
  很久没写技术博客了,有些懈怠,生活还得继续折腾。转眼工作一年多,时间越长越发觉得自己知之甚少,当然这跟IC行业技术密集有关。用空余时间在opencores网站上下载些小的IP看看 验证下,让自己对EDA tool, design, testbench, bus protocol都能有更好的认识。这次接触的是WISHBONE I2C Master Core。仿真验证工具是IES(Irun)+Simvision。


  这一IP也是直接从Opencores网站上下载,对于FPGA平台来说是可以直接拿来用的,还带有spec 仿真脚本,真的是贴心。网络链接见参考节。

   对着图简单介绍下这个IP。内部有预分频寄存器、控制寄存器、状态寄存器、发送寄存器、接收寄存器还有命令寄存器。其中控制寄存器只负责使能,而命令寄存器则是I2C 协议中相关的指令操作。IP的核心逻辑在byte command controller和bit command controller两个模块中。

  byte command controller根据命令控制寄存器的指令来将单一的命令转换为bit级别的命令,bit command controller接受bit级命令后将每一比特划分更细的时间片操作SCL和SDA产生特定的时序。比如当读取一个字节时,bit command controller接收到8个读指令,而对于每一个比特分为5个时间片IDLE A B C D。这种分层设计方式具有很高的复用性和可读性。


  IES+Simvision是Cadence公司的仿真调试工具,Simvision的code schematic wave三者建立了映射关系,调试起来效率非常高。irun指令可以直接一起完成compilation elaboration simulation三个步骤,通过脚本观察它的使用方式。

  1. 1 #!/bin/tcsh
  2. 2
  3. 3 set i2c = ../../..
  4. 4 set bench = $i2c/bench
  5. 5 set wave_dir = $i2c/sim/rtl_sim/i2c_verilog/waves
  6. 6
  7. 7 irun -64bit \
  8. 8 \
  9. 9 +access+rwc \
  10. 10 +define+WAVES \
  11. 11 \
  12. 12 +incdir+$bench/verilog \
  13. 13 +incdir+$i2c/rtl/verilog \
  14. 14 \
  15. 15 $i2c/rtl/verilog/i2c_master_bit_ctrl.v \
  16. 16 $i2c/rtl/verilog/i2c_master_byte_ctrl.v \
  17. 17 $i2c/rtl/verilog/i2c_master_top.v \
  18. 18 \
  19. 19 $bench/verilog/i2c_slave_model.v \
  20. 20 $bench/verilog/wb_master_model.v \
  21. 21 $bench/verilog/tst_bench_top.v



+access+rwc 设置编译结果的访问权限为读写执行

+define+WAVES 在外部添加verilog宏定义 WAVES,相当于`define WAVES

+incdir+xxx 添加路径,把design和testbench代码路径添加其中



  条件编译使能dump .sh波形的代码段。具体使用方式参考文末链接。



simvision -64bit WAVES/ &



  自带的testbench中例化了一个wb_master_model,两个DUT以及一个i2c_slave_model。作者特意例化两个I2C master意在验证I2C协议中多总线机制。我们可以从Simvision的schematic中直观地看到tb的整体结构。

   testbench中利用wb_master_model内部的task来实现总线读写Core寄存器,也就是充当MCU中CPU的角色。原有的testbench code存在些问题,解决后添加了测试中断信号的部分代码。源代码如下:

