yum install -y  samba samba-client samba-swat

security = share
passdb backend = tdbsam



comment = Public Stuff
path = /web/www
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
write list = +staff


windows 下面cmd  \\ (我的服务器ip  )就出现了


service smb restart 


a. 修改samba的主配置文件如下:

#======================= Global Settings =====================================

[global]                                                  //该设置与Samba服务整体运行环境有关,它的设置项目针对所有共享资源       

# ----------------------- Network Related Options -------------------------
# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name, eg: MIDEARTH
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
# netbios name can be used to specify a server name not tied to the hostname

        workgroup = WORKGROUP                             //定义工作组,也就是windows中的工作组概念
        server string = David Samba Server Version %v     //定义Samba服务器的简要说明
        netbios name = DavidSamba                         //定义windows中显示出来的计算机名称

# --------------------------- Logging Options -----------------------------
# Log File let you specify where to put logs and how to split them up.

        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m                  //定义Samba用户的日志文件,%m代表客户端主机名
# ----------------------- Standalone Server Options ------------------------
# Scurity can be set to user, share(deprecated) or server(deprecated)

        security = share                                  //共享级别,用户不需要账号和密码即可访问

#============================ Share Definitions ==============================

[public]                                                  //设置针对的是共享目录个别的设置,只对当前的共享资源起作用
        comment = Public Stuff                            //对共享目录的说明文件,自己可以定义说明信息
        path = /share                                     //用来指定共享的目录,必选项
        public = yes                                      //所有人可查看,等效于guest ok = yes

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