webrtc ice 协商一些记录 - miss_UU
Lite Implementations: 一般是ice服务器可以实现,这种模式下,只接受binding request请求,并且回复。 不会主动发送binding request请求给对方
To make it easier for these devices to support ICE, ICE defines a special type of implementation called LITE (in contrast to the normal FULL implementation). A lite implementation doesn\'t gather candidates; it includes only host candidates for any media stream. Lite agents do not generate connectivity checks or run the state machines, though they need to be able to respond to connectivity checks. When a lite implementation connects with a full implementation, the full agent takes the role of the controlling agent, and the lite agent takes on the controlled role. When two lite implementations connect, no checks are sent.
Full Implementations: ice客户端实现,这种模式既可以收binding request,也可以发binding request.
controlled 和 controlling角色确定:
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245#section-5.2 Determining Role 有详细描述
One agent full, one lite: The full agent MUST take the controlling role, and the lite agent MUST take the controlled role. The full agent will form check lists, run the ICE state machines, and generate connectivity checks. That agent will execute the logic in Section 8.1 to nominate pairs that will be selected by ICE, and use the logic in Section 8.1.2 to end ICE. The lite implementation will just listen for connectivity checks, receive them and respond to them, and then conclude ICE as described in Section 8.2. For the lite implementation, the state of ICE processing for each media stream is considered to be Running, and the state of ICE overall is Running.
也就是 full agent必须是 controlling role, lite agent 是controlled