给标签或者组件 添加ref <div ref = \'liu\'>test</div> <Home ref = \'home\'></Home> this.$refs.liu 获取原始的DOM对象 this.$refs.home 获取的是组件实例化对象
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> <div id="box"></div> </body> <script src="vue.js"></script> <script src="vue-router.js"></script> <script> Vue.component(\'Test\', { data(){ return{} }, template:` <div>测试组件</div> ` }); let App = { data(){ return{} }, template:` <div> <input type="text" ref="input"> <Test ref="testa"/> </div> `, mounted(){ // 聚焦input标签,用户可直接输入,this.$refs.input获取input标签 this.$refs.input.focus(); // 获取Test实例 console.log(this.$refs.testa); // 获取Test实例的父组件-->App实例对象 console.log(this.$refs.testa.$parent); // 获取根组件,也就是Vue实例对象,也可以直接this.$root获取 console.log(this.$refs.testa.$root); // 获取当前的子组件,Test实例对象,是一个数组 console.log(this.$children); } }; new Vue({ el: \'#box\', data(){ return{} }, template:`<App />`, components:{ App } }) </script> </html>
1.安装之前,首先确定已经安装了node.js,可以运行npm命令; 2.由于npm安装较慢,所以可以通过 npm install -g cnpm --registry= 安装个cnpm(淘宝镜像源),通过cnpm下载依赖比较快; 3.全局安装vue-cli,命令:cnpm install -g @vue/cli,注意如果需要使用2.x的旧版本,就需要使用cnpm install -g @vue/cli-init; 4.使用webpack模板构建项目(一般都用这个),vue init webpack lf_project(project名称); 5. cd lf_project 6. cnpm install (or if using yarn: yarn),安装package.json中所有的依赖包 7. npm run dev 运行启动项目(运行package.json的scripts下的dev)
entry 整个项目的程序入口(main.js或index.js) output 输出的出口 loader 加载器 对es6代码的解析 babel-loader, css-loader 解析css文件,style-loader 将css代码添加一个style标签插入header标签中,url-loader plugins html-webpack-plugin 丑陋(UglifyJsPlugin)
//A模块依赖B模块 b.js export const num = 3; export function f1(){}; export default {data(){}...}; a.js import * as b_all from \'./b.js\' //导入全部,使用的话就用b_all.num,b_all.default等
main.js 程序的主入口
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias. import Vue from \'vue\' import App from \'./App\' // 导入路由对象router import router from \'./router\' // 导入element-ui import ElementUI from \'element-ui\'; import \'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css\'; // 记得一定要use Vue.use(ElementUI); import \'../static/css/base.css\'; Vue.config.productionTip = false; /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: \'#app\', // 挂载router router, components: { App }, template: \'<App/>\' })
App.vue 应用页面
<template> <div id="app"> <el-container> <el-header style="height: 80px"> <div> <img src="" alt=""> <li class="header-li" v-for="(item, index) in header_title_list" :key="" > <router-link :to="{}" ><span :class="{}" @click="clickHandler(">{{ item.title }}</span></router-link> </li> </div> </el-header> <el-main> <router-view></router-view> </el-main> </el-container> </div> </template> <script> // 导航栏 let header_titles = [ {id:1, title:\'首页\',name:\'Home\'}, {id:2, title:\'免费课程\',name:\'Course\'}, {id:3, title:\'轻课\',name:\'LCourse\'}, {id:4, title:\'学位课\',name:\'Subject\'}, ]; export default { name: \'App\', data(){ return { header_title_list:[], currentId:1, } }, created() { this.header_title_list = header_titles; }, methods:{ clickHandler(id){ this.currentId = id; } }, } </script> <style> .el-main{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } </style>
router文件下的index.js 路由信息,返回路由对象
import Vue from \'vue\' import Router from \'vue-router\' // @表示到src那一层的绝对路径,导入路由组件 import Home from \'@/components/Home/Home\' import Course from \'@/components/Course/Course\' // use路由对象 Vue.use(Router); // 创建Router实例 export default new Router({ // 去掉url的# mode:\'history\', routes: [ { path: \'/\', redirect:\'/home\' }, { path: \'/home\', name: \'Home\', component: Home }, { path: \'/course\', name: \'Course\', component: Course } ] })
<template> <el-carousel indicator-position="outside" height="640px"> <el-carousel-item v-for="item in index_lbt" :key=""> <img :src="item.image_url" alt="" > </el-carousel-item> </el-carousel> </template> <script> // 轮播图列表 let index_lbt = [ {id: 1, image_url: \'\'}, {id: 2, image_url: \'//\'}, ]; export default { name: "Home", data(){ return{ index_lbt:[], currentIndex:0, } }, created(){ this.index_lbt = index_lbt }, } </script> <style scoped> </style>
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