TreeListControlHandler = {
nextID : 0,
getUniqueID : function() { return this.nextID++; },
allTrees : new Array(),
preventRowClick : false,
callExpand : function(treeID, nodeID) { this.allTrees[treeID].allNodes[nodeID].expand(); },
callCollapse : function(treeID, nodeID) { this.allTrees[treeID].allNodes[nodeID].collapse(); },
callRowClick : function(treeID, nodeID) { this.allTrees[treeID].allNodes[nodeID].click(); },
imgConnectMore : \’connect.more.gif\’,
imgConnectEnd : \’connect.end.gif\’,
imgConnectBridge : \’connect.bridge.gif\’,
imgHandleCollapseMore : \’handle.collapse.more.gif\’,
imgHandleCollapseEnd : \’handle.collapse.end.gif\’,
imgHandleExpandMore : \’handle.expand.more.gif\’,
imgHandleExpandEnd : \’handle.expand.end.gif\’,
imgEmpty : \’empty.gif\’,
imgIconDefault : \’icon.folder.gif\’,
xmlHTTPStateChange : function(treeID, nodeID) { this.allTrees[treeID].allNodes[nodeID].xmlCallback(); }
function TreeListControl(sRootLabel, sIconSrc, hideColumnHeadings, hideRootNode) {
this.ID = TreeListControlHandler.getUniqueID();
TreeListControlHandler.allTrees[this.ID] = this;
this.all = new Array(); //user indices
this.allNodes = new Array(); //system indices
this.columns = new Array();
this.rootNode = new TreeListControlNode(true, sIconSrc, null, 1);
this.rootNode.columnText[0] = sRootLabel;
this.rootNode.depth = 0;
this.rootNode.bShowHandle = false;
this.rootNode.oTree = this;
this.allNodes[this.rootNode.ID] = this.rootNode;
this.rendered = false;
this.nLabelColumn = 0; //this is the column in which the icons and branches are drawn
this.iconPath = \’/images/tlcimages/\’;
this.showColumnHeadings = hideColumnHeadings ? false : true;
this.showRootNode = hideRootNode ? false : true;
this.disableRecalc = false;
TreeListControl.prototype.toString = function() {
var str, x;
str = \’\’;
x = 0;
for(var i=0; i<this.columns.length; i++) {
str += \'<div class=”tlc_columnheading” style=”width:\’ + this.columns[i].width + \’px; left:\’ + x + \’px; \’ +
\'”>\’ + this.columns[i].name + “</div>”;
x += this.columns[i].width;
//str = \'<div id=”treelistcontrol\’ + this.ID + \'” class=”treelistcontrol” style=”width:\’ + x +
// \’px;”><table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″><tr>\’ + str +
// \'</tr></table>\’ + this.rootNode + \'</div>\’;
str = \'<div id=”treelistcontrol\’ + this.ID + \'” class=”treelistcontrol” style=”width:\’ + (x + 4) +
\’px;”><div class=”tlc_headings” style=”display:expression(TreeListControlHandler.allTrees[\’ + this.ID +
\’].showColumnHeadings ? \\’block\\’ : \\’none\\’);”>\’ + str + \'</div>\’ + this.rootNode + \'</div>\’;
this.rendered = true;
return str;
TreeListControl.prototype.redraw = function() {
//redraw all icons in the tree
TreeListControl.prototype.add = function(oNode) {
TreeListControl.prototype.addColumn = function(oColumn) {
this.columns[this.columns.length] = oColumn;
function TreeListControlColumn(width, name, onclickdisabled) {
this.name = name;
this.width = width ? width : \’100\’;
this.onclickdisabled = onclickdisabled ? true : false;
function TreeListControlNode(bShowChildren, sIconSrc, sXMLSrc, refKey) {
//refKey is an optional user-specified value which will be matched to this node for easy reference later
this.columnText = new Array();
this.bShowChildren = bShowChildren ? true : false;
this.sIconSrc = sIconSrc ? sIconSrc : null;
this.sXMLSrc = (typeof(sXMLSrc) == \’string\’) ? sXMLSrc : \’\’;
this.bDynamicNode = this.sXMLSrc.length > 0 ? true : false; //set to false once children are loaded to prevent sXMLSrc being used to dynamically load the children
this.bShowHandle = true; //this is the + or – icon
this.refKey = (refKey || refKey == 0) ? refKey : null;
this.ID = TreeListControlHandler.getUniqueID();
this.sImages = \’\’;
this.sHandle = \’\’;
this.onclick = \’\’;
this.useIcon = true;
this.nextSibling = null;
this.previousSibling = null;
this.firstChild = null;
this.lastChild = null;
this.parentNode = null;
this.oTree = null;
this.rendered = false;
//this.className = \’tlc_node_row\’;
