0