Homebrew是一款Mac OS平台下的软件包管理工具
Homebrew是一款Mac OS平台下的软件包管理工具,拥有安装、卸载、更新、查看、搜索等很多实用的功能。简单的一条指令,就可以实现包管理,而不用你关心各种依赖和文件路径的情况,十分方便快捷。
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh >> brew_install
本地执行之前需要将BREW_REPO = "https://github.com/Homebrew/brew"
实际上,我是将 https://github.com/Homebrew/brew 全部替换为:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git
#!/bin/bash set -u # Check if script is run non-interactively (e.g. CI) # If it is run non-interactively we should not prompt for passwords. if [[ ! -t 0 || -n "${CI-}" ]]; then NONINTERACTIVE=1 fi abort() { printf "%s\n" "$1" exit 1 } # First check OS. OS="$(uname)" if [[ "$OS" == "Linux" ]]; then HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX=1 elif [[ "$OS" != "Darwin" ]]; then abort "Homebrew is only supported on macOS and Linux." fi UNAME_MACHINE="$(uname -m)" # Required installation paths. To install elsewhere (which is unsupported) # you can untar https://mirrors.tunA.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git/tarball/master # anywhere you like. if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" == "arm64" ]]; then # On ARM macOS, this script installs to /opt/homebrew only HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/opt/homebrew" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" else # On Intel macOS, this script installs to /usr/local only HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/usr/local" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew" fi HOMEBREW_CACHE="${HOME}/Library/Caches/Homebrew" HOMEBREW_CORE_GIT_REMOTE="https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core" STAT="stat -f" CHOWN="/usr/sbin/chown" CHGRP="/usr/bin/chgrp" GROUP="admin" TOUCH="/usr/bin/touch" else # On Linux, it installs to /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew if you have sudo access # and ~/.linuxbrew (which is unsupported) if run interactively. HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT="/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew" HOMEBREW_CACHE="${HOME}/.cache/Homebrew" HOMEBREW_CORE_GIT_REMOTE="https://github.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew-core" STAT="stat --printf" CHOWN="/bin/chown" CHGRP="/bin/chgrp" GROUP="$(id -gn)" TOUCH="/bin/touch" fi HOMEBREW_BREW_GIT_REMOTE="https://mirrors.tunA.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git" # TODO: bump version when new macOS is released or announced MACOS_NEWEST_UNSUPPORTED="12.0" # TODO: bump version when new macOS is released MACOS_OLDEST_SUPPORTED="10.14" # For Homebrew on Linux REQUIRED_RUBY_VERSION=2.6 # https://mirrors.tunA.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git/pull/6556 REQUIRED_GLIBC_VERSION=2.13 # https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux#requirements # no analytics during installation export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_THIS_RUN=1 export HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS_MESSAGE_OUTPUT=1 # string formatters if [[ -t 1 ]]; then tty_escape() { printf "\033[%sm" "$1"; } else tty_escape() { :; } fi tty_mkbold() { tty_escape "1;$1"; } tty_underline="$(tty_escape "4;39")" tty_blue="$(tty_mkbold 34)" tty_red="$(tty_mkbold 31)" tty_bold="$(tty_mkbold 39)" tty_reset="$(tty_escape 0)" have_sudo_access() { local -a args if [[ -n "${SUDO_ASKPASS-}" ]]; then args=("-A") elif [[ -n "${NONINTERACTIVE-}" ]]; then args=("-n") fi if [[ -z "${HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS-}" ]]; then if [[ -n "${args[*]-}" ]]; then SUDO="/usr/bin/sudo ${args[*]}" else SUDO="/usr/bin/sudo" fi if [[ -n "${NONINTERACTIVE-}" ]]; then ${SUDO} -l mkdir &>/dev/null else ${SUDO} -v && ${SUDO} -l mkdir &>/dev/null fi HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS="$?" fi if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]] && [[ "$HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS" -ne 0 ]]; then abort "Need sudo access on macOS (e.g. the user $USER to be an Administrator)!" fi return "$HAVE_SUDO_ACCESS" } shell_join() { local arg printf "%s" "$1" shift for arg in "$@"; do printf " " printf "%s" "${arg// /\ }" done } chomp() { printf "%s" "${1/"$\'\n\'"/}" } ohai() { printf "${tty_blue}==>${tty_bold} %s${tty_reset}\n" "$(shell_join "$@")" } warn() { printf "${tty_red}Warning${tty_reset}: %s\n" "$(chomp "$1")" } execute() { if ! "$@"; then abort "$(printf "Failed during: %s" "$(shell_join "$@")")" fi } execute_sudo() { local -a args=("$@") if have_sudo_access; then if [[ -n "${SUDO_ASKPASS-}" ]]; then args=("-A" "${args[@]}") fi ohai "/usr/bin/sudo" "${args[@]}" execute "/usr/bin/sudo" "${args[@]}" else ohai "${args[@]}" execute "${args[@]}" fi } getc() { local save_state save_state=$(/bin/stty -g) /bin/stty raw -echo IFS= read -r -n 1 -d \'\' "$@" /bin/stty "$save_state" } wait_for_user() { local c echo echo "Press RETURN to continue or any other key to abort" getc c # we test for \r and \n because some stuff does \r instead if ! [[ "$c" == $\'\r\' || "$c" == $\'\n\' ]]; then exit 1 fi } major_minor() { echo "${1%%.*}.$(x="${1#*.}"; echo "${x%%.*}")" } version_gt() { [[ "${1%.