\') #程度副词处理,对不同的程度副词给予不同的权重 def match_adverb(word,sentiment_value): #最高级权重为 if word in mostdict: sentiment_value *= 8 #比较级权重 elif word in verydict: sentiment_value *= 6 #比较级权重 elif word in moredict: sentiment_value *= 4 #轻微程度词权重 elif word in ishdict: sentiment_value *= 2 #相对程度词权重 elif word in insufficientdict: sentiment_value *= 0.5 #否定词权重 elif word in inversedict: sentiment_value *= -1 else: sentiment_value *= 1 return sentiment_value #对每一条微博打分 def single_sentiment_score(text_sent): sentiment_scores = [] #对单条微博分句 sentences = cut_sentence(text_sent) for sent in sentences: #查看分句结果 # print(\'分句:\',sent) #分词 words = tokenize(sent) seg_words = del_stopwords(words) #i,s 记录情感词和程度词出现的位置 i = 0 #记录扫描到的词位子 s = 0 #记录情感词的位置 poscount = 0 #记录积极情感词数目 negcount = 0 #记录消极情感词数目 #逐个查找情感词 for word in seg_words: #如果为积极词 if word in posdict: poscount += 1 #情感词数目加1 #在情感词前面寻找程度副词 for w in seg_words[s:i]: poscount = match_adverb(w,poscount) s = i+1 #记录情感词位置 # 如果是消极情感词 elif word in negdict: negcount +=1 for w in seg_words[s:i]: negcount = match_adverb(w,negcount) s = i+1 #如果结尾为感叹号或者问号,表示句子结束,并且倒序查找感叹号前的情感词,权重+4 elif word ==\'!\' or word ==\'!\' or word ==\'?\' or word == \'?\': for w2 in seg_words[::-1]: #如果为积极词,poscount+2 if w2 in posdict: poscount += 4 break #如果是消极词,negcount+2 elif w2 in negdict: negcount += 4 break i += 1 #定位情感词的位置 #计算情感值 sentiment_score = poscount - negcount sentiment_scores.append(sentiment_score) #查看每一句的情感值 # print(\'分句分值:\',sentiment_score) sentiment_sum = 0 for s in sentiment_scores: #计算出一条微博的总得分 sentiment_sum +=s return sentiment_sum # 分析test_data.txt 中的所有微博,返回一个列表,列表中元素为(分值,微博)元组 def run_score(contents): # 待处理数据 scores_list = [] for content in contents: if content !=\'\': score = single_sentiment_score(content) # 对每条微博调用函数求得打分 scores_list.append((score, content)) # 形成(分数,微博)元组 return scores_list #主程序 if __name__ == \'__main__\': print(\'Processing........\') #测试 # sentence = \'要怎么说呢! 我需要的恋爱不是现在的样子, 希望是能互相鼓励的勉励, 你现在的样子让我觉得很困惑。 你到底能不能陪我一直走下去, 你是否有决心?\' # sentence = \'转有用吗?这个事本来就是要全社会共同努力的,公交公司有没有培训到位?公交车上地铁站内有没有放足够的宣传标语?我现在转一下微博,没有多大的意义。\' sentences = read_file(r\'test_data\微博.txt\') scores = run_score(sentences) #人工标注情感词典 man_sentiment = read_file(r\'test_data\人工情感标注.txt\') al_sentiment = [] for score in scores: print(\'情感分值:\',score[0]) if score[0] < 0: print(\'情感倾向:消极\') s = \'消极\' elif score[0] == 0: print(\'情感倾向:中性\') s = \'中性\' else: print(\'情感倾向:积极\') s = \'积极\' al_sentiment.append(s) print(\'情感分析文本:\',score[1]) i = 0 #写入文件中 filename = r\'result_data\result_data.txt\' for score in scores: write_data(filename, \'情感分析文本:{}\'.format(str(score[1]))+\'\n\') #写入情感分析文本 write_data(filename,\'情感分值:{}\'.format(str(score[0]))+\'\n\') #写入情感分值 write_data(filename,\'人工标注情感:{}\'.format(str(man_sentiment[i]))+\'\n\') #写入人工标注情感 write_data(filename, \'机器情感标注:{}\'.format(str(al_sentiment[i]))+\'\n\') #写入机器情感标注 write_data(filename,\'\n\') i +=1 print(\'succeed.......\')