实现的是二值汽车图像语义分割,包括 dense CRF 后处理.
1> 预测
python -h
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ python -h usage: [-h] [--model FILE] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] [--output INPUT [INPUT ...]] [--cpu] [--viz] [--no-save] [--no-crf] [--mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD] [--scale SCALE] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --model FILE, -m FILE Specify the file in which is stored the model (default : \'MODEL.pth\') #指明使用的训练好的模型文件,默认使用MODEL.pth --input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...] #指明要进行预测的图像文件,必须要有的值 filenames of input images --output INPUT [INPUT ...], -o INPUT [INPUT ...] #指明预测后生成的图像文件的名字 filenames of ouput images --cpu, -c Do not use the cuda version of the net #指明使用CPU,默认为false,即默认使用GPU --viz, -v Visualize the images as they are processed #当图像被处理时,将其可视化,默认为false,即不可以可视化 --no-save, -n Do not save the output masks #不存储得到的预测图像到某图像文件中,和--viz结合使用,即可对预测结果可视化,但是不存储结果,默认为false,即会保存结果 --no-crf, -r Do not use dense CRF postprocessing #指明不使用CRF对输出进行后处理,默认为false,即使用CRF --mask-threshold MASK_THRESHOLD, -t MASK_THRESHOLD Minimum probability value to consider a mask pixel #最小化考虑掩模像素为白色的概率值,默认为0.5 white --scale SCALE, -s SCALE Scale factor for the input images #输入图像的比例因子,默认为0.5
python -i image.jpg -o output.jpg
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ python --cpu --viz -i image.jpg -o output.jpg Loading model MODEL.pth Using CPU version of the net, this may be very slow Model loaded ! Predicting image image.jpg ... /anaconda3/envs/deeplearning/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ UserWarning: nn.Upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead. warnings.warn("nn.{} is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.".format( /anaconda3/envs/deeplearning/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Visualizing results for image image.jpg, close to continue ...
Mask saved to output.jpg
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$
python -i image1.jpg image2.jpg --viz --no-save
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ python -i image1.jpg image2.jpg --viz --no-save --cpu Loading model MODEL.pth Using CPU version of the net, this may be very slow Model loaded ! Predicting image image1.jpg ... /anaconda3/envs/deeplearning/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ UserWarning: nn.Upsample is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead. warnings.warn("nn.{} is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.".format( /anaconda3/envs/deeplearning/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead. warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.") Visualizing results for image image1.jpg, close to continue ...
Predicting image image2.jpg ... Visualizing results for image image2.jpg, close to continue ...
5)你可以指定你使用的训练好的模型文件,使用–mode MODEL.pth
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ python -i image1.jpg image2.jpg --viz --no-save --cpu --no-crf
python -h
pip install pydensecrf 但是出错:
pydensecrf/densecrf/include/Eigen/Core:22:10: fatal error: \'complex\' file not found #include <complex> ^~~~~~~~~ 1 warning and 1 error generated. error: command \'gcc\' failed with exit status 1 ---------------------------------------- Failed building wheel for pydensecrf Running clean for pydensecrf Failed to build pydensecrf
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ pip install -U cython Installing collected packages: cython Successfully installed cython-0.29.7
pip install git+
userdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ conda install -n deeplearning -c conda-forge pydensecrf
