WebSphere data source Configuration


  1. login http://localhost:9061/ibm/console/login.do(According to your own configuration for this URL, this is default URL).
  2. On the left navigation, click on “Environment” menu, and then spread the sum menu, click on the “WebSphere variables”.
  3. On the right page shows the variables list, click “Next” button to move to next page and find “ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH” variable.

  4. Edit this path, set the “Value” as the path of your Oracle driver jar file.
  5. After set the value, click “Apply” button, also click “Save” button to take effect.
  6. Click the menu as below image shows, and click “New” button.
  7. Step 1: Create new JDBC provider. The values set as below image shows. And then click “Next”.
  8. Step 2, if the oracle jar is not the same as images shows, you can change it later. This page no needs to change, click “Next”.
  9. Step 3, no change to click “Finish”
  10. Save the configuration.
  11. You can click name in the list to change the configuration.
  12. If something is wrong, you can change it. Eg.my jar name is not “ojdbc6.jar”, so change the class path as “ojdbc14-”, and click “Apply”, “Save” button.
  13. Create Data source.
  14. Step 1, “Date source name” can free to input, “JNDI name” is “jdbc/DataSource”.
  15. Step 2, select an existing JDBC provider.
  16. Input URL “jdbc:oracle:thin:@cndalwebdb04vl.cn.fid-intl.com:1521:D1CIA”.
    (According you own configuration).
  17. Setup security aliases. (Set up oracle username and password). Set later. Do nothing and next.
  18. Confirm page, click “Finish” button.
  19. Save the data source configuration.
  20. Add “JAAS – J2C authentication data” (oracle username and password).
    After that set “security setting”.
  21. Click “New” button.
  22. Alias is free to input, User ID and Password use to connect oracle db.
  23. Apply and save.
  24. Link to data source edit page, edit “Security settings” option.
  25. Apply and save.
  26. Test connection.
  27. Connect successfully if shows below page. And the entire configuration for data source has done.

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