cocos creator 小游戏区域截图功能实现
截图是游戏中非常常见的一个功能,在cocos中可以通过摄像机和 RenderTexture 可以快速实现一个截图功能,具体API可参考:,其中官方也提供了比较完整的例子。
//新建一个 RenderTexture,并且设置 camera 的 targetTexture 为新建的 RenderTexture,这样 camera 的内容将会渲染到新建的 RenderTexture 中。
let texture = new cc.RenderTexture(); let gl =;
//如果截图中不含mask组件可以不加第三个参数,不过建议加上 texture.initWithSize(this.node.width, this.node.height, gl.STENCIL_INDEX8);//这里的宽高直接决定了截图的宽高,如果是全屏截图就是cc.visibleRect.width, cc.visibleRect.height,该处可以设置为截图目标区域的宽高 = this.node.addComponent(cc.Camera); = texture; this.texture = texture;
createSprite() { let width = this.texture.width; let height = this.texture.height;
//截图的本质是创建一个canvas,然后通过canvas生成图片材质 if (!this._canvas) { this._canvas = document.createElement(\'canvas\'); this._canvas.width = width; this._canvas.height = height; } else { this.clearCanvas(); } let ctx = this._canvas.getContext(\'2d\');;//相机绘制,将屏幕上的内容更新到renderTexture中 let data = this.texture.readPixels();//读取renderTexture中的数据 let rowBytes = width * 4; for (let row = 0; row < height; row++) { let srow = height - 1 - row; let imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, 1); let start = srow * width * 4; for (let i = 0; i < rowBytes; i++) {[i] = data[start + i]; } ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, row); } return this._canvas; },
上述代码中用到了canvas 的createImageData() 和putImageData()方法,createImageData() 方法创建新的空白 ImageData 对象,putImageData() 方法将图像数据(从指定的 ImageData 对象)放回画布上。
initImage(img) { // return the type and dataUrl var dataURL = this._canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = dataURL; return img; },
showSprite(img) { let y = this.getTargetArea().y; let x = this.getTargetArea().x; let rect = new cc.Rect(x, y, 770, 800) let texture = new cc.Texture2D(); texture.initWithElement(img); let spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(); spriteFrame.setTexture(texture); spriteFrame.setRect(rect) let node = new cc.Node(); let sprite = node.addComponent(cc.Sprite); sprite.spriteFrame = spriteFrame; node.zIndex = cc.macro.MAX_ZINDEX; node.parent = cc.director.getScene(); // set position let width = cc.winSize.width; let height = cc.winSize.height; node.x = width / 2; node.y = height / 2; node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, () => { node.parent = null; node.destroy(); }); this.captureAction(node, width, height); },
captureAction(capture, width, height) { let scaleAction = cc.scaleTo(1, 0.3); let targetPos = cc.v2(width - width / 6, height / 4); let moveAction = cc.moveTo(1, targetPos); let spawn = cc.spawn(scaleAction, moveAction); let finished = cc.callFunc(() => { capture.destroy(); }) let action = cc.sequence(spawn, finished); capture.runAction(action); },
downloadImg() { this.createSprite(); var img = this.initImage(); this.showSprite(img) var dataURL = this._canvas.toDataURL("image/png") var a = document.createElement("a") a.href = dataURL; = "image"; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); },
cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { _canvas: null, targetNode: cc.Node }, onLoad() { this.init(); }, init() { let texture = new cc.RenderTexture(); let gl =; texture.initWithSize(this.node.width, this.node.height, gl.STENCIL_INDEX8); = this.node.addComponent(cc.Camera); = texture; this.texture = texture; }, // create the img element initImage(img) { // return the type and dataUrl var dataURL = this._canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = dataURL; return img; }, // create the canvas and context, filpY the image Data createSprite() { let width = this.texture.width; let height = this.texture.height; if (!this._canvas) { this._canvas = document.createElement(\'canvas\'); this._canvas.width = width; this._canvas.height = height; } else { this.clearCanvas(); } let ctx = this._canvas.getContext(\'2d\');; let data = this.texture.readPixels(); // write the render data let rowBytes = width * 4; for (let row = 0; row < height; row++) { let srow = height - 1 - row; let imageData = ctx.createImageData(width, 1); let start = srow * width * 4; for (let i = 0; i < rowBytes; i++) {[i] = data[start + i]; } ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, row); } return this._canvas; }, getTargetArea() { let targetPos = this.targetNode.convertToWorldSpaceAR(cc.v2(0, 0)) let y = cc.winSize.height - targetPos.y - this.targetNode.height / 2; let x = cc.winSize.width - targetPos.x - this.targetNode.width / 2; return { x, y } }, downloadImg() { this.createSprite(); var img = this.initImage(); this.showSprite(img) var dataURL = this._canvas.toDataURL("image/png") var a = document.createElement("a") a.href = dataURL; = "image"; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); }, // show on the canvas showSprite(img) { let y = this.getTargetArea().y; let x = this.getTargetArea().x; let rect = new cc.Rect(x, y, 770, 800) let texture = new cc.Texture2D(); texture.initWithElement(img); let spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(); spriteFrame.setTexture(texture); spriteFrame.setRect(rect) let node = new cc.Node(); let sprite = node.addComponent(cc.Sprite); sprite.spriteFrame = spriteFrame; node.zIndex = cc.macro.MAX_ZINDEX; node.parent = cc.director.getScene(); // set position let width = cc.winSize.width; let height = cc.winSize.height; node.x = width / 2; node.y = height / 2; node.on(cc.Node.EventType.TOUCH_START, () => { node.parent = null; node.destroy(); }); this.captureAction(node, width, height); }, // sprite action captureAction(capture, width, height) { let scaleAction = cc.scaleTo(1, 0.3); let targetPos = cc.v2(width - width / 6, height / 4); let moveAction = cc.moveTo(1, targetPos); let spawn = cc.spawn(scaleAction, moveAction); let finished = cc.callFunc(() => { capture.destroy(); }) let action = cc.sequence(spawn, finished); capture.runAction(action); }, clearCanvas() { let ctx = this._canvas.getContext(\'2d\'); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); } });