//this.classNameHover = \’tlc_node_row_hover\’;
//this.classNameClick = \’tlc_node_row_click\’;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.toString = function() {
var str = \'<div class=”tlc_node” id=”tlcnode\’ + this.ID + \'”>\’;
str += \'<div class=”tlc_node_row” onmouseenter=”this.className=\\’tlc_node_row_hover\\'”\’ +
\’ onmouseleave=”this.className=\\’tlc_node_row\\’;” style=”cursor:hand;\’ +
(this.parentNode == null ? \’display:expression(TreeListControlHandler.allTrees[\’ + this.oTree.ID +
\’].showRootNode ? \\’block\\’ : \\’none\\’);\’ : \’\’) + \'” onclick=”if(!TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick) { \’ + this.onclick + \’ }”\’ +
\’ onmousedown=”if(!TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick) this.className=\\’tlc_node_row_click\\’;” onmouseup=”this.className=\\’tlc_node_row_hover\\’;”>\’;
var c = this.oTree.columns;
var x = 0;
for(var i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
str += \'<div class=”tlc_node_text” style=”width:\’ + c[i].width + \’px; left:\’ + x + \’px;”\’ +
(c[i].onclickdisabled ? \’ onmouseenter=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=true;” onmouseleave=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=false;”\’ : \’\’ )+ \’>\’;
if(this.oTree.nLabelColumn == i) {
if(!this.oTree.disableRecalc) this.recalcImages();
str += \'<span>\’; //handle and images
str += this.sImages + this.sHandle + \'<img src=”\’ + (this.sIconSrc ? this.sIconSrc : this.oTree.iconPath + TreeListControlHandler.imgIconDefault) + \'” width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle”>\’;
str += \'</span> \’;
str += \'<span>\’ + (this.columnText[i] ? this.columnText[i] : \’ \’) + \'</span></div>\’;
x += c[i].width;
str += \'</div><div id=”children\’ + this.ID + \'” class=”tlc_node_children” style=”display:\’ + ((this.bShowChildren && this.firstChild) ? \’block\’ : \’none\’) + \'”>\’;
var node = this.firstChild;
while(node) {
str += node;
node = node.nextSibling;
str += “</div></div>”;
this.rendered = true
return str;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.recalcImages = function() {
var h = TreeListControlHandler;
this.sImages = \’\’;
if(this.parentNode) {
if(this.parentNode.parentNode) {
this.sImages = this.parentNode.sImages;
this.sImages += \'<img src=”\’ + this.oTree.iconPath +
(this.parentNode.nextSibling ? h.imgConnectBridge : h.imgEmpty) +
\'” width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle”>\’;
if(this.firstChild || this.bDynamicNode) {
if(this.bShowChildren && !this.bDynamicNode) {
this.sHandle = \'<img src=”\’ + this.oTree.iconPath +
(this.nextSibling ? h.imgHandleCollapseMore : h.imgHandleCollapseEnd) +
\'” style=”cursor:hand;”\’ +
\’ width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle” onmouseenter=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=true;” onmouseleave=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=false;”\’ +
\’ onclick=”TreeListControlHandler.callCollapse(\’ +
this.oTree.ID + \’,\’ + this.ID + \’);”>\’;
} else {
this.sHandle = \'<img src=”\’ + this.oTree.iconPath +
(this.nextSibling ? h.imgHandleExpandMore : h.imgHandleExpandEnd) +
\'” style=”cursor:hand;”\’ +
\’ width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle”\’ +
\’ onmouseenter=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=true;”\’ +
\’ onmouseleave=”TreeListControlHandler.preventRowClick=false;”\’ +
\’ onclick=”TreeListControlHandler.callExpand(\’ +
this.oTree.ID + \’,\’ + this.ID + \’);”>\’;
} else {
this.sHandle = \'<img src=”\’ + this.oTree.iconPath +
(this.nextSibling ? h.imgConnectMore : h.imgConnectEnd) +
\'” width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle”>\’;
if(this.rendered) {
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’+this.ID].firstChild.childNodes[this.oTree.nLabelColumn].firstChild;
o.innerHTML = this.sImages + this.sHandle + (this.useIcon ? \'<img src=”\’ + (this.sIconSrc ? this.sIconSrc : this.oTree.iconPath + TreeListControlHandler.imgIconDefault) + \'” width=”16″ height=”16″ align=”absmiddle”>\’ : \’\’);
