



use logdb;

alter table logdemo add partition (reportTime=\'${tday}\') location \'/logdemo/reportTime=${tday}\';

insert into dataclear partition(reportTime=\'${tday}\') select split(url,\'-\')[2],urlname,ref,uagent,stat_uv,split(stat_ss,\'_\')[0],split(stat_ss,\'_\')[1],split(stat_ss,\'_\')[2],cip from logdemo where reportTime = \'${tday}\';

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'pv\',pv_tab.pv from (select count(*) as pv from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\') as pv_tab;create table tongji1_temp(reportTime string,k string,v string);

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'uv\',uv_tab.uv from (select count(distinct uvid) as uv from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\') as uv_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'vv\',vv_tab.vv from (select count(distinct ssid) as vv from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\') as vv_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'br\',br_tab.br from (select round(br_left_tab.br_count / br_right_tab.ss_count,4) as br from (select count(*) as br_count from (select ssid from dataclear group by ssid having count(*) = 1) as br_intab) br_left_tab,(select count(distinct ssid) as ss_count from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\') as br_right_tab) as br_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'newip\',newip_tab.newip from (select count(distinct out_dc.cip) as newip from dataclear as out_dc where out_dc.reportTime=\'${tday}\' and out_dc.cip not in (select in_dc.cip from dataclear as in_dc where datediff(\'${tday}\',in_dc.reportTime)>0)) as newip_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'newcust\',newcust_tab.newcust from (select count(distinct out_dc.uvid) as newcust from dataclear as out_dc where out_dc.reportTime=\'${tday}\' and out_dc.uvid not in (select in_dc.uvid from dataclear as in_dc where datediff(\'${tday}\',in_dc.reportTime)>0)) as newcust_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'avgtime\',avgtime_tab.avgtime from (select avg(at_tab.usetime) as avgtime from (select max(sstime) - min(sstime) as usetime from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\' group by ssid) as at_tab) as avgtime_tab;

insert into tongji1_temp select \'${tday}\',\'avgdeep\',avgdeep_tab.avgdeep from (select avg(ad_tab.deep) as avgdeep from (select count(distinct url) as deep from dataclear where reportTime=\'${tday}\' group by ssid) as ad_tab) as avgdeep_tab;

insert into tongji1 select  \'${tday}\', pv_tab.pv, uv_tab.uv, vv_tab.vv, newip_tab.newip, newcust_tab.newcust, avgtime_tab.avgtime, avgdeep_tab.avgdeep from (select v as pv from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'pv\') as pv_tab, (select v as uv from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'uv\') as uv_tab, (select v as vv from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'vv\') as vv_tab, (select v as newip from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'newip\') as newip_tab, (select v as newcust from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'newcust\') as newcust_tab, (select v as avgtime from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'avgtime\') as avgtime_tab, (select v as avgdeep from tongji1_temp where reportTime=\'${tday}\' and k=\'avgdeep\') as avgdeep_tab; 



[root@hadoopalone bin]# ./hive -d tday=2019-09-07 -f /home/software/logdemo.hql

(3)设定linux的定时任务,要求每天零点过后,调用这个脚本(./hive -d tday=date “+%Y-%m-%d” -f /home/software/logdemo.hql)









30 3,12 * * *  /home/test.sh           
30 */6 * * *  /home/test.sh
30 8-18/2 * * * /etc/init.d/network restart
30 21 * * *  /etc/init.d/network restart
45 4 1,10,22 * * /etc/init.d/network restart
10 1 * 8 6,0 /etc/init.d/network restart
00 */1 * * *  /etc/init.d/network restart


service crond start //启动服务
service crond stop //关闭服务
service crond restart //重启服务
service crond reload //重新载入配置



  4.启动crontab配置即可完成定时任务:service crond start //启动服务



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