  1. 1 `include "timescale.v"
  2. 2 module tst_bench_top();
  3. 3
  4. 4 //
  5. 5 // wires && regs
  6. 6 //
  7. 7 reg clk;
  8. 8 reg rstn;
  9. 9
  10. 10 wire [31:0] adr;
  11. 11 wire [2:0] adr_i;
  12. 12 wire [ 7:0] dat_i, dat_o, dat0_i, dat1_i;
  13. 13 wire we;
  14. 14 wire stb;
  15. 15 wire cyc;
  16. 16 wire ack;
  17. 17 wire inta0,inta1;
  18. 18
  19. 19 reg [7:0] q, qq;
  20. 20
  21. 21 wire scl, scl0_o, scl0_oen, scl1_o, scl1_oen;
  22. 22 wire sda, sda0_o, sda0_oen, sda1_o, sda1_oen;
  23. 23
  24. 24 parameter PRER_LO = 3'b000;
  25. 25 parameter PRER_HI = 3'b001;
  26. 26 parameter CTR = 3'b010;
  27. 27 parameter RXR = 3'b011;
  28. 28 parameter TXR = 3'b011;
  29. 29 parameter CR = 3'b100;
  30. 30 parameter SR = 3'b100;
  31. 31
  32. 32 parameter TXR_R = 3'b101; // undocumented / reserved output
  33. 33 parameter CR_R = 3'b110; // undocumented / reserved output
  34. 34
  35. 35 parameter RD = 1'b1;
  36. 36 parameter WR = 1'b0;
  37. 37 parameter SADR = 7'b0010_000;
  38. 38 parameter WAIT_TIME=50_000;
  39. 39
  40. 40 //
  41. 41 // Module body
  42. 42 //
  43. 43
  44. 44 // generate clock
  45. 45 always #5 clk = ~clk;
  46. 46
  47. 47 // hookup wishbone master model
  48. 48 wb_master_model #(8, 32) u0 (
  49. 49 .clk(clk),
  50. 50 .rst(rstn),
  51. 51 .adr(adr),
  52. 52 .din(dat_i),
  53. 53 .dout(dat_o),
  54. 54 .cyc(cyc),
  55. 55 .stb(stb),
  56. 56 .we(we),
  57. 57 .sel(),
  58. 58 .ack(ack),
  59. 59 .err(1'b0),
  60. 60 .rty(1'b0)
  61. 61 );
  62. 62
  63. 63 wire stb0 = stb & ~adr[3];
  64. 64 wire stb1 = stb & adr[3];
  65. 65 assign adr_i = adr[2:0];
  66. 66
  67. 67 assign dat_i = ({{8'd8}{stb0}} & dat0_i) | ({{8'd8}{stb1}} & dat1_i);
  68. 68
  69. 69 // hookup wishbone_i2c_master core
  70. 70 i2c_master_top i2c_top (
  71. 71
  72. 72 // wishbone interface
  73. 73 .wb_clk_i(clk),
  74. 74 .wb_rst_i(1'b0),
  75. 75 .arst_i(rstn),
  76. 76 .wb_adr_i(adr_i),
  77. 77 .wb_dat_i(dat_o),
  78. 78 .wb_dat_o(dat0_i),
  79. 79 .wb_we_i(we),
  80. 80 .wb_stb_i(stb0),
  81. 81 .wb_cyc_i(cyc),
  82. 82 .wb_ack_o(ack),
  83. 83 .wb_inta_o(inta0),
  84. 84
  85. 85 // i2c signals
  86. 86 .scl_pad_i(scl),
  87. 87 .scl_pad_o(scl0_o),
  88. 88 .scl_padoen_o(scl0_oen),
  89. 89 .sda_pad_i(sda),
  90. 90 .sda_pad_o(sda0_o),
  91. 91 .sda_padoen_o(sda0_oen)
  92. 92 ),
  93. 93 i2c_top2 (
  94. 94
  95. 95 // wishbone interface
  96. 96 .wb_clk_i(clk),
  97. 97 .wb_rst_i(1'b0),
  98. 98 .arst_i(rstn),
  99. 99 .wb_adr_i(adr_i),
  100. 100 .wb_dat_i(dat_o),
  101. 101 .wb_dat_o(dat1_i),
  102. 102 .wb_we_i(we),
  103. 103 .wb_stb_i(stb1),
  104. 104 .wb_cyc_i(cyc),
  105. 105 .wb_ack_o(ack),
  106. 106 .wb_inta_o(inta1),
  107. 107
  108. 108 // i2c signals
  109. 109 .scl_pad_i(scl),
  110. 110 .scl_pad_o(scl1_o),
  111. 111 .scl_padoen_o(scl1_oen),
  112. 112 .sda_pad_i(sda),
  113. 113 .sda_pad_o(sda1_o),
  114. 114 .sda_padoen_o(sda1_oen)
  115. 115 );
  116. 116
  117. 117
  118. 118 // hookup i2c slave model
  119. 119 i2c_slave_model #(SADR) i2c_slave (
  120. 120 .scl(scl),
  121. 121 .sda(sda)
  122. 122 );
  123. 123
  124. 124 // create i2c lines
  125. 125 delay m0_scl (scl0_oen ? 1'bz : scl0_o, scl),
  126. 126 m1_scl (scl1_oen ? 1'bz : scl1_o, scl),
  127. 127 m0_sda (sda0_oen ? 1'bz : sda0_o, sda),
  128. 128 m1_sda (sda1_oen ? 1'bz : sda1_o, sda);
  129. 129
  130. 130 pullup p1(scl); // pullup scl line
  131. 131 pullup p2(sda); // pullup sda line
  132. 132
  133. 133 initial
  134. 134 begin
  135. 135 `ifdef WAVES
  136. 136 $shm_open("waves");
  137. 137 $shm_probe("AS",tst_bench_top,"AS");
  138. 138 $display("INFO: Signal dump enabled ...\n\n");
  139. 139 `endif
  140. 140
  141. 141 force i2c_slave.debug = 1'b1; // enable i2c_slave debug information
  142. 142 //force i2c_slave.debug = 1'b0; // disable i2c_slave debug information
  143. 143
  144. 144 $display("\nstatus: %t Testbench started\n\n", $time);
  145. 145
  146. 146 // $dumpfile("bench.vcd");
  147. 147 // $dumpvars(1, tst_bench_top);
  148. 148 // $dumpvars(1, tst_bench_top.i2c_slave);
  149. 149
  150. 150 // initially values
  151. 151 clk = 0;
  152. 152
  153. 153 // reset system
  154. 154 rstn = 1'b1; // negate reset
  155. 155 #2;
  156. 156 rstn = 1'b0; // assert reset
