Configure GenieACS
GenieACS General Config
config.json acts as the main configuration file and is stored in /path_to_genieacs/config/. In this folder there\’s also a backup file of the main(/default) config (config-sample.json). The following example shows some added options.
{ "DATABASE_NAME" : "genieacs", "MONGODB_SOCKET" : "/tmp/mongodb-27017.sock", "REDIS_SOCKET" : "6379", "CWMP_INTERFACE" : "", "CWMP_PORT" : 7547, "CWMP_SSL" : false, "NBI_INTERFACE" : "", "NBI_PORT" : 7557, "FS_INTERFACE" : "", "FS_PORT" : 7567, "FS_IP" : "", "LOG_INFORMS" : true, "IGNORE_XML_NAMESPACES" : true, "LIBXMLJS_OPTIONS" : {"recover" : true}, "DEBUG" : true }
See the table for a more detailled description:
Parameter | Description |
DATABASE_NAME | Defines the database name under which all data is stored in MongoDB |
MONGODB_SOCKET | Defines the MongoDB socket file path and name |
REDIS_SOCKET | Accept connections on the specified socket, default is 6379 |
CWMP_INTERFACE | Binds genieacs-cwmp to specified interface. If is chosen, it listens to all available interfaces |
CWMP_PORT | HTTP connections to ACS are accepted on the specified socket, default is 7547 |
CWMP_SSL | If set to true, switches ACS to HTTPS mode. A valid certificate is mandatory. |
NBI_INTERFACE | Binds genieacs-nbi to specified interface. If is chosen, it listens to all available interfaces |
NBI_PORT | API connections accepted on the specified socket, default is 7557 |
NBI_SSL | If set to true, switches the NBI to HTTPS mode. A valid certificate is mandatory. |
FS_INTERFACE | Binds genieacs-fs to specified interface. If is chosen, it listens to all available interfaces |
FS_PORT | File transfer connections are accepted on the specified socket, default is 7567 |
FS_IP | Specifies the IP address of the file-server, is used when sending download requests to a device |
LOG_INFORMS | Specifies if INFORM are to be logged |
DEBUG | Boolean. Logs the request/response from the CWMP process to/from the CPE. Resulting .dump files can be found ingenieacs/debug folder.
To activate a dump for individual devices, use the format DEBUG-<device ID>. As an example “DEBUG-00AA11-VDSLCPE-123456789” : true |
IGNORE_XML_NAMESPACES | If set to true, it allows XML traversal using element local names only. This might be needed, when the genieacs-cwmp worker dies on communication from cpe to acs |
LIBXMLJS_OPTIONS | If set to true, it allows parsing XML even when the charset isn\’t UTF8 and values contain characters like �a^X*V�^R�^]�. This might be needed, when the genieacs-cwmp worker shows an error like this Error: PCDATA invalid Char value 29 |
GPN_NEXT_LEVEL | This will make the ACS fetch parameters in multiple requests which would make the CPE respond sooner for each request. Set this value to 2 if you have timeout issues with the CPE. |
GPV_BATCH_SIZE | Defaults to 32. Set to a lower value if you encounter session timeouts with CPEs. |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Value in seconds. Defaults to 30. Increase this value as a last resort if you have timeout issues with your CPE. Try setting the GET_PARAMETER_NAMES_DEPTH_THRESHOLD value to 2 first, then 3 if you have to. |
Beside the aforementioned configuration parameters, the following are implemented as well. All of them are stored in /pathtogenieacs/lib/ and define default values if the config options are not available in config.json. Keep in mind that all those are for internal use and shouldn\’t be change or inserted into config.json!:
Parameter | Description |
CACHE_DURATION | in seconds |
RETRY_DELAY | Defines retry time delay between a non-successful operation (task) and the following try, default is 300 seconds |