matlab 数字图像处理 intrans函数 学习笔记 - 面朝终南山
function g = intrans(f,varargin) error (nargchk(2,4,nargin)) %check input classin = class(f); %stroe the class of the input for use later. if strcmp(class(f),\'double\') & max(f(:))>1 & ~strcmp(varargin{1},\'log\') f = mat2gray(f); %if all the 3 conditions is filling the need . else % make sure the class(f) is in the class of double , f(:) means all the % elemnets in the martix F, and the max(f(:))>1 means if the max(f(:))>1 so % convert them into double , in this way they are all less then1. % strcmp(varargin[1],\'log\') is the string compare, and the varargin {1} % compares with log. f = im2double(f); end method = varargin{1}; switch method case \'neg\' g = imcomplement(f); case \'log\' if length(varargin) == 1 c = 1; elseif length(varargin) == 2 c = varargin{2}; elseif length(varargin) == 3 c = varargin{2}; classin = varargin{3}; else error(\'Incorrect number of input for the log option.\') end g = c*(log(1+double(f))); case \'gamma\' if length(varargin) < 2 error(\'not enough input for the gamma option\') end gam = varargin{2}; g = imadjust (f, [], [], gam); case \'stretch\' if length(varargin) == 1 %defaults vaule m = mean2(f); E = 4.0; elseif length(varargin) == 3 m = varargin{2}; E = varargin{3}; else error(\'incorrect number of inputs for the srtetch option.\') end g = 1./(1 + (m./(f+eps)).^E); otherwise error(\'unkown enhancement method.\') end % g = changeclass(classin , g);
在书上的例子中,matlab里面输入的代码是>>g = intrans(f,log,mean2(im2double(f)),0.9);
我们看到代码中,if strcmp(class(f),\’double\’) & max(f(:))>1 & ~strcmp(varargin{1},\’log\’) f = mat2gray(f);
首先对输入的数据类型检测,if strcmp(class(f),\’double\’) 是检测输入的矩阵是否是double型的;
其次对输入的数据大小检测,max(f(:))>1 是确定矩阵f中是否有大于1的元素;
插入断点后,打开varargin这个矩阵,读出的数据为: 对比输入的命令,就可以发现输入的log出现这第一个数据位,0.5181对f矩阵做的均方根的值。
然后到了 method = varargin{1}; 就是把varargin这个矩阵里面的第一个值(因为他是一个1X3的矩阵)于case里面的众多数据进行对比,如果一直,就执行其中代码,后面和C就没有什么区别了。
classin = class(f); 是将f的类型赋给classin;后面还有个changeclass的函数是转换数据类型的,一般主要是用于数据类型转换,例如unit8, unit16,double等类型。