slickgrid ( nsunleo-slickgrid ) 4 解决点击不切换单元格的问题
slickgrid ( nsunleo-slickgrid ) 4 解决点击不切换单元格的问题
上一次解决了列选择和区域选择冲突的问题,昨天太忙了,并且要陪小宝早点睡觉,就啥也没有赶上。今天上班面试、支持项目、Jdk修改成OpenJdk、Springboot1.5x 升版2.x最后两个微服务改造和部署,晚上还加了个班,解决其他项目组服务部署的问题。晚上回来继续完善nsunleo-slickgrid。
function handleClick(e) { if (!currentEditor) { // if this click resulted in some cell child node getting focus, // don't steal it back - keyboard events will still bubble up // IE9+ seems to default DIVs to tabIndex=0 instead of -1, so check for cell clicks directly. if ( != document.activeElement || $("slick-cell")) { setFocus(); } } var cell = getCellFromEvent(e); if (!cell || (currentEditor !== null && activeRow == cell.row && activeCell == cell.cell)) { return; } trigger(self.onClick, { row: cell.row, cell: cell.cell }, e); if (e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) { return; } // stone 不用切换 (activeCell != cell.cell || activeRow != cell.row) && canCellBeActive(cell.row, cell.cell) if (canCellBeActive(cell.row, cell.cell)) { if (!getEditorLock().isActive() || getEditorLock().commitCurrentEdit()) { if (hasFrozenRows) { if ((!(options.frozenBottom) && (cell.row >= actualFrozenRow)) || (options.frozenBottom && (cell.row < actualFrozenRow)) ) {
scrollRowIntoView(cell.row, false);
setActiveCellInternal(getCellNode(cell.row, cell.cell));
} } } } }
// stone 不用切换 (activeCell != cell.cell || activeRow != cell.row) && canCellBeActive(cell.row, cell.cell) if (canCellBeActive(cell.row, cell.cell)) { if (!getEditorLock().isActive() || getEditorLock().commitCurrentEdit()) { if (hasFrozenRows) { if ((!(options.frozenBottom) && (cell.row >= actualFrozenRow)) || (options.frozenBottom && (cell.row < actualFrozenRow)) ) { scrollRowIntoView(cell.row, false); setActiveCellInternal(getCellNode(cell.row, cell.cell)); } }else{ scrollRowIntoView(cell.row, false); setActiveCellInternal(getCellNode(cell.row, cell.cell)); } } }