*}" -gt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -gt "${2#*.}" ]] } version_ge() { [[ "${1%.*}" -gt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -ge "${2#*.}" ]] } version_lt() { [[ "${1%.*}" -lt "${2%.*}" ]] || [[ "${1%.*}" -eq "${2%.*}" && "${1#*.}" -lt "${2#*.}" ]] } should_install_command_line_tools() { if [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then return 1 fi if version_gt "$macos_version" "10.13"; then ! [[ -e "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]] else ! [[ -e "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]] || ! [[ -e "/usr/include/iconv.h" ]] fi } get_permission() { $STAT "%A" "$1" } user_only_chmod() { [[ -d "$1" ]] && [[ "$(get_permission "$1")" != "755" ]] } exists_but_not_writable() { [[ -e "$1" ]] && ! [[ -r "$1" && -w "$1" && -x "$1" ]] } get_owner() { $STAT "%u" "$1" } file_not_owned() { [[ "$(get_owner "$1")" != "$(id -u)" ]] } get_group() { $STAT "%g" "$1" } file_not_grpowned() { [[ " $(id -G "$USER") " != *" $(get_group "$1") "* ]] } # Please sync with \'test_ruby()\' in \'Library/Homebrew/utils/ruby.sh\' from Homebrew/brew repository. test_ruby() { if [[ ! -x $1 ]] then return 1 fi "$1" --enable-frozen-string-literal --disable=gems,did_you_mean,rubyopt -rrubygems -e \ "abort if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.to_s.dup).to_s.split(\'.\').first(2) != \ Gem::Version.new(\'$REQUIRED_RUBY_VERSION\').to_s.split(\'.\').first(2)" 2>/dev/null } no_usable_ruby() { local ruby_exec IFS=$\'\n\' # Do word splitting on new lines only for ruby_exec in $(which -a ruby); do if test_ruby "$ruby_exec"; then IFS=$\' \t\n\' # Restore IFS to its default value return 1 fi done IFS=$\' \t\n\' # Restore IFS to its default value return 0 } outdated_glibc() { local glibc_version glibc_version=$(ldd --version | head -n1 | grep -o \'[0-9.]*$\' | grep -o \'^[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\') version_lt "$glibc_version" "$REQUIRED_GLIBC_VERSION" } if [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]] && no_usable_ruby && outdated_glibc then abort "$(cat <<-EOFABORT Homebrew requires Ruby $REQUIRED_RUBY_VERSION which was not found on your system. Homebrew portable Ruby requires Glibc version $REQUIRED_GLIBC_VERSION or newer, and your Glibc version is too old. See ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux#requirements${tty_reset} Install Ruby $REQUIRED_RUBY_VERSION and add its location to your PATH. EOFABORT )" fi # USER isn\'t always set so provide a fall back for the installer and subprocesses. if [[ -z "${USER-}" ]]; then USER="$(chomp "$(id -un)")" export USER fi # Invalidate sudo timestamp before exiting (if it wasn\'t active before). if ! /usr/bin/sudo -n -v 2>/dev/null; then trap \'/usr/bin/sudo -k\' EXIT fi # Things can fail later if `pwd` doesn\'t exist. # Also sudo prints a warning message for no good reason cd "/usr" || exit 1 ####################################################################### script if ! command -v git >/dev/null; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT You must install Git before installing Homebrew. See: ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Installation${tty_reset} EOABORT )" fi if ! command -v curl >/dev/null; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT You must install cURL before installing Homebrew. See: ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Installation${tty_reset} EOABORT )" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2016 ohai \'Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password).\' if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then have_sudo_access else if [[ -n "${NONINTERACTIVE-}" ]] || [[ -w "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT}" ]] || [[ -w "/home/linuxbrew" ]] || [[ -w "/home" ]]; then HOMEBREW_PREFIX="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT" else trap exit SIGINT if ! /usr/bin/sudo -n -v &>/dev/null; then ohai "Select the Homebrew installation directory" echo "- ${tty_bold}Enter your password${tty_reset} to install to ${tty_underline}${HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT}${tty_reset} (${tty_bold}recommended${tty_reset})" echo "- ${tty_bold}Press Control-D${tty_reset} to install to ${tty_underline}$HOME/.linuxbrew${tty_reset}" echo "- ${tty_bold}Press Control-C${tty_reset} to cancel installation" fi if have_sudo_access; then HOMEBREW_PREFIX="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX_DEFAULT" else HOMEBREW_PREFIX="$HOME/.linuxbrew" fi trap - SIGINT fi HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew" fi HOMEBREW_CORE="${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" if [[ "${EUID:-${UID}}" == "0" ]]; then abort "Don\'t run this as root!" elif [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" && ! -x "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" ]]; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT The Homebrew prefix, ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}, exists but is not searchable. If this is not intentional, please restore the default permissions and try running the installer