angularjs2.0 五分钟入门教程之typescript版本
$ npm install -g tsd@^0.6.0
$ tsd install angular2 es6-promise rx rx-lite
$ npm install -g typescript@^1.5.0-beta
$ tsc --watch -m commonjs -t es5 --emitDecoratorMetadata app.ts
$ tsc —watch –m commonjs –t es5 —emitDecoratorMetadata —experimentalDecorators app.ts
/// <reference path="typings/angular2/angular2.d.ts" /> import {Component, View, bootstrap} from \'angular2/angular2\';
// Annotation section @Component({ selector: \'my-app\' //定义一个自定义标签,在html中对应为<my-app></my-app> }) @View({ template: \'<h1>Hello {{ name }}</h1>\' //给这个自定义组件指定的html模板代码 }) // Component controller class MyAppComponent { name: string; constructor() { = \'Alice\'; } }
<!-- index.html --> <html> <head> <title>Angular 2 Quickstart</title> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <!-- The app component created in app.ts --> <my-app></my-app> <script>System.import(\'app\');</script> </body> </html>
System is a third-party open-source library that adds ES6 module loading functionality to browsers.
# From the directory that contains index.html: npm install -g http-server # Or sudo npm install -g http-server http-server # Creates a server at localhost:8080 # In a browser, visit localhost:8080/index.html