TreeListControlNode.prototype.recalcChildImages = function() {
var node = this.firstChild;
while(node) {
node = node.nextSibling;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.expand = function() {
this.bShowChildren = true;
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID];
o.lastChild.style.display = \’block\’;
var id1 = this.oTree.ID;
var id2 = this.ID;
if(!this.oTree.disableRecalc) this.recalcImages();
if(this.bDynamicNode) {
document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID].firstChild.className = \’tlc_node_row\’;
this.bDynamicNode = false;
var tempnode = new TreeListControlNode(false, this.oTree.iconPath + \’icon.arrow.gif\’);
tempnode.setColumnText(this.oTree.nLabelColumn, \'<span style=”color:#FF6600″>Loading…</span>\’);
this.xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);
var treeid = this.oTree.ID;
var nodeid = this.ID;
this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { TreeListControlHandler.xmlHTTPStateChange(treeid, nodeid); };
try {
this.xmlhttp.open(“POST”, this.sXMLSrc, true);
} catch(ex){}
TreeListControlNode.prototype.collapse = function() {
this.bShowChildren = false;
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID];
o.lastChild.style.display = \’none\’;
var img = o.childNodes[0].childNodes[this.oTree.nLabelColumn].firstChild.lastChild.previousSibling;
var id1 = this.oTree.ID;
var id2 = this.ID;
img.onclick = function() { TreeListControlHandler.callExpand(id1, id2); return false; };
img.src = this.oTree.iconPath + (this.nextSibling ? TreeListControlHandler.imgHandleExpandMore : TreeListControlHandler.imgHandleExpandEnd);
TreeListControlNode.prototype.click = function() {
TreeListControlNode.prototype.setText = function() {
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
this.setColumnText(i, arguments[i]);
TreeListControlNode.prototype.setColumnText = function(nColumn, sText) {
this.columnText[nColumn] = (sText ? sText : \’\’);
if(this.rendered) {
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID];
o.firstChild.childNodes[nColumn].lastChild.innerHTML = this.columnText[nColumn];
TreeListControlNode.prototype.getColumnObj = function(nColumn) {
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID].firstChild.childNodes[nColumn];
var obj = o.lastChild.firstChild;
return obj;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.getColumnText = function(nColumn) {
var o = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID].firstChild.childNodes[nColumn];
return o.lastChild.innerHTML;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.add = function(oNode, bNoRedraw, oSibling, bInsertAfter) {
if(bNoRedraw) this.oTree.disableRecalc = true;
this.bDynamicNode = false;
oNode.oTree = this.oTree;
oNode.parentNode = this;
if(oNode.refKey || oNode.refKey == 0) this.oTree.all[oNode.refKey] = oNode;
this.oTree.allNodes[oNode.ID] = oNode;
if(!this.firstChild) {
this.firstChild = oNode;
this.lastChild = oNode;
} else {
var node1, node2;
if(oSibling) {
if(bInsertAfter) {
node1 = oSibling;
node2 = oSibling.nextSibling;
} else {
node1 = oSibling.previousSibling;
node2 = oSibling;
} else {
node1 = this.lastChild;
node2 = null;
if(node1) {
oNode.previousSibling = node1;
node1.nextSibling = oNode;
} else {
this.firstChild = oNode;
if(node2) {
oNode.nextSibling = node2;
node2.previousSibling = oNode;
} else {
this.lastChild = oNode;
if(this.oTree.rendered) {
var oSib;
var html = oNode + \’\’;
var oParent = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID];
if(node1) {
oSib = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + node1.ID];
oSib.insertAdjacentHTML(\’afterEnd\’, html);
} else if(node2) {
oSib = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + node2.ID];
oSib.insertAdjacentHTML(\’beforeBegin\’, html);
} else {
oParent.lastChild.innerHTML = html;
if(this.parentNode) this.expand();
if(!node2 && node1) {
if(bNoRedraw) this.oTree.disableRecalc = false;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.insertBefore = function(oNode, bNoRedraw) {