因为直接安装conda install -n deeplearning pydensecrf找不到该模块
这时候运行python -h可见支持的选项的信息:
(deeplearning) userdeMBP:Pytorch-UNet-master user$ python -h Usage: [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e EPOCHS, --epochs=EPOCHS number of epochs #指明迭代的次数 -b BATCHSIZE, --batch-size=BATCHSIZE batch size #图像批处理的大小 -l LR, --learning-rate=LR learning rate #使用的学习率 -g, --gpu use cuda #使用GPU进行训练 -c LOAD, --load=LOAD load file model #下载预训练的文件,在该基础上进行训练 -s SCALE, --scale=SCALE downscaling factor of the images #图像的缩小因子
# sub-parts of the U-Net model import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F #实现左边的横向卷积 class double_conv(nn.Module): \'\'\'(conv => BN => ReLU) * 2\'\'\' def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(double_conv, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Sequential( #以第一层为例进行讲解 #输入通道数in_ch,输出通道数out_ch,卷积核设为kernal_size 3*3,padding为1,stride为1,dilation=1 #所以图中H*W能从572*572 变为 570*570,计算为570 = ((572 + 2*padding - dilation*(kernal_size-1) -1) / stride ) +1 nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch), #进行批标准化,在训练时,该层计算每次输入的均值与方差,并进行移动平均 nn.ReLU(inplace=True), #激活函数 nn.Conv2d(out_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1), #再进行一次卷积,从570*570变为 568*568 nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x #实现左边第一行的卷积 class inconv(nn.Module):# def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(inconv, self).__init__() self.conv = double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) # 输入通道数in_ch为3, 输出通道数out_ch为64 def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x #实现左边的向下池化操作,并完成另一层的卷积 class down(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(down, self).__init__() self.mpconv = nn.Sequential( nn.MaxPool2d(2), double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) ) def forward(self, x): x = self.mpconv(x) return x #实现右边的向上的采样操作,并完成该层相应的卷积操作 class up(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch, bilinear=True): super(up, self).__init__() # would be a nice idea if the upsampling could be learned too, # but my machine do not have enough memory to handle all those weights if bilinear:#声明使用的上采样方法为bilinear——双线性插值,默认使用这个值,计算方法为 floor(H*scale_factor),所以由28*28变为56*56 self.up = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode=\'bilinear\', align_corners=True) else: #否则就使用转置卷积来实现上采样,计算式子为 (Height-1)*stride - 2*padding -kernal_size +output_padding self.up = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_ch//2, in_ch//2, 2, stride=2) self.conv = double_conv(in_ch, out_ch) def forward(self, x1, x2): #x2是左边特征提取传来的值 #第一次上采样返回56*56,但是还没结束 x1 = self.up(x1) # input is CHW, [0]是batch_size, [1]是通道数,更改了下,与源码不同 diffY = x1.size()[2] - x2.size()[2] #得到图像x2与x1的H的差值,56-64=-8 diffX = x1.size()[3] - x2.size()[3] #得到图像x2与x1的W差值,56-64=-8 #用第一次上采样为例,即当上采样后的结果大小与右边的特征的结果大小不同时,通过填充来使x2的大小与x1相同 #对图像进行填充(-4,-4,-4,-4),左右上下都缩小4,所以最后使得64*64变为56*56 x2 = F.pad(x2, (diffX // 2, diffX - diffX//2, diffY // 2, diffY - diffY//2)) # for padding issues, see # # #将最后上采样得到的值x1和左边特征提取的值进行拼接,dim=1即在通道数上进行拼接,由512变为1024 x =[x2, x1], dim=1) x = self.conv(x) return x #实现右边的最高层的最右边的卷积 class outconv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch): super(outconv, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 1) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) return x
# full assembly of the sub-parts to form the complete net import torch.nn.functional as F from .unet_parts import * class UNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, n_channels, n_classes): #图片的通道数,1为灰度图像,3为彩色图像 super(UNet, self).__init__() = inconv(n_channels, 64) #假设输入通道数n_channels为3,输出通道数为64 self.down1 = down(64, 128) self.down2 = down(128, 256) self.down3 = down(256, 512) self.down4 = down(512, 512) self.up1 = up(1024, 256) self.up2 = up(512, 128) self.up3 = up(256, 64) self.up4 = up(128, 64) self.outc = outconv(64, n_classes) def forward(self, x): x1 = x2 = self.down1(x1) x3 = self.down2(x2) x4 = self.down3(x3) x5 = self.down4(x4) x = self.up1(x5, x4) x = self.up2(x, x3) x = self.up3(x, x2) x = self.up4(x, x1) x = self.outc(x) return F.sigmoid(x) #进行二分类
实现dense CRF的代码utils/