again: sudo chmod 775 ${HOMEBREW_PREFIX} EOABORT )" fi if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then # On macOS, support 64-bit Intel and ARM if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" != "arm64" ]] && [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" != "x86_64" ]]; then abort "Homebrew is only supported on Intel and ARM processors!" fi else # On Linux, support only 64-bit Intel if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" == "arm64" ]]; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT Homebrew on Linux is not supported on ARM processors. You can try an alternate installation method instead: ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux#arm${tty_reset} EOABORT )" elif [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" != "x86_64" ]]; then abort "Homebrew on Linux is only supported on Intel processors!" fi fi if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then macos_version="$(major_minor "$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion)")" if version_lt "$macos_version" "10.7"; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT Your Mac OS X version is too old. See: ${tty_underline}https://github.com/mistydemeo/tigerbrew${tty_reset} EOABORT )" elif version_lt "$macos_version" "10.10"; then abort "Your OS X version is too old" elif version_ge "$macos_version" "$MACOS_NEWEST_UNSUPPORTED" || \ version_lt "$macos_version" "$MACOS_OLDEST_SUPPORTED"; then who="We" what="" if version_ge "$macos_version" "$MACOS_NEWEST_UNSUPPORTED"; then what="pre-release version" else who+=" (and Apple)" what="old version" fi ohai "You are using macOS ${macos_version}." ohai "${who} do not provide support for this ${what}." echo "$(cat <<EOS This installation may not succeed. After installation, you will encounter build failures with some formulae. Please create pull requests instead of asking for help on Homebrew\\'s GitHub, Twitter or IRC. You are responsible for resolving any issues you experience while you are running this ${what}. EOS ) " fi fi ohai "This script will install:" echo "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" echo "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/doc/homebrew" echo "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/man/man1/brew.1" echo "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew" echo "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/bash_completion.d/brew" echo "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" # Keep relatively in sync with # https://mirrors.tunA.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git/blob/master/Library/Homebrew/keg.rb directories=(bin etc include lib sbin share opt var Frameworks etc/bash_completion.d lib/pkgconfig share/aclocal share/doc share/info share/locale share/man share/man/man1 share/man/man2 share/man/man3 share/man/man4 share/man/man5 share/man/man6 share/man/man7 share/man/man8 var/log var/homebrew var/homebrew/linked bin/brew) group_chmods=() for dir in "${directories[@]}"; do if exists_but_not_writable "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/${dir}"; then group_chmods+=("${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/${dir}") fi done # zsh refuses to read from these directories if group writable directories=(share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions) zsh_dirs=() for dir in "${directories[@]}"; do zsh_dirs+=("${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/${dir}") done directories=(bin etc include lib sbin share var opt share/zsh share/zsh/site-functions var/homebrew var/homebrew/linked Cellar Caskroom Frameworks) mkdirs=() for dir in "${directories[@]}"; do if ! [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/${dir}" ]]; then mkdirs+=("${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/${dir}") fi done user_chmods=() if [[ "${#zsh_dirs[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then for dir in "${zsh_dirs[@]}"; do if user_only_chmod "${dir}"; then user_chmods+=("${dir}") fi done fi chmods=() if [[ "${#group_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then chmods+=("${group_chmods[@]}") fi if [[ "${#user_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then chmods+=("${user_chmods[@]}") fi chowns=() chgrps=() if [[ "${#chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then for dir in "${chmods[@]}"; do if file_not_owned "${dir}"; then chowns+=("${dir}") fi if file_not_grpowned "${dir}"; then chgrps+=("${dir}") fi done fi if [[ "${#group_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then ohai "The following existing directories will be made group writable:" printf "%s\n" "${group_chmods[@]}" fi if [[ "${#user_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then ohai "The following existing directories will be made writable by user only:" printf "%s\n" "${user_chmods[@]}" fi if [[ "${#chowns[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then ohai "The following existing directories will have their owner set to ${tty_underline}${USER}${tty_reset}:" printf "%s\n" "${chowns[@]}" fi if [[ "${#chgrps[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then ohai "The following existing directories will have their group set to ${tty_underline}${GROUP}${tty_reset}:" printf "%s\n" "${chgrps[@]}" fi if [[ "${#mkdirs[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then ohai "The following new directories will be created:" printf "%s\n" "${mkdirs[@]}" fi if should_install_command_line_tools; then ohai "The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed." fi if [[ -z "${NONINTERACTIVE-}" ]]; then wait_for_user fi if [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" ]]; then if [[ "${#chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/chmod" "u+rwx" "${chmods[@]}" fi if [[ "${#group_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/chmod" "g+rwx" "${group_chmods[@]}" fi if [[ "${#user_chmods[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/chmod" "755" "${user_chmods[@]}" fi if [[ "${#chowns[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "$USER" "${chowns[@]}" fi if [[ "${#chgrps[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "$CHGRP" "$GROUP" "${chgrps[@]}" fi else execute_sudo "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "root:wheel" "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" else execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "$USER:$GROUP" "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" fi fi if [[ "${#mkdirs[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${mkdirs[@]}" execute_sudo "/bin/chmod" "g+rwx" "${mkdirs[@]}" execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "$USER" "${mkdirs[@]}" execute_sudo "$CHGRP" "$GROUP" "${mkdirs[@]}" fi if ! [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" fi execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "-R" "$USER:$GROUP" "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" if ! [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then execute_sudo "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" else execute "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" fi fi if exists_but_not_writable "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}"; then execute_sudo "/bin/chmod" "g+rwx" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" fi if file_not_owned "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}"; then execute_sudo "$CHOWN" "-R" "$USER" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" fi if file_not_grpowned "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}"; then execute_sudo "$CHGRP" "-R" "$GROUP" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" fi if [[ -d "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}" ]]; then execute "$TOUCH" "${HOMEBREW_CACHE}/.cleaned" fi if should_install_command_line_tools && version_ge "$macos_version" "10.13"; then ohai "Searching online for the Command Line Tools" # This temporary file prompts the \'softwareupdate\' utility to list the Command Line Tools clt_placeholder="/tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress" execute_sudo "$TOUCH" "$clt_placeholder" clt_label_command="/usr/sbin/softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 -E \'Command Line Tools\' | awk -F\'*\' \'/^ *\\*/ {print \$2}\' | sed -e \'s/^ *Label: //\' -e \'s/^ *//\' | sort -V | tail -n1" clt_label="$(chomp "$(/bin/bash -c "$clt_label_command")")" if [[ -n "$clt_label" ]]; then ohai "Installing $clt_label" execute_sudo "/usr/sbin/softwareupdate" "-i" "$clt_label" execute_sudo "/bin/rm" "-f" "$clt_placeholder" execute_sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select" "--switch" "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" fi fi # Headless install may have failed, so fallback to original \'xcode-select\' method if should_install_command_line_tools && test -t 0; then ohai "Installing the Command Line Tools (expect a GUI popup):" execute_sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select" "--install" echo "Press any key when the installation has completed." getc execute_sudo "/usr/bin/xcode-select" "--switch" "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools" fi if [[ -z "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]] && ! output="$(/usr/bin/xcrun clang 2>&1)" && [[ "$output" == *"license"* ]]; then abort "$(cat <<EOABORT You have not agreed to the Xcode license. Before running the installer again please agree to the license by opening Xcode.app or running: sudo xcodebuild -license EOABORT )" fi ohai "Downloading and installing Homebrew..." ( cd "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" >/dev/null || return # we do it in four steps to avoid merge errors when reinstalling execute "git" "init" "-q" # "git remote add" will fail if the remote is defined in the global config execute "git" "config" "remote.origin.url" "${HOMEBREW_BREW_GIT_REMOTE}" execute "git" "config" "remote.origin.fetch" "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" # ensure we don\'t munge line endings on checkout execute "git" "config" "core.autocrlf" "false" execute "git" "fetch" "--force" "origin" execute "git" "fetch" "--force" "--tags" "origin" execute "git" "reset" "--hard" "origin/master" if [[ "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" != "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" ]]; then execute "ln" "-sf" "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}/bin/brew" "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" fi if [[ ! -d "${HOMEBREW_CORE}" ]]; then ohai "Tapping homebrew/core" ( execute "/bin/mkdir" "-p" "${HOMEBREW_CORE}" cd "${HOMEBREW_CORE}" >/dev/null || return execute "git" "init" "-q" execute "git" "config" "remote.origin.url" "${HOMEBREW_CORE_GIT_REMOTE}" execute "git" "config" "remote.origin.fetch" "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" execute "git" "config" "core.autocrlf" "false" execute "git" "fetch" "--force" "origin" "refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master" execute "git" "remote" "set-head" "origin" "--auto" >/dev/null execute "git" "reset" "--hard" "origin/master" cd "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" >/dev/null || return ) || exit 1 fi execute "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" "update" "--force" "--quiet" ) || exit 1 if [[ ":${PATH}:" != *":${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin:"* ]]; then warn "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin is not in your PATH." fi ohai "Installation successful!" echo # Use the shell\'s audible bell. if [[ -t 1 ]]; then printf "\a" fi # Use an extra newline and bold to avoid this being missed. ohai "Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate formulae and cask analytics." echo "$(cat <<EOS ${tty_bold}Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here: ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/Analytics${tty_reset} No analytics data has been sent yet (or will be during this \`install\` run). EOS ) " ohai "Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating:" echo "$(cat <<EOS ${tty_underline}https://mirrors.tunA.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git#donations${tty_reset} EOS ) " ( cd "${HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY}" >/dev/null || return execute "git" "config" "--replace-all" "homebrew.analyticsmessage" "true" execute "git" "config" "--replace-all" "homebrew.caskanalyticsmessage" "true" ) || exit 1 ohai "Next steps:" if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" == "arm64" ]] || [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then case "$SHELL" in */bash*) if [[ -r "$HOME/.bash_profile" ]]; then shell_profile="$HOME/.bash_profile" else shell_profile="$HOME/.profile" fi ;; */zsh*) shell_profile="$HOME/.zprofile" ;; *) shell_profile="$HOME/.profile" ;; esac cat <<EOS - Add Homebrew to your ${tty_bold}PATH${tty_reset} in ${tty_underline}${shell_profile}${tty_reset}: echo \'eval \$(${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew shellenv)\' >> ${shell_profile} eval \$(${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew shellenv) EOS fi echo "- Run \`brew help\` to get started" echo "- Further documentation: " echo " ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh${tty_reset}" if [[ -n "${HOMEBREW_ON_LINUX-}" ]]; then echo "- Install the Homebrew dependencies if you have sudo access:" if [[ $(command -v apt-get) ]]; then echo " sudo apt-get install build-essential" elif [[ $(command -v yum) ]]; then echo " sudo yum groupinstall \'Development Tools\'" elif [[ $(command -v pacman) ]]; then echo " sudo pacman -S base-devel" elif [[ $(command -v apk) ]]; then echo " sudo apk add build-base" fi cat <<EOS See ${tty_underline}https://docs.brew.sh/linux${tty_reset} for more information - We recommend that you install GCC: brew install gcc EOS fi
bash brew_install
fatal: unable to access \'https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/\': Failed 443
5、但这个时候,drew 已经可以执行命令了;
cd "$(brew --repo)" git remote set-url origin https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/brew.git cd "$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" git remote set-url origin https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/homebrew-core.git
6、此时还不可以使用,执行 brew update,会报:error: Not a valid ref: refs/remotes/origin/master;
git clone git://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/homebrew-core.git/ /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core --depth=1
会报该路径已经存在,直接去把/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core 删掉,再次执行上面的命令。
git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch –unshallow
8、最后brew 安装好了;
安装ruby(这里使用Homeview来安装ruby,安装Homebrew的方法在文章开头有链接) 1.brew install ruby(安装最新版的ruby) 2.ruby --version(ruby版本) 3.curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable(RVM 是一个便捷的多版本 Ruby 环境的管理和切换工具.安装它,官网:https://rvm.io/) 4.rvm get stable(rvm更新) 5.rvm --version(rvm版本) 6.sudo gem update --system(gem更新) 7.gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/(移除之前的源) 8.gem sources --add https://gems.ruby-china.com/(设置新的源) 9.gem sources -l(查看当前源) 10.gem --version(gem版本)
1.sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods(安装cocoapods) 2.pod setup(安装本地库) 3.pod repo update(更新本地库) 4.pod --version(pod版本)