  157. 157 repeat(1) @(posedge clk);
  158. 158 rstn = 1'b1; // negate reset
  159. 159
  160. 160 $display("status: %t done reset", $time);
  161. 161
  162. 162 @(posedge clk);
  163. 163
  164. 164 //
  165. 165 // program core
  166. 166 //
  167. 167
  168. 168 // program internal registers
  169. 169 u0.wb_write(1, PRER_LO, 8'hfa); // load prescaler lo-byte
  170. 170 u0.wb_write(1, PRER_LO, 8'hc8); // load prescaler lo-byte
  171. 171 u0.wb_write(1, PRER_HI, 8'h00); // load prescaler hi-byte
  172. 172 $display("status: %t programmed registers", $time);
  173. 173
  174. 174 u0.wb_cmp(0, PRER_LO, 8'hc8); // verify prescaler lo-byte
  175. 175 u0.wb_cmp(0, PRER_HI, 8'h00); // verify prescaler hi-byte
  176. 176 $display("status: %t verified registers", $time);
  177. 177
  178. 178 u0.wb_write(1, CTR, 8'h80); // enable core
  179. 179 $display("status: %t core enabled", $time);
  180. 180
  181. 181
  182. 182
  183. 183 $display("***************************");
  184. 184 $display("test1: access slave (write)");
  185. 185 $display("***************************");
  186. 186
  187. 187 // drive slave address
  188. 188 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, {SADR,WR} ); // present slave address, set write-bit
  189. 189 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h90 ); // set command (start, write)
  190. 190 $display("status: %t generate 'start', write cmd %0h (slave address+write)", $time, {SADR,WR} );
  191. 191
  192. 192 // check tip bit
  193. 193 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  194. 194 while(q[1])
  195. 195 u0.wb_read(0, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  196. 196 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  197. 197
  198. 198 // send memory address
  199. 199 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h01); // present slave's memory address
  200. 200 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  201. 201 $display("status: %t write slave memory address 01", $time);
  202. 202
  203. 203 // check tip bit
  204. 204 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  205. 205 while(q[1])
  206. 206 u0.wb_read(0, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  207. 207 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  208. 208
  209. 209 // send memory contents
  210. 210 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'ha5); // present data
  211. 211 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  212. 212 $display("status: %t write data a5", $time);
  213. 213
  214. 214 // check tip bit
  215. 215 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  216. 216 while(q[1])
  217. 217 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  218. 218 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  219. 219
  220. 220 // send memory contents for next memory address (auto_inc)
  221. 221 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h5a); // present data
  222. 222 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h50); // set command (stop, write)
  223. 223 $display("status: %t write next data 5a, generate 'stop'", $time);
  224. 224
  225. 225 // check tip bit
  226. 226 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  227. 227 while(q[1])
  228. 228 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  229. 229 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  230. 230
  231. 231 #WAIT_TIME;
  232. 232 $display("***************************");
  233. 233 $display("test2: access slave (read)");
  234. 234 $display("***************************");
  235. 235
  236. 236 // drive slave address
  237. 237 u0.wb_write(1, TXR,{SADR,WR} ); // present slave address, set write-bit
  238. 238 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h90 ); // set command (start, write)
  239. 239 $display("status: %t generate 'start', write cmd %0h (slave address+write)", $time, {SADR,WR} );
  240. 240
  241. 241 // check tip bit
  242. 242 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  243. 243 while(q[1])
  244. 244 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  245. 245 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  246. 246
  247. 247 // send memory address
  248. 248 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h01); // present slave's memory address
