C 实现简单的栈
stk.h typedef unsigned int uint; typedef struct _node { void *data; uint size; struct _node *down; }__attribute__((packed)) node; typedef struct _stk { struct _node *top; uint len; }__attribute__((packed)) stk; /* init stk */ stk *stk_new(); /* push one data into stk */ int stk_push(stk *root,void *data,uint size); /* pop one element out of stk */ int stk_pop(stk *root); /* get size of stk */ int stk_size(stk *root); /* destroy stk */ int stk_destroy(stk *root); /* print all data */ int stk_prt(stk *root); stk.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "stk.h" stk *stk_new() { stk *root=(stk *)malloc(sizeof(stk)); if(!root){fprintf(stderr,"stk fail to create\n");return NULL;} root->top=NULL; root->len=0; return root; } int stk_push(stk *root,void *data,uint size) { node *n=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(!root||!n){fprintf(stderr,"node fail to create or stk is null\n");return 1;} n->data=malloc(size); if(!n->data){fprintf(stderr,"n->data fail to create\n");return 1;} memset(n->data,0,size); memcpy((char *)n->data,data,size); n->size=size; n->down=root->top; root->top=n; root->len++; return 0; } int stk_empty(stk *root) { if(!root){fprintf(stderr," stk root is null\n");return -1;} if(root->len>=1){return 1;} return 0; } int stk_pop(stk *root) { if(!root){fprintf(stderr,"stk root is null\n");return 1;} node *p=root->top; root->top=p->down; root->len--; free(p); printf("\t free node:%p\n",p); return 0; } int stk_size(stk *root) { if(!root){fprintf(stderr,"stk root is null\n");return 0;} return root->len; } int stk_destroy(stk *root) { if(!root){fprintf(stderr," stk root is null\n");return 1;} node *pnode=root->top; while(pnode) { printf("node =%p free ",pnode); node *tmp=pnode->down; free(pnode); pnode=tmp; root->len--; printf(" ok!\n"); } root->top=NULL; } int stk_prt(stk *root) { if(!root){fprintf(stderr," stk root is null\n");return 1;} node *pnode=root->top; printf("\t root->len:%d\n",root->len); while(pnode!=NULL) { printf(" pnode = %p,pnode->down =%p,pnode->size=%d\n",pnode,pnode->down,pnode->size); printf(" pnode->data:%s\n",(char *)pnode->data); pnode=pnode->down; } return 0; } int main(void) { stk *p=stk_new(); char *v1="hello word"; char * vp1="200"; char *s1="c programing"; char *c="FBI"; printf("stk_push(%s):%d\n",v1,stk_push(p,v1,strlen(v1)+1)); printf("stk_push(%s):%d\n",vp1,stk_push(p,vp1,strlen(vp1)+1)); printf("stk_push(%s):%d\n",s1,stk_push(p,s1,strlen(s1)+1)); printf("stk_push(%s):%d\n",c,stk_push(p,c,strlen(c)+1)); stk_prt(p); printf("####################################\n"); printf("stk_size :%d\n",stk_size(p)); printf("stk_pop :%d\n",stk_pop(p)); stk_prt(p); printf("stk_size :%d\n",stk_size(p)); stk_destroy(p); stk_prt(p); return 0; }