#coding:utf-8 import numpy as np import pydensecrf.densecrf as dcrf def dense_crf(img, output_probs): #img为输入的图像,output_probs是经过网络预测后得到的结果 h = output_probs.shape[0] #高度 w = output_probs.shape[1] #宽度 output_probs = np.expand_dims(output_probs, 0) output_probs = np.append(1 - output_probs, output_probs, axis=0) d = dcrf.DenseCRF2D(w, h, 2) #NLABELS=2两类标注,车和不是车 U = -np.log(output_probs) #得到一元势 U = U.reshape((2, -1)) #NLABELS=2两类标注 U = np.ascontiguousarray(U) #返回一个地址连续的数组 img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) d.setUnaryEnergy(U) #设置一元势 d.addPairwiseGaussian(sxy=20, compat=3) #设置二元势中高斯情况的值 d.addPairwiseBilateral(sxy=30, srgb=20, rgbim=img, compat=10)#设置二元势众双边情况的值 Q = d.inference(5) #迭代5次推理 Q = np.argmax(np.array(Q), axis=0).reshape((h, w)) #得列中最大值的索引结果 return Q
import random import numpy as np #将图像分成左右两块 def get_square(img, pos): """Extract a left or a right square from ndarray shape : (H, W, C))""" h = img.shape[0] if pos == 0: return img[:, :h] else: return img[:, -h:] def split_img_into_squares(img): return get_square(img, 0), get_square(img, 1) #对图像进行转置,将(H, W, C)变为(C, H, W) def hwc_to_chw(img): return np.transpose(img, axes=[2, 0, 1]) def resize_and_crop(pilimg, scale=0.5, final_height=None): w = pilimg.size[0] #得到图片的宽 h = pilimg.size[1]#得到图片的高 #默认scale为0.5,即将高和宽都缩小一半 newW = int(w * scale) newH = int(h * scale) #如果没有指明希望得到的最终高度 if not final_height: diff = 0 else: diff = newH - final_height #重新设定图片的大小 img = pilimg.resize((newW, newH)) #crop((left,upper,right,lower))函数,从图像中提取出某个矩形大小的图像。它接收一个四元素的元组作为参数,各元素为(left, upper, right, lower),坐标系统的原点(0, 0)是左上角 #如果没有设置final_height,其实就是取整个图片 #如果设置了final_height,就是取一个上下切掉diff // 2,最后高度为final_height的图片 img = img.crop((0, diff // 2, newW, newH - diff // 2)) return np.array(img, dtype=np.float32) def batch(iterable, batch_size): """批量处理列表""" b = [] for i, t in enumerate(iterable): b.append(t) if (i + 1) % batch_size == 0: yield b b = [] if len(b) > 0: yield b #然后将数据分为训练集和验证集两份 def split_train_val(dataset, val_percent=0.05): dataset = list(dataset) length = len(dataset) #得到数据集大小 n = int(length * val_percent) #验证集的数量 random.shuffle(dataset) #将数据打乱 return {\'train\': dataset[:-n], \'val\': dataset[-n:]} #对像素值进行归一化,由[0,255]变为[0,1] def normalize(x): return x / 255 #将两个图片合并起来 def merge_masks(img1, img2, full_w): h = img1.shape[0] new = np.zeros((h, full_w), np.float32) new[:, :full_w // 2 + 1] = img1[:, :full_w // 2 + 1] new[:, full_w // 2 + 1:] = img2[:, -(full_w // 2 - 1):] return new # credits to def rle_encode(mask_image): pixels = mask_image.flatten() # We avoid issues with \'1\' at the start or end (at the corners of # the original image) by setting those pixels to \'0\' explicitly. # We do not expect these to be non-zero for an accurate mask, # so this should not harm the score. pixels[0] = 0 pixels[-1] = 0 runs = np.where(pixels[1:] != pixels[:-1])[0] + 2 runs[1::2] = runs[1::2] - runs[:-1:2] return runs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_img_and_mask(img, mask): fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) #先是打印输入的图片 a.set_title(\'Input image\') plt.imshow(img) b = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) #然后打印预测得到的结果图片 b.set_title(\'Output mask\') plt.imshow(mask)