  249. 249 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  250. 250 $display("status: %t write slave address 01", $time);
  251. 251
  252. 252 // check tip bit
  253. 253 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  254. 254 while(q[1])
  255. 255 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  256. 256 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  257. 257
  258. 258 // drive slave address
  259. 259 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, {SADR,RD} ); // present slave's address, set read-bit
  260. 260 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h90 ); // set command (start, write)
  261. 261 $display("status: %t generate 'repeated start', write cmd %0h (slave address+read)", $time, {SADR,RD} );
  262. 262
  263. 263 // check tip bit
  264. 264 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  265. 265 while(q[1])
  266. 266 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  267. 267 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  268. 268
  269. 269 // read data from slave
  270. 270 u0.wb_write(1, CR, 8'h20); // set command (read, ack_read)
  271. 271 $display("status: %t read + ack", $time);
  272. 272
  273. 273 // check tip bit
  274. 274 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  275. 275 while(q[1])
  276. 276 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  277. 277 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  278. 278
  279. 279 // check data just received
  280. 280 u0.wb_read(1, RXR, qq);
  281. 281 if(qq !== 8'ha5)
  282. 282 $display("\nERROR: Expected a5, received %x at time %t", qq, $time);
  283. 283 else
  284. 284 $display("status: %t 1th received %x", $time, qq);
  285. 285
  286. 286 // read data from slave
  287. 287 u0.wb_write(1, CR, 8'h68); // set command (read, nack_read,stop)
  288. 288 $display("status: %t read + ack", $time);
  289. 289
  290. 290 // check tip bit
  291. 291 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  292. 292 while(q[1])
  293. 293 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  294. 294 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  295. 295
  296. 296 // check data just received
  297. 297 u0.wb_read(1, RXR, qq);
  298. 298 if(qq !== 8'h5a)
  299. 299 $display("\nERROR: Expected 5a, received %x at time %t", qq, $time);
  300. 300 else
  301. 301 $display("status: %t 2th received %x", $time, qq);
  302. 302
  303. 303 #WAIT_TIME;
  304. 304 $display("********************************************************");
  305. 305 $display("test3: access slave (check invalid slave memory address)");
  306. 306 $display("********************************************************");
  307. 307
  308. 308
  309. 309 // drive slave address
  310. 310 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, {SADR,WR} ); // present slave address, set write-bit
  311. 311 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h90 ); // set command (start, write)
  312. 312 $display("status: %t generate 'start', write cmd %0h (slave address+write). Check invalid address", $time, {SADR,WR} );
  313. 313
  314. 314 // check tip bit
  315. 315 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  316. 316 while(q[1])
  317. 317 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  318. 318 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  319. 319
  320. 320 // send memory address
  321. 321 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h10); // present slave's memory address
  322. 322 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  323. 323 $display("status: %t write slave memory address 10", $time);
  324. 324
  325. 325 // check tip bit
  326. 326 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  327. 327 while(q[1])
  328. 328 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  329. 329 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  330. 330
  331. 331 // slave should have send NACK
  332. 332 $display("status: %t Check for nack", $time);
  333. 333 if(!q[7])
  334. 334 $display("\nERROR: Expected NACK, received ACK\n");
  335. 335
  336. 336 // stop
  337. 337 u0.wb_write(1, CR, 8'h40); // set command (stop)
  338. 338 $display("status: %t generate 'stop'", $time);
