1999年的SIFT(ICCV 1999,并改进发表于IJCV 2004,本文描述);参考描述:图像特征点描述

         参考原文:SURF特征提取分析 本文有大量删除,如有疑义,请参考原文。



          引用Wiki百科中对SURF描述为:“SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) is a robust local feature detector, first presented by Herbert Bay et al. in 2006,
that can be used in computer vision tasks likeobject recognition or 3D reconstruction. It is partly inspired by the SIFT descriptor.The standard version of SURF is several times faster than SIFT
and claimed by its authors to be more robust against different image transformations than SIFT
. SURF is based on sums of2D Haar wavelet responses and makes an efficient use ofintegral images.It
uses an integer approximation to the determinant of Hessian blob detector, which can be computed extremely quickly with an integral image (3 integer operations). For features, it uses the sum of the Haar wavelet response around
the point of interest
. Again, these can be computed with the aid of the integral image”.

从上述对SURF描述,可知:第一、SURF算法是对SIFT算法加强版,同时加速的具有鲁棒性的特征。第二、标准的SURF算子比SIFT算子快好几倍,并且在多幅图片下具有更好的鲁棒性。SURF最大的特征在于采用了harr特征以及积分图像integral image的概念,这大大加快了程序的运行时间





void SURF::operator()(InputArray _img, InputArray _mask,
                      CV_OUT vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                      OutputArray _descriptors,
                      bool useProvidedKeypoints) const
    Mat img = _img.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat(), mask1, sum, msum;
    bool doDescriptors = _descriptors.needed();

    CV_Assert(!img.empty() && img.depth() == CV_8U);
    if( img.channels() > 1 )
        cvtColor(img, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

    CV_Assert(mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && mask.size() == img.size()));
    CV_Assert(hessianThreshold >= 0);
    CV_Assert(nOctaves > 0);
    CV_Assert(nOctaveLayers > 0);

    integral(img, sum, CV_32S);

    // 1. 使用Hessian矩阵寻找候选点集合:

    // Compute keypoints only if we are not asked for evaluating the descriptors are some given locations:
    if( !useProvidedKeypoints )
        if( !mask.empty() )
            cv::min(mask, 1, mask1);
            integral(mask1, msum, CV_32S);
        fastHessianDetector( sum, msum, keypoints, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, (float)hessianThreshold );

    int i, j, N = (int)keypoints.size();
    if( N > 0 )
        Mat descriptors;
        bool _1d = false;
        int dcols = extended ? 128 : 64;
        size_t dsize = dcols*sizeof(float);

        if( doDescriptors )
            _1d = _descriptors.kind() == _InputArray::STD_VECTOR && _descriptors.type() == CV_32F;
            if( _1d )
                _descriptors.create(N*dcols, 1, CV_32F);
                descriptors = _descriptors.getMat().reshape(1, N);
                _descriptors.create(N, dcols, CV_32F);
                descriptors = _descriptors.getMat();

        // we call SURFInvoker in any case, even if we do not need descriptors,
        // since it computes orientation of each feature.
        parallel_for_(Range(0, N), SURFInvoker(img, sum, keypoints, descriptors, extended, upright) );

        // remove keypoints that were marked for deletion
        for( i = j = 0; i < N; i++ )
            if( keypoints[i].size > 0 )
                if( i > j )
                    keypoints[j] = keypoints[i];
                    if( doDescriptors )
                        memcpy( descriptors.ptr(j), descriptors.ptr(i), dsize);
        if( N > j )
            N = j;
            if( doDescriptors )
                Mat d = descriptors.rowRange(0, N);
                if( _1d )
                    d = d.reshape(1, N*dcols);





// Multi-threaded search of the scale-space pyramid for keypoints
// 2.多线程寻找多尺度的特征点描述子
struct SURFFindInvoker : ParallelLoopBody
    SURFFindInvoker( const Mat& _sum, const Mat& _mask_sum,
                     const vector<Mat>& _dets, const vector<Mat>& _traces,
                     const vector<int>& _sizes, const vector<int>& _sampleSteps,
                     const vector<int>& _middleIndices, vector<KeyPoint>& _keypoints,
                     int _nOctaveLayers, float _hessianThreshold )
        sum = &_sum;
        mask_sum = &_mask_sum;
        dets = &_dets;
        traces = &_traces;
        sizes = &_sizes;
        sampleSteps = &_sampleSteps;
        middleIndices = &_middleIndices;
        keypoints = &_keypoints;
        nOctaveLayers = _nOctaveLayers;
        hessianThreshold = _hessianThreshold;

    static void findMaximaInLayer( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum,
                   const vector<Mat>& dets, const vector<Mat>& traces,
                   const vector<int>& sizes, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                   int octave, int layer, float hessianThreshold, int sampleStep );

    void operator()(const Range& range) const
        for( int i=range.start; i<range.end; i++ )
            int layer = (*middleIndices)[i];
            int octave = i / nOctaveLayers;
            findMaximaInLayer( *sum, *mask_sum, *dets, *traces, *sizes,
                               *keypoints, octave, layer, hessianThreshold,
                               (*sampleSteps)[layer] );

    const Mat *sum;
    const Mat *mask_sum;
    const vector<Mat>* dets;
    const vector<Mat>* traces;
    const vector<int>* sizes;
    const vector<int>* sampleSteps;
    const vector<int>* middleIndices;
    vector<KeyPoint>* keypoints;
    int nOctaveLayers;
    float hessianThreshold;

    static Mutex findMaximaInLayer_m;



