class Solution(): def Fibnacci(self,n): if n <= 0: return 0 if n == 1: return 1 return self.Fibnacci(n-1) + self.Fibnacci(n-2)
def Fibnacci(n): result = [0,1] if n <= 1: return result[n] for i in range(2,n+1): result.append(result[i-1]+result[i-2]) return result[n]
[2. Tímù miáoshù
yī zhǐ qīngwā yīcì kěyǐ tiào shàng 1 jí táijiē, yě kěyǐ tiào shàng 2 jí. Qiú gāi qīngwā tiào shàng yīgè n jí de táijiē zǒnggòng yǒu duōshǎo zhǒng tiào fǎ (xiānhòu cìxù bùtóng suàn bùtóng de jiéguǒ).]
yī zhǐ qīngwā yīcì kěyǐ tiào shàng 1 jí táijiē, yě kěyǐ tiào shàng 2 jí. Qiú gāi qīngwā tiào shàng yīgè n jí de táijiē zǒnggòng yǒu duōshǎo zhǒng tiào fǎ (xiānhòu cìxù bùtóng suàn bùtóng de jiéguǒ).]
2. Description of the topic
A frog can jump to the first step or jump to the second level. Ask the frog to jump on an n-level step in total how many kinds of jumps (the order is different).
A frog can jump to the first step or jump to the second level. Ask the frog to jump on an n-level step in total how many kinds of jumps (the order is different).
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