this.parentNode.add(oNode, bNoRedraw, this, false);
TreeListControlNode.prototype.insertAfter = function(oNode, bNoRedraw) {
this.parentNode.add(oNode, bNoRedraw, this, true);
TreeListControlNode.prototype.remove = function() {
var node1 = this.previousSibling;
var node2 = this.nextSibling;
node1.nextSibling = node2;
this.parentNode.firstChild = node2;
node2.previousSibling = node1;
this.parentNode.lastChild = node1;
this.oTree.allNodes[this.ID] = null;
if(this.refKey != null) this.oTree.all[this.refKey] = null;
var p = document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID].parentElement;
document.all[\’tlcnode\’ + this.ID].removeNode(true);
if(this.rendered && this.previousSibling && !this.nextSibling) {
if(!this.parentNode.firstChild) {
p.style.display = \’none\’;
this.rendered = false;
this.parentNode = null;
this.nextSibling = null;
this.previousSibling = null;
this.firstChild = null;
this.lastChild = null;
return this;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.removeChildren = function() {
var node = this.firstChild;
while(node) {
this.oTree.allNodes[node.ID] = null;
var dead = node;
node = node.nextSibling;
delete dead;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.xmlCallback = function() {
var failed;
if(this.xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
if(this.xmlhttp.status==0) {
var xml = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”);
if(xml.loadXML(this.xmlhttp.responseText)) {
failed = false;
if(xml.documentElement) {
this.addXMLChildNodes(xml.documentElement, this);
} else {
failed = true;
} else {
failed = true;
if(failed) {
this.firstChild.setColumnText(this.oTree.nLabelColumn, \'<span style=”color:red”>Unavailable – \’ + this.xmlhttp.status + \'</span>\’);
this.firstChild.useIcon = false;
TreeListControlNode.prototype.addXMLChildNodes = function(xml, oParent) {
var showchildren, refkey, xmlsrc, onclick, iconsrc;
if(xml.childNodes.length > 0) {
var x = xml.lastChild;
while(x) {
showchildren = x.getAttribute(\’showchildren\’);
if(!showchildren) showchildren = false;
else showchildren = (showchildren == \’yes\’ ? true : false);
refkey = x.getAttribute(\’refkey\’);
if(!refkey) refkey = null;
xmlsrc = x.getAttribute(\’xmlsrc\’);
if(!xmlsrc) xmlsrc = null;
onclick = x.getAttribute(\’onclick\’);
if(!onclick) onclick = null;
iconsrc = x.getAttribute(\’iconsrc\’);
if(!iconsrc) iconsrc = null;
var node = new TreeListControlNode(showchildren, iconsrc, xmlsrc, refkey);
node.onclick = onclick;
for(var i=0; i<x.childNodes.length-1; i++)
if(x.lastChild.childNodes.length > 0)
this.addXMLChildNodes(x.lastChild, node)
x = x.previousSibling;
function getSelected(otree) {
var strMen = “”;
var iCount = otree.allNodes.length;
var id=1;
while (id<iCount)
var node = otree.allNodes[id];
var objcol0 = node.getColumnObj(0);
var objcol1 = node.getColumnObj(1);
if(!node.firstChild && objcol1.checked == true)
if (strMen != “”)
strMen += “,”;
strMen += objcol0;
// strMen = strMen + objcol1 + “,”;
return strMen;
function getSelectedPost(otree) {
var strMen = “”;
var iCount = otree.allNodes.length;
var id=1;
while (id<iCount)
var node = otree.allNodes[id];
var objcol0 = node.getColumnObj(0);
var objcol1 = node.getColumnObj(1);
if(objcol1.checked == true)
if (strMen != “”)
strMen += “,”;
strMen += objcol1.StatusId;
// strMen = strMen + objcol1 + “,”;
return strMen;
function getSelectedID(otree) {
var strMen = “”;
var iCount = otree.allNodes.length;
var id=1;
while (id<iCount)
var node = otree.allNodes[id];
var objcol1 = node.getColumnText(2);
var objcol2 = node.getColumnObj(3);
if(objcol2.checked == true)
strMen = strMen + objcol1 + “,”;
return strMen;
function SetUnselectBtnCss(otree) {
var iCount = otree.allNodes.length;
var id=2;
while (id<iCount)
var node = otree.allNodes[id];
var objcol1 = node.getColumnObj(0);
if (objcol1.className == “SelectedBtn”)
objcol1.className=”UnselectBtn” ;
function changeSelect(onode)
var o1 = onode.lastChild;
var o2 = o1.firstChild;
o2.firstChild.checked= ! o2.firstChild.checked;