# # : utils on generators / lists of ids to transform from strings to # cropped images and masks import os import numpy as np from PIL import Image from .utils import resize_and_crop, get_square, normalize, hwc_to_chw def get_ids(dir): """返回目录中的id列表""" return (f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(dir)) #图片名字的后4位为数字,能作为图片id def split_ids(ids, n=2): """将每个id拆分为n个,为每个id创建n个元组(id, k)""" #等价于for id in ids: # for i in range(n): # (id, i) #得到元祖列表[(id1,0),(id1,1),(id2,0),(id2,1),...,(idn,0),(idn,1)] #这样的作用是后面会通过后面的0,1作为utils.py中get_square函数的pos参数,pos=0的取左边的部分,pos=1的取右边的部分 return ((id, i) for id in ids for i in range(n)) def to_cropped_imgs(ids, dir, suffix, scale): """从元组列表中返回经过剪裁的正确img""" for id, pos in ids: im = resize_and_crop( + id + suffix), scale=scale) #重新设置图片大小为原来的scale倍 yield get_square(im, pos) #然后根据pos选择图片的左边或右边 def get_imgs_and_masks(ids, dir_img, dir_mask, scale): """返回所有组(img, mask)""" imgs = to_cropped_imgs(ids, dir_img, \'.jpg\', scale) # need to transform from HWC to CHW imgs_switched = map(hwc_to_chw, imgs) #对图像进行转置,将(H, W, C)变为(C, H, W) imgs_normalized = map(normalize, imgs_switched) #对像素值进行归一化,由[0,255]变为[0,1] masks = to_cropped_imgs(ids, dir_mask, \'_mask.gif\', scale) #对图像的结果也进行相同的处理 return zip(imgs_normalized, masks) #并将两个结果打包在一起 def get_full_img_and_mask(id, dir_img, dir_mask): im = + id + \'.jpg\') mask = + id + \'_mask.gif\') return np.array(im), np.array(mask)
predict.py使用训练好的U-net网络对图像进行预测,使用dense CRF进行后处理:
#coding:utf-8 import argparse import os import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from unet import UNet from utils import resize_and_crop, normalize, split_img_into_squares, hwc_to_chw, merge_masks, dense_crf from utils import plot_img_and_mask from torchvision import transforms def predict_img(net, full_img, scale_factor=0.5, out_threshold=0.5, use_dense_crf=True, use_gpu=False): net.eval() #进入网络的验证模式,这时网络已经训练好了 img_height = full_img.size[1] #得到图片的高 img_width = full_img.size[0] #得到图片的宽 img = resize_and_crop(full_img, scale=scale_factor) #在utils文件夹的utils.py中定义的函数,重新定义图像大小并进行切割,然后将图像转为数组np.array img = normalize(img) #对像素值进行归一化,由[0,255]变为[0,1] left_square, right_square = split_img_into_squares(img)#将图像分成左右两块,来分别进行判断 left_square = hwc_to_chw(left_square) #对图像进行转置,将(H, W, C)变为(C, H, W),便于后面计算 right_square = hwc_to_chw(right_square) X_left = torch.from_numpy(left_square).unsqueeze(0) #将(C, H, W)变为(1, C, H, W),因为网络中的输入格式第一个还有一个batch_size的值 X_right = torch.from_numpy(right_square).unsqueeze(0) if use_gpu: X_left = X_left.cuda() X_right = X_right.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): #不计算梯度 output_left = net(X_left) output_right = net(X_right) left_probs = output_left.squeeze(0) right_probs = output_right.squeeze(0) tf = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.ToPILImage(), #重新变成图片 transforms.Resize(img_height), #恢复原来的大小 transforms.ToTensor() #然后再变成Tensor格式 ] ) left_probs = tf(left_probs.cpu()) right_probs = tf(right_probs.cpu()) left_mask_np = left_probs.squeeze().cpu().numpy() right_mask_np = right_probs.squeeze().cpu().numpy() full_mask = merge_masks(left_mask_np, right_mask_np, img_width)#将左右两个拆分后的图片合并起来 #对得到的结果根据设置决定是否进行CRF处理 if use_dense_crf: full_mask = dense_crf(np.array(full_img).astype(np.uint8), full_mask) return full_mask > out_threshold def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(\'--model\', \'-m\', default=\'MODEL.pth\', #指明使用的训练好的模型文件,默认使用MODEL.pth metavar=\'FILE\', help="Specify the file in which is stored the model" " (default : \'MODEL.pth\')") parser.add_argument(\'--input\', \'-i\', metavar=\'INPUT\', nargs=\'+\', #指明要进行预测的图像文件 help=\'filenames of input images\', required=True) parser.add_argument(\'--output\', \'-o\', metavar=\'INPUT\', nargs=\'+\', #指明预测后生成的图像文件的名字 help=\'filenames of ouput images\') parser.add_argument(\'--cpu\', \'-c\', action=\'store_true\', #指明使用CPU help="Do not use the cuda version of the net", default=False) parser.add_argument(\'--viz\', \'-v\', action=\'store_true\', help="Visualize the images as they are processed", #当图像被处理时,将其可视化 default=False) parser.add_argument(\'--no-save\', \'-n\', action=\'store_true\', #不存储得到的预测图像到某图像文件中,和--viz结合使用,即可对预测结果可视化,但是不存储结果 help="Do not save the output masks", default=False) parser.add_argument(\'--no-crf\', \'-r\', action=\'store_true\', #指明不使用CRF对输出进行后处理 help="Do not use dense CRF postprocessing", default=False) parser.add_argument(\'--mask-threshold\', \'-t\', type=float, help="Minimum probability value to consider a mask pixel white", #最小概率值考虑掩模像素为白色 default=0.5) parser.add_argument(\'--scale\', \'-s\', type=float, help="Scale factor for the input images", #输入图像的比例因子 default=0.5) return parser.parse_args() def get_output_filenames(args):#从输入的选项args值中得到输出文件名 in_files = args.input out_files = [] if not args.output: #如果在选项中没有指定输出的图片文件的名字,那么就会根据输入图片文件名,在其后面添加\'_OUT\'后缀来作为输出图片文件名 for f in in_files: pathsplit = os.path.splitext(f) #将文件名和扩展名分开,pathsplit[0]是文件名,pathsplit[1]是扩展名 out_files.append("{}_OUT{}".format(pathsplit[0], pathsplit[1])) #得到输出图片文件名 elif len(in_files) != len(args.output): #如果设置了output名,查看input和output的数量是否相同,即如果input是两张图,那么设置的output也必须是两个,否则报错 print("Error : Input files and output files are not of the same length") raise SystemExit() else: out_files = args.output return out_files def mask_to_image(mask): return Image.fromarray((mask * 255).astype(np.uint8)) #从数组array转成Image if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_args() #得到输入的选项设置的值 in_files = args.input #得到输入的图像文件 out_files = get_output_filenames(args) #从输入的选项args值中得到输出文件名 net = UNet(n_channels=3, n_classes=1) #定义使用的model为UNet,调用在UNet文件夹下定义的,定义图像的通道为3,即彩色图像,判断类型设为1种 print("Loading model {}".format(args.model)) #指定使用的训练好的model if not args.cpu: #指明使用GPU print("Using CUDA version of the net, prepare your GPU !") net.cuda() net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model)) else: #否则使用CPU net.cpu() net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model, map_location=\'cpu\')) print("Using CPU version of the net, this may be very slow") print("Model loaded !") for i, fn in enumerate(in_files): #对图片进行预测 print("\nPredicting image {} ...".format(fn)) img = if img.size[0] < img.size[1]: #(W, H, C) print("Error: image height larger than the width") mask = predict_img(net=net, full_img=img, scale_factor=args.scale, out_threshold=args.mask_threshold, use_dense_crf= not args.no_crf, use_gpu=not args.cpu) if args.viz: #可视化输入的图片和生成的预测图片 print("Visualizing results for image {}, close to continue ...".format(fn)) plot_img_and_mask(img, mask) if not args.no_save:#设置为False,则保存 out_fn = out_files[i] result = mask_to_image(mask) #从数组array转成Image[i]) #然后保存 print("Mask saved to {}".format(out_files[i]))
