❃粒子群算法(particleswarm optimization,PSO)由Kennedy和Eberhart在1995年提出,该算法对于Hepper的模拟鸟群(鱼群)的模型进行修正,以使粒子能够飞向解空间,并在最好解处降落,从而得到了粒子群优化算法。
a. D维空间中,有m个粒子;
粒子i速度:vi=(vi1,vi2,…viD),1≤i≤m,1 ≤d ≤D
pg =(pg1,pg2,…pgD)
class Particle: \'\'\' individual Particle \'\'\' # 类变量,所有粒子共享 globle_best_position = np.zeros(3) # 全局最优位置 globle_best_fitness = 0 # 全局最优适应度值 def __init__(self, vardim, bound, fixed_params, long): \'\'\' vardim: dimension of variables bound: boundaries of variables fitness: fitness value of Particle position: position of Particle velocity: speed of Particle bestPosition: the best position of Particle bestFitness: the best fitness of Particle \'\'\' self.vardim = vardim # 自变量维度08/7 self.bound = bound # 自变量的取值范围 self.fitness = 0 # 粒子的适应度值 self.spp = 0 # 约束条件1 self.tor = 0 # 约束条件2 self.position = np.zeros(vardim) # 粒子的位置 self.velocity = np.zeros(vardim) # 粒子的速度 self.bestPosition = np.zeros(vardim) # 个体最优位置 self.bestFitness = 0 # 个体最优适应度值 self.fixed_params = fixed_params # 除了自变量外的其他固定参数 self.restart_count = 0 # 粒子不满足约束条件重新生成的次数 self.long = long # 动态模型训练数据长度 def generate(self): \'\'\' generate a rondom position \'\'\' # 随机种子 np.random.seed(int(math.modf(time.time())[0] * 10000000)) self.position = np.random.uniform(self.bound[0], self.bound[1], self.vardim) self.velocity = np.random.uniform(self.bound[0], self.bound[1], self.vardim) / 10 # calculateFitness() # 约束条件的验证 def verification(self): \'\'\' if generate a invaild individual, recall to generate again \'\'\' # 自变量h,i,j约束条件 for i in range(self.vardim): if self.position[i] < self.bound[0,i] or self.position[i] > self.bound[1,i]: return False # 因变量a,m约束条件 if self.spp < SPP_min or self.spp > SPP_max or \ self.tor < TOR_min or self.tor > TOR_max: return False return True # 计算适应度值 def calculateFitness(self): \'\'\' calculate the fitness of the Particle \'\'\' self.fitness, self.spp, self.tor = ObjFunction(self.position, self.fixed_params, self.long) # 约束条件 # 若不满足约束条件则重新生成一个新的随机粒子,直到满足约束条件为止 while self.verification() == False: self.restart_count += 1 #print self.restart_count self.generate() self.fitness, self.spp, self.tor = ObjFunction(self.position, self.fixed_params, self.long) #print(self.position, self.fitness) #print("%f %d %d" % (self.fitness, self.spp, self.tor)) # 更新个体最优位置和最优适应度值 if self.fitness > self.bestFitness: self.bestFitness = self.fitness self.bestPosition = self.position # 更新全局最优位置和最优适应度值 if self.bestFitness > Particle.globle_best_fitness: Particle.globle_best_fitness = self.bestFitness Particle.globle_best_position = self.bestPosition #print(self.position, self.fixed_params) #print("globle_best_fitness: %f %d %d" % (self.fitness, self.spp, self.tor)) class ParticleSwarmOptimization: \'\'\' the class for Particle Swarm Optimization \'\'\' def __init__(self, p_size, vardim, bound, params, fixed_params, data_id, turn, terminal_round, max_round, verbose ,long): \'\'\' p_size: population size vardim: dimension of variables bound: boundaries of variables params: algorithm required parameters, it is a list which is consisting of[w, c1, c2] fixed_params: It is a list which is a row of CSV file drop [h,i,j] columns. \'\'\' self.p_size = p_size # 种群大小,即粒子数 self.vardim = vardim # 自变量个数 self.bound = bound # 自变量范围 self.params = params # 粒子群优化算法的参数 [w, c1, c2] self.population = [] # 种群 self.fixed_params = fixed_params # 模型值中除了自变量外的其他固定输入变量 self.data_id = data_id self.turn = turn # 粒子群优化次数 self.terminal_round = terminal_round # 连续n轮迭代最优适应度值不变则终止迭代--终止迭代条件 self.max_round = max_round # 最多迭代的次数 self.verbose = verbose # 是否显示优化过程 self.long = long # 动态模型训练数据长度 # 初始化粒子群 def initialize(self): \'\'\' initialize the population of pso \'\'\' for i in range(0, self.p_size): particle = Particle(self.vardim, self.bound, self.fixed_params, self.long) particle.generate() particle.calculateFitness() self.population.append(particle) # 更新种群粒子位置和速度以及适应度值 def update(self): \'\'\' update the population of pso \'\'\' for i in range(0, self.p_size): self.population[i].velocity = self.params[0] * self.population[i].velocity + \ self.params[1] * np.random.random(self.vardim) * (self.population[i].bestPosition - self.population[i].position) + \ self.params[2] * np.random.random(self.vardim) * (Particle.globle_best_position - self.population[i].position) self.population[i].position = self.population[i].position + self.population[i].velocity self.population[i].calculateFitness() #print(self.population[i].position, self.population[i].fitness, self.population[i].bestFitness) #print(timer() - start) # 运行粒子群算法 def solve(self): \'\'\' the evolution process of the pso algorithm \'\'\' self.iter = 0 self.initialize() round_best_fitness = Particle.globle_best_fitness # 当前迭代的最优适应度值 count = 0 # 终止条件:连续n轮迭代最优适应度值不变或者达到最大迭代次数则终止迭代 while count < self.terminal_round and self.iter < self.max_round: self.iter += 1 self.update() # 更新最优适应度值没有提高的轮数 if round_best_fitness < Particle.globle_best_fitness: count = 0 else: count += 1 round_best_fitness = Particle.globle_best_fitness if self.verbose == True: print("Row: %d Turn: %d Itr %d: opt value: %f Pos: " % \ (self.data_id, self.turn, self.iter, Particle.globle_best_fitness), Particle.globle_best_position) total_restart_count = 0 for i in range(0, self.p_size): total_restart_count += self.population[i].restart_count