Acquisition Mode

采集模式 允许用户选择选择单帧或连续图像采集。

    enum AcquisitionModeEnums
        AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame,  //!<Sets the acquisition mode to single frame
        AcquisitionMode_MultiFrame,  //!<Sets the acquisition mode to multi frame
        AcquisitionMode_Continuous   //!<Sets the acquisition mode to continuous



  • AcquisitionMode_SingleFrame :单帧采集模式
  • AcquisitionMode_Continuous   :连续采集模式


// Configure single frame acquisition on the camera
// Switch on image acquisition
// The camera waits for a trigger signal. 
// When a Frame Start trigger signal has been received,
// the camera executes an Acquisition Stop command internally.
// Configure continuous image acquisition on the camera
// Switch on image acquisition
// The camera waits for trigger signals.
// (...)
// Switch off image acquisition




int64_t i = camera.AcquisitionFrameCount.GetValue();


Trigger Selector


    enum TriggerSelectorEnums
        TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart,  //!<Selects the acquisition start trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_AcquisitionEnd,  //!<Selects the acquisition end trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_AcquisitionActive,  //!<Selects the acquisition active trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_FrameStart,  //!<Selects the frame start trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_FrameEnd,  //!<Selects the frame end trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_FrameActive,  //!<Selects the frame active trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_LineStart,  //!<Selects the line start trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_ExposureStart,  //!<Selects the exposure start trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_ExposureEnd,  //!<Selects the exposure end trigger for configuration
        TriggerSelector_ExposureActive   //!<Selects the exposure active trigger for configuration



  • TriggerSelector_FrameStart          单幅图像
  • TriggerSelector_AcquisitionStart   多幅画面
// Select and enable the Frame Start trigger
// Select and enable the Acquisition Start trigger
// Set the number of images to be acquired per Acquisition Start trigger signal to 3


Trigger Mode


    enum TriggerModeEnums
        TriggerMode_Off,  //!<Sets the mode for the selected trigger to off
        TriggerMode_On   //!<Sets the mode for the selected trigger to on



// Select the Frame Start trigger
// Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger

默认,每种触发类型的触发模式都被设为 OFF。也即意味着 “自由运行图像采集” 被打开。所有的 Basle 相机默认都是自由运行图像采集模式。


Free Run Image Acquisition

自由运行图像采集模式不需要用户触发。这个选项不在 Pylon Viewer ,需要编程设置。


  1. 设置采集模式为连续 AcquisitionMode_Continuous
  2. 选择一种触发类型,比如 FrameStart
  3. 设置触发模式为 OFF
  4. 重复上述步骤设置所有触发类型


Trigger Source


    enum TriggerSourceEnums
        TriggerSource_Software,  //!<Sets the software trigger as the signal source for the selected trigger
        TriggerSource_Line1,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 1
        TriggerSource_Line2,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 2
        TriggerSource_Line3,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 3
        TriggerSource_Line4,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 4
        TriggerSource_Line5,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 5
        TriggerSource_Line6,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 6
        TriggerSource_Line7,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 7
        TriggerSource_Line8,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to line 8
        TriggerSource_CC1,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to CC1
        TriggerSource_CC2,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to CC2
        TriggerSource_CC3,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to CC3
        TriggerSource_CC4,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to CC4
        TriggerSource_ShaftEncoderModuleOut,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to the shaft encoder module.
        TriggerSource_FrequencyConverter,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to the frequency converter module.
        TriggerSource_Timer1Start,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to timer 1 start
        TriggerSource_Timer1End,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to timer 1 end
        TriggerSource_Counter1Start,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to counter 1 start
        TriggerSource_Counter1End,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to counter 1 end
        TriggerSource_UserOutput1,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to user output 1
        TriggerSource_UserOutput2,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to user output 2
        TriggerSource_Action1,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to action command signal 1
        TriggerSource_Action2,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to action command signal 2
        TriggerSource_Action3,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to action command signal 3
        TriggerSource_Action4,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to action command signal 4
        TriggerSource_VInput1,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 1
        TriggerSource_VInput2,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 2
        TriggerSource_VInput3,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 3
        TriggerSource_VInput4,  //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input 4
        TriggerSource_VInputDecActive   //!<Sets the signal source for the selected trigger to Virtual Input Decoder Active



  • TriggerSource_Software
  • TriggerSource_Line1



// Select the Frame Start trigger
// Set the trigger source to Line 1


Trigger Activation


    enum TriggerActivationEnums
        TriggerActivation_RisingEdge,  //!<Sets the selected trigger to become active on the rising edge of the source signal
        TriggerActivation_FallingEdge,  //!<Sets the selected trigger to become active on the falling edge of the source signal
        TriggerActivation_AnyEdge,  //!<Sets the selected trigger to become active on the falling or rising edge of the source signal
        TriggerActivation_LevelHigh,  //!<Sets the selected trigger to become active when  the source signal is high
        TriggerActivation_LevelLow   //!<Sets the selected trigger to become active when  the source signal is low



  • TriggerActivation_RisingEdge :上升沿有效
  • TriggerActivation_FallingEdge :下降沿有效



// Select the Frame Start trigger
// Set the trigger activation mode to rising edge


Trigger Software


  1. 设置触发类型,比如 FrameStart
  2. 设置触发模式为 ON
  3. 设置触发源为 Software
  4. 执行 TriggerSoftware 命令


// Select the Frame Start trigger
// Enable triggered image acquisition for the Frame Start trigger
// Set the trigger source for the Frame Start trigger to Software
// Generate a software trigger signal


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