The first big overhaul for Facebook came in 2012-14.Internet users were carrying out ever more tasks on smartphones rather than desktop or laptop computers.Mark Zuckerberg opted to follow them,concentrating on Facebook\’s mobile app ahead of its website,and buying up two fast-growing communication apps——WhatsApp and Instagram. It worked.Facebook increased its market valuation from around $60bn at the end of 2012 to—for a brief period in 2018—more than $600bn.

overhaul:[əʊvəˈhɔːl] 整改
		haul:[hɔːl] 用力拉
		eg:an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it
carry out :实施
come in :到达,抵达
laptop computer:笔记本
ever more:更加
opt:[ɒpt] 挑选
concentrate: [ˈkɒnsntreɪt]关注


On March 6th Mr.Zuckerberg announced Facebook\’s next pivot. As well as its existing money making enterprise,selling targeted ads on its public social networks, it is building a “privacy-focused platform” around WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger.The apps will be integrated, he said, and messages sent through them encrypted end-to-end, so that even Facebook cannot read them.While it was not made explicit, it is clear what the business model will be.

pivot:  [ˈpɪvət] 支点;枢轴;中心点
ads: [ædz]广告
money making牟利,会赚钱的
platform[ˈplætfɔːm] 平台;站台; form 形状
integrate[ˈɪntɪɡreɪt]  (使)合并
encrypt[ɪnˈkrɪpt]  把…加密(或编码)
explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] 清楚明白的;易于理解的;


Mr.Zuckerberg wants all manner of businesses to use its messaging networks to provide services and accept payments. Facebook will take a cut.A big shift was overdue at Facebook given the privacy and political scandals that have battered the firm.Even Mr Zuckerberg,who often appears incapable of seeing the gravity of Facebook\’s situation, seemed to grasp the irony of it putting privacy first.”Frankly we don\’t currently have a strong reputation forbuilding privacy protective services,” he noted.

shift:[ʃɪft] 转移 改变


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