
博客园地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxinnju/p/4781259.html
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From http://subversion.tigris.org for subversion for windows version, after installation there will be a svn.exe the command-line client based tool. Of course, there are also server-side program, here is not concerned about how to configure the SVN service. Setup the path to svn.exe joined the path environment variable, we are able to directly enter the svn command line can be used.
If you do not know how to use the command svn command can query as follows:
svn help
That the sub-command, but do not know subcommands can also search for:
svn help ci

Developers frequently used commands

Import items
svn import http://svn.chinasvn.com:82/pthread - message "Start project"
Export Project
svn checkout http://svn.chinasvn.com:82/pthread
Export to export by way of a “clean” project
svn export http://svn.chinasvn.com:82/pthread pthread
Clearance for the failure of the transaction
svn cleanup
Code changes locally, check the status changes

svn status-v
svn diff

Update (update) server data to local

svn update directory 
svn update file

Increase (add) local data to the server

svn add file.c 
svn add dir

Rename the file and delete

svn mv bc bb.c 
svn rm dc

Submit (commit) local document to the server

svn commit 
svn ci 
svn ci-m "commit"

View Log

svn log directory 
svn log file

1, in the local paper, each directory has a. Svn folder (attribute is hidden), save the relevant information.
2, registered environmental variables SVN_EDITOR as "E: \ Program Files \ Vim \ vim71 \ gvim.exe", results in the svn ci, when an error:

\'E: \ Program\' is not an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
svn: Commit failed (details follow): 
svn: system (\'E: \ Program Files \ Vim \ vim71 \ gvim.exe svn-commit.tmp\') returns 1

The SVN_EDITOR to “gvim.exe”, and add the path in the path "E: \ Program Files \ Vim \ vim71 \", so that you can use vim at the time of submission of written comments.

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