- SCL配置语言和建模相关
- SCL — 变电端配置描述语言(Substation Configuration description Language)
- XML — 扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language)
- XSD — XML语法定义(XML Schema Definition)
- IED — 智能电子设备(Intelligent Electronic Device)
- LD — 逻辑设备(Logic Device)
- LN — 逻辑节点(Logic Node)
- DO — 数据对象(DATA in IEC61850-7-2, data object type or instance, depending on the context)
- DOI — 数据对象实例(Instantiated DATA Object(DATA)
- DA — 数据属性(Data Attribute)
- DAI — 数据属性实例Instantiated Data Attribute
- BDA — 非结构化的基本数据属性(Basic Data Attribute, that is not structured)
- ldInst — 逻辑设备实例(Instance identification of a Logical Device as part of its name)
- LnInst — Instance number of a Logical Node as a part of its name
- SDI — Instantiated Sub DATA; middle name part of a structured DATA name
- SDO — Sub DATA within a DOType, referencing another DOType
- ICD — 智能电子设备配置说明(IED Configuration Description)
- SV采样相关
- MSV — Multicast Sampled Value
- MsvID — ID for MSV(Multicast Sampled Value)
- RCB — Report Control Block
- UsvID — ID for USV (Unicast Sampled Value)
- PDU — 协议数据单元(Protocol Data Unit)
- ASDU —- 应用服务数据单元(Application Service Data Unit)
- MMS相关
- ACSI — 抽象通信服务接口 (Abstract Communication Service Interface)
- MMS — 制作报文规范(Manufacturing Message Specification)
- 其他
- UML — Unified Modelling Language
- URI — Universal Resource Identifier
- VMD — 虚拟制造设备(Virtual Manufacturing Device)
- BDA — Basic DATA Attribute, i.e. not structured
- CIM — Common Information Model for energy management applications
- ID — Identifier
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