首先参考了 http://www.cnblogs.com/TankXiao/archive/2012/10/18/2727072.html#msiexec ,该博文详细讲解了使用msiexe命令进行卸载的内容,同时提供了使用C#实现的卸载程序。对此,我想到了使用python编写脚本实现类似的功能。主要的算法大致是使用软件名称去注册表中搜索到该软件的包括productCode在内的uninstallString,而后根据这个字符串进行默认卸载,再根据软件的msi包路径进行默认安装。小弟菜鸟一枚,初次编写脚本,望大家多指点。
#this function is used to get the uninstall string of a software in windows #input:the dir which is a register key,the name of software product #output:the uninstall string,if None,means no find def getProductCode(dir,prodcutName): uninstallString = \'\' #get the key of the uninstall path #get the subkey,get the one which have the same name with productName #by the subkey,get the value of uninstall string of it try: key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ,dir) j=0 while 1: name = _winreg.EnumKey(key,j) #name = repr(name) path = dir + \'\\\' + name subkey = _winreg.OpenKey(key ,name) value,type =\'\',\'\' try: value,type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(subkey,\'DisplayName\') except Exception,e: pass if value == prodcutName: try: value2,type2 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(subkey,\'UninstallString\') except Exception,e: pass uninstallString = value2 return uninstallString _winreg.CloseKey(subkey) #print value,\' \',type j+=1 except WindowsError,e: print finally: _winreg.CloseKey(key) pass #define the function uninstall_productbyCode(),to uninstall the product by code def uninstall_productbyCode(code): #uninstall_cmd = "msiexec /x /quiet /norestart " + path uninstall_cmd = code + \' /quiet\' print uninstall_cmd if os.system(uninstall_cmd) == 0: return 0; else: return -1; #define the function install_product(),to install the product def install_product(path): install_cmd = "msiexec /qn /i " + path print install_cmd if os.system(install_cmd) == 0: return 0; else: return -1; #define the function Is64Windows(),to judge the system is whether 64Windows def Is64Windows(): return \'PROGRAMFILES(X86)\' in os.environ #define the function agent_install(),to auto install product def product_install(): if Is64Windows(): product_path = product_loc + "softwarename_x64.msi" else: product_path = product_loc + "softwarename.msi" reg_dir = cst_path4_x86 uninstallString = getProductCode(reg_dir,u\'软件中文名\') print uninstallString #for maybe in english system,we need to get english version product code,if we don\'t get chinese of that if uninstallString == None: uninstallString = getProductCode(reg_dir,u\'软件英文名\') print uninstallString # uninstall product if uninstallString != None and 0 == uninstall_productbyCode(uninstallString): print "uninstall softwarename scuessful" else: print "uninstall softwarename fail" # install product if 0 == install_product(product_path): print "install softwarename scuessful" else: print "install softwarename fail" pass