4. 选取特征点主方向确定


5. 构造SURF特征点描述算子


 * Find the maxima in the determinant of the Hessian in a layer of the
 * scale-space pyramid
void SURFFindInvoker::findMaximaInLayer( const Mat& sum, const Mat& mask_sum,
                   const vector<Mat>& dets, const vector<Mat>& traces,
                   const vector<int>& sizes, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                   int octave, int layer, float hessianThreshold, int sampleStep )
    // Wavelet Data
    const int NM=1;
    const int dm[NM][5] = { {0, 0, 9, 9, 1} };
    SurfHF Dm;

    int size = sizes[layer];

    // The integral image \'sum\' is one pixel bigger than the source image
    int layer_rows = (sum.rows-1)/sampleStep;
    int layer_cols = (sum.cols-1)/sampleStep;

    // Ignore pixels without a 3x3x3 neighbourhood in the layer above
    int margin = (sizes[layer+1]/2)/sampleStep+1;

    if( !mask_sum.empty() )
       resizeHaarPattern( dm, &Dm, NM, 9, size, mask_sum.cols );

    int step = (int)(dets[layer].step/dets[layer].elemSize());

    for( int i = margin; i < layer_rows - margin; i++ )
        const float* det_ptr = dets[layer].ptr<float>(i);
        const float* trace_ptr = traces[layer].ptr<float>(i);
        for( int j = margin; j < layer_cols-margin; j++ )
            float val0 = det_ptr[j];
            if( val0 > hessianThreshold )
                /* Coordinates for the start of the wavelet in the sum image. There
                   is some integer division involved, so don\'t try to simplify this
                   (cancel out sampleStep) without checking the result is the same */
                int sum_i = sampleStep*(i-(size/2)/sampleStep);
                int sum_j = sampleStep*(j-(size/2)/sampleStep);

                /* The 3x3x3 neighbouring samples around the maxima.
                   The maxima is included at N9[1][4] */

                const float *det1 = &dets[layer-1].at<float>(i, j);
                const float *det2 = &dets[layer].at<float>(i, j);
                const float *det3 = &dets[layer+1].at<float>(i, j);
                float N9[3][9] = { { det1[-step-1], det1[-step], det1[-step+1],
                                     det1[-1]  , det1[0] , det1[1],
                                     det1[step-1] , det1[step] , det1[step+1]  },
                                   { det2[-step-1], det2[-step], det2[-step+1],
                                     det2[-1]  , det2[0] , det2[1],
                                     det2[step-1] , det2[step] , det2[step+1]  },
                                   { det3[-step-1], det3[-step], det3[-step+1],
                                     det3[-1]  , det3[0] , det3[1],
                                     det3[step-1] , det3[step] , det3[step+1]  } };

                /* Check the mask - why not just check the mask at the center of the wavelet? */
                if( !mask_sum.empty() )
                    const int* mask_ptr = &mask_sum.at<int>(sum_i, sum_j);
                    float mval = calcHaarPattern( mask_ptr, &Dm, 1 );
                    if( mval < 0.5 )

                /* Non-maxima suppression. val0 is at N9[1][4]*/
                if( val0 > N9[0][0] && val0 > N9[0][1] && val0 > N9[0][2] &&
                    val0 > N9[0][3] && val0 > N9[0][4] && val0 > N9[0][5] &&
                    val0 > N9[0][6] && val0 > N9[0][7] && val0 > N9[0][8] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][0] && val0 > N9[1][1] && val0 > N9[1][2] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][3]                    && val0 > N9[1][5] &&
                    val0 > N9[1][6] && val0 > N9[1][7] && val0 > N9[1][8] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][0] && val0 > N9[2][1] && val0 > N9[2][2] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][3] && val0 > N9[2][4] && val0 > N9[2][5] &&
                    val0 > N9[2][6] && val0 > N9[2][7] && val0 > N9[2][8] )
                    /* Calculate the wavelet center coordinates for the maxima */
                    float center_i = sum_i + (size-1)*0.5f;
                    float center_j = sum_j + (size-1)*0.5f;

                    KeyPoint kpt( center_j, center_i, (float)sizes[layer],
                                  -1, val0, octave, CV_SIGN(trace_ptr[j]) );

                    /* Interpolate maxima location within the 3x3x3 neighbourhood  */
                    int ds = size - sizes[layer-1];
                    int interp_ok = interpolateKeypoint( N9, sampleStep, sampleStep, ds, kpt );

                    /* Sometimes the interpolation step gives a negative size etc. */
                    if( interp_ok  )
                        /*printf( "KeyPoint %f %f %d\n", point.pt.x, point.pt.y, point.size );*/
                        cv::AutoLock lock(findMaximaInLayer_m);


1. 为什么选用高斯金字塔来作特征提取?

       首先,采用DOG的金字塔原因是:因为它接近LOG,而LOG的极值点提供了最稳定的特征,而且DOG方便计算(只要做减法).而LOG的极值点提供的特征最稳定。其次,我们从直观理解:特征明显的点经过不同尺度的高斯滤波器进行滤波后,差别较大,所以用到的是DOG。但是直观上怎么理解呢. 如果相邻Octave的sigma不是两倍关系还好理解:如果两幅图像只是缩放的关系,那么假设第一个Octave找到了小一倍图像的极值点,那么大一倍图像的极值点会在下一个Octave找到相似的。但是现在,如果把大一倍图像进行一次下采样(这样和小的图像就完全一样了),进行Gauss滤波时,两个图像滤波系数(sigma)是不一样的,不就找不到一样的极值点了么.







5. 为什么Hessian矩阵可以用来判断极大值/极小值?




      1.SURF原始论文:Herbert Bay, Andreas Ess, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool, “SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features“, Computer
Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Vol. 110, No. 3, pp. 346–359, 2008.

Speeded Up Robust Features(SURF)
,Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

The Website of SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features

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