一个“MacBook”新手的Python“笨办法”自学之旅 #第七章:字符串、文本、各种打印、转义序列、手动输入raw_input()
在ex1.py的这段代码print “hello world!”中,双引号括住的 hello world! 就是字符串。
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 # 第一种:直接用%d 4 x = \'There are %d types of people\' % 10 5 6 #第二种:用%s来将变量转换成字符串 7 8 # 定义binary 9 binary = \'binary\' 10 # 定义do_not 11 do_not = "don\'t" 12 # 定义y的意思(把变量转换成字符串) 13 y = \'Those who know %s and those who %s.\' % (binary, do_not) 14 15 # 输出x 16 print x 17 # 输出y 18 print y 19 20 #第三种:用%s和%r来将变量转换成字符串,该变量也适用%s和%r来定义的 21 # 输出 我说过了x (把变量转换成字符串) 22 print \'I said: %r.\' % x 23 # 输出 我说过了y (把变量转换成字符串) 24 print "I also said: \'%s\'." % y 25 26 # 定义hilarious 27 hilarious = False 28 # 用含有格式转换符的字符串定义joke_evaluation 29 joke_evaluation = "Isn\'t that joke so funny?! %r" 30 31 # 输出一个含有转换符的变量 32 print joke_evaluation % hilarious 33 34 # 定义W和e 35 w = \'This is the left side of ...\' 36 e = \'a string with a right side.\' 37 38 # 输出 w+e 39 print w+e
求助!求助!求助!求助!:%r用来做调试比较好,因为它会显示变量的原始数据(raw data),而%s和其它的转换符号则是用来向用户显示输出的!谁读完这句话后能够不迷糊????
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 # %r和%s的区别 4 5 # 有些情况下,两者处理的结果是一样的,比如处理int型对象 6 print "1, I am %d years old" % 22 7 print "2, I am %s years old" % 22 8 print "3, I am %r years old" % 22 9 print "-"*20 10 11 12 # 不同情况之一 13 text = "I am %d years old." % 22 14 print "4, I said: %s." % text 15 print "5, I said: %r." % text # %r打印输出时能够重现它代表的对象,这里输出结果给字符串加上单引号 16 print "-"*20 17 18 #不同情况之二 19 import datetime 20 d = datetime.date.today() 21 print "%s" % d 22 print "%r" % d 23 print "-"*20
1 print "Mary had a little lamb." 2 print "Its fleece was white as %s." % \'snow\' 3 print "And everywhere that Mary went." 4 print "." * 10 # print 10 points 5 6 end1 = "c" 7 end2 = "h" 8 end3 = "e" 9 end4 = "e" 10 end5 = "s" 11 end6 = "e" 12 end7 = "B" 13 end8 = "u" 14 end9 = "r" 15 end10 = "g" 16 end11 = "e" 17 end12 = "r" 18 19 # watch that comma at the end. try removing it to see what happens 20 print end1 + end2 + end3 + end4 + end5 + end6, 21 print end7 + end8 + end9 + end10 + end11 + end12
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 formatter = "%r %r %r %r" # 用"%r %r %r %r"试试,字符串中的格式转换符之间不需要逗号 3 4 print formatter % (1, 2, 3, 4) #1,2,3,4 不需要用引号 5 print formatter % ("one", "two", "three", "four") # 必须用引号 6 print formatter % (True, False, False, True) #27习题中会介绍True和False的功能,不能用引号,因为引号使其变成字符串,而不是特殊意义的关键字 7 print formatter % (formatter, formatter, formatter, formatter) 8 print formatter %( 9 "I had this thing.", 10 "That you could type up right.", 11 "But it didn\'t sing.", 12 "So I said goodnight." 13 )
有些人可能会问,对于换行符,响铃符等有具体功能的转义符号,还能理解,但是为什么会有 \\, \”, \\’呢? 其实我也不是特别理解,但是我遇到过一个情况,就是需要输入多个单引号时,python会误以为是字符串的标示符号。所以为了让python知道我仅仅是想输出一个单引号,就用\\’即可。
1 # -*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 tabby_cat = "\tI\'m tabbed in." 3 persian_cat = "I\'m split/non a line." 4 backslash_cat = "I\'m \\ a \\ cat ." 5 6 fat_cat = """ 7 \bI\'ll do a list: 8 \t* Cat food \a 9 \t* Fishies \a \a \a 10 \t* Catnip\n\t* Grass \a\ooo 11 """ 12 # \v垂直制表符,\t水平制表符 13 # \a是响铃符,运行时会发出响铃的声音 14 # \b是退格符,运行时命令行会向前退一格 15 16 print tabby_cat 17 print persian_cat 18 print backslash_cat 19 print fat_cat
1 print "How old are you?", 2 age = raw_input() 3 print "How tall are you?", 4 height = raw_input() 5 print "How much do you weight?", 6 weight = raw_input() 7 8 print "so, you\'re %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." % ( age, height, weight) 9 10 11 # Differences between input() and raw_input() 12 print "How old are you?", 13 age = input() 14 print "How tall are you?", 15 height = input() 16 print "How much do you weight?", 17 weight = input() 18 19 print "so, you\'re %r old, %r tall and %r heavy." % ( age, height, weight)
1 # print "What\'s her name?", 2 name = raw_input("name?") 3 print "How many years you have known her?", # 这个逗号,可以让你输入的信息,紧接着这个问题,而不是换行。。 4 yars = raw_input("Years?") 5 print "Is she beautiful?", 6 answer = raw_input("yes or no?") 7 print "Do you like her or not?", 8 answer = raw_input("yes or no?")
raw_input()、int(raw_input())、input()的区别: 解释见ex11_2.py代码
1 #-*-coding:utf-8-*- 2 3 print \'x\', 4 x = int(raw_input()) #只能输入数字, 否者会报错终止脚本运行 5 6 print \'y\', 7 y = raw_input() #既能输入数字,也能输入字符 8 9 print \'z\', 10 name = \'Neymagico\' 11 z = input() #既能输入数字,也能输入字符, 但是字符被python认为是个变量,需要对其定义 12 #如果输入未定义的字符,会报错
1 from sys import exit 2 3 4 print "Please write the words which you want to say to your father in his day!" 5 grate = [] 6 7 def respect(): 8 9 10 11 words = raw_input() 12 13 if words != \'stop\': 14 15 grate.append(words) 16 print grate 17 respect() 18 19 else: 20 quit("ok, That\'s all to my father") 21 22 def quit(why): 23 print why 24 exit(0) 25 26 respect()
Father‘s day