import sys import os from optparse import OptionParser import numpy as np import torch import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import torch.nn as nn from torch import optim from eval import eval_net from unet import UNet from utils import get_ids, split_ids, split_train_val, get_imgs_and_masks, batch def train_net(net, epochs=5, batch_size=1, lr=0.1, val_percent=0.05, save_cp=True, gpu=False, img_scale=0.5): dir_img = \'data/train/\' #训练图像文件夹 dir_mask = \'data/train_masks/\' #图像的结果文件夹 dir_checkpoint = \'checkpoints/\' #训练好的网络保存文件夹 ids = get_ids(dir_img)#图片名字的后4位为数字,能作为图片id #得到元祖列表为[(id1,0),(id1,1),(id2,0),(id2,1),...,(idn,0),(idn,1)] #这样的作用是后面重新设置生成器时会通过后面的0,1作为utils.py中get_square函数的pos参数,pos=0的取左边的部分,pos=1的取右边的部分 #这样图片的数量就会变成2倍 ids = split_ids(ids) iddataset = split_train_val(ids, val_percent) #将数据分为训练集和验证集两份 print(\'\'\' Starting training: Epochs: {} Batch size: {} Learning rate: {} Training size: {} Validation size: {} Checkpoints: {} CUDA: {} \'\'\'.format(epochs, batch_size, lr, len(iddataset[\'train\']), len(iddataset[\'val\']), str(save_cp), str(gpu))) N_train = len(iddataset[\'train\']) #训练集长度 optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), #定义优化器 lr=lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005) criterion = nn.BCELoss()#损失函数 for epoch in range(epochs): #开始训练 print(\'Starting epoch {}/{}.\'.format(epoch + 1, epochs)) net.train() #设置为训练模式 # reset the generators重新设置生成器 # 对输入图片dir_img和结果图片dir_mask进行相同的图片处理,即缩小、裁剪、转置、归一化后,将两个结合在一起,返回(imgs_normalized, masks) train = get_imgs_and_masks(iddataset[\'train\'], dir_img, dir_mask, img_scale) val = get_imgs_and_masks(iddataset[\'val\'], dir_img, dir_mask, img_scale) epoch_loss = 0 for i, b in enumerate(batch(train, batch_size)): imgs = np.array([i[0] for i in b]).astype(np.float32) #得到输入图像数据 true_masks = np.array([i[1] for i in b]) #得到图像结果数据 imgs = torch.from_numpy(imgs) true_masks = torch.from_numpy(true_masks) if gpu: imgs = imgs.cuda() true_masks = true_masks.cuda() masks_pred = net(imgs) #图像输入的网络后得到结果masks_pred,结果为灰度图像 masks_probs_flat = masks_pred.view(-1) #将结果压扁 true_masks_flat = true_masks.view(-1) loss = criterion(masks_probs_flat, true_masks_flat) #对两个结果计算损失 epoch_loss += loss.item() print(\'{0:.4f} --- loss: {1:.6f}\'.format(i * batch_size / N_train, loss.item())) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(\'Epoch finished ! Loss: {}\'.format(epoch_loss / i)) #一次迭代后得到的平均损失 if 1: val_dice = eval_net(net, val, gpu) print(\'Validation Dice Coeff: {}\'.format(val_dice)) if save_cp:, dir_checkpoint + \'CP{}.pth\'.format(epoch + 1)) print(\'Checkpoint {} saved !\'.format(epoch + 1)) def get_args(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option(\'-e\', \'--epochs\', dest=\'epochs\', default=5, type=\'int\', #设置迭代数 help=\'number of epochs\') parser.add_option(\'-b\', \'--batch-size\', dest=\'batchsize\', default=10, #设置训练批处理数 type=\'int\', help=\'batch size\') parser.add_option(\'-l\', \'--learning-rate\', dest=\'lr\', default=0.1, #设置学习率 type=\'float\', help=\'learning rate\') parser.add_option(\'-g\', \'--gpu\', action=\'store_true\', dest=\'gpu\', #是否使用GPU,默认是不使用 default=False, help=\'use cuda\') parser.add_option(\'-c\', \'--load\', dest=\'load\', #下载之前预训练好的模型 default=False, help=\'load file model\') parser.add_option(\'-s\', \'--scale\', dest=\'scale\', type=\'float\', #图像的缩小因子,用来重新设置图片大小 default=0.5, help=\'downscaling factor of the images\') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options if __name__ == \'__main__\': args = get_args() #得到设置的所有参数信息 net = UNet(n_channels=3, n_classes=1) if args.load: #是否加载预先训练好的模型 net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.load)) print(\'Model loaded from {}\'.format(args.load)) if args.gpu: #是否使用GPU,设置为True,则使用 net.cuda() # cudnn.benchmark = True # faster convolutions, but more memory try: #开始训练 train_net(net=net, epochs=args.epochs, batch_size=args.batchsize,, gpu=args.gpu, img_scale=args.scale) except KeyboardInterrupt: #如果键盘输入ctrl+c停止,则会将结果保存在INTERRUPTED.pth中, \'INTERRUPTED.pth\') print(\'Saved interrupt\') try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0)