  339. 339
  340. 340 // check tip bit
  341. 341 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q);
  342. 342 while(q[1])
  343. 343 u0.wb_read(1, SR, q); // poll it until it is zero
  344. 344 $display("status: %t tip==0", $time);
  345. 345
  346. 346 #WAIT_TIME;
  347. 347 $display("********************************************************");
  348. 348 $display("test4: access slave (write and interrupt acknowledge)");
  349. 349 $display("********************************************************");
  350. 350
  351. 351 u0.wb_write(1, CTR, 8'hC0); // enable core and interrupt
  352. 352 u0.wb_write(1,CR,8'h01);
  353. 353 $display("status: %t core enabled", $time);
  354. 354
  355. 355 //TODO
  356. 356 // drive slave address
  357. 357 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, {SADR,WR} ); // present slave address, set write-bit
  358. 358 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h90 ); // set command (start, write)
  359. 359 $display("status: %t generate 'start', write cmd %0h (slave address+write)", $time, {SADR,WR} );
  360. 360
  361. 361
  362. 362 //wait interrupt
  363. 363 wait(inta0 == 1'b1);
  364. 364 $display("status: %t interrupt assert",$time);
  365. 365 u0.wb_read(1,SR,q);
  366. 366 if(q[1])
  367. 367 $display("status: %t transfer complete",$time);
  368. 368 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h01); // set command (IACK)
  369. 369
  370. 370
  371. 371 // send memory address
  372. 372 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h01); // present slave's memory address
  373. 373 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  374. 374 $display("status: %t write slave memory address 01", $time);
  375. 375
  376. 376
  377. 377 //wait interrupt
  378. 378 wait(inta0 == 1'b1);
  379. 379 $display("status: %t interrupt assert",$time);
  380. 380 u0.wb_read(1,SR,q);
  381. 381 if(q[1])
  382. 382 $display("status: %t transfer complete",$time);
  383. 383 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h01); // set command (IACK)
  384. 384
  385. 385 // send memory contents
  386. 386 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'ha5); // present data
  387. 387 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h10); // set command (write)
  388. 388 $display("status: %t write data a5", $time);
  389. 389
  390. 390 //wait interrupt
  391. 391 wait(inta0 == 1'b1);
  392. 392 $display("status: %t interrupt assert",$time);
  393. 393 u0.wb_read(1,SR,q);
  394. 394 if(q[1])
  395. 395 $display("status: %t transfer complete",$time);
  396. 396 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h01); // set command (IACK)
  397. 397
  398. 398
  399. 399 // send memory contents for next memory address (auto_inc)
  400. 400 u0.wb_write(1, TXR, 8'h5a); // present data
  401. 401 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h50); // set command (stop, write)
  402. 402 $display("status: %t write next data 5a, generate 'stop'", $time);
  403. 403
  404. 404 //wait interrupt
  405. 405 wait(inta0 == 1'b1);
  406. 406 $display("status: %t interrupt assert",$time);
  407. 407 u0.wb_read(1,SR,q);
  408. 408 if(q[1])
  409. 409 $display("status: %t transfer complete",$time);
  410. 410 u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8'h01); // set command (IACK)
  411. 411
  412. 412 #250000; // wait 250us
  413. 413 $display("\n\nstatus: %t Testbench done", $time);
  414. 414 $finish;
  415. 415 end
  416. 416
  417. 417 endmodule
  418. 418
  419. 419 module delay (in, out);
  420. 420 input in;
  421. 421 output out;
  422. 422
  423. 423 assign out = in;
  424. 424
  425. 425 specify
  426. 426 (in => out) = (600,600);
  427. 427 endspecify
  428. 428 endmodule



// drive slave address
u0.wb_write(1, TXR, {SADR,WR} ); // present slave address, set write-bit
u0.wb_write(0, CR, 8’h90 ); // set command (start, write)
$display(“status: %t generate ‘start’, write cmd %0h (slave address+write)”, $time, {SADR,WR} );



  折腾折腾还是有帮助的。之后有打算在此基础上进一步深入,比如搭建基于UVM的验证环境来重新验证这个IP、添加更多的case覆盖所有的features、将interface改成APB bus。


1  WISHBONE I2C Master Core下载地址: https://opencores.org/projects/i2c

2 Candence $shm_open $shm_probe 函数_Holden_Liu的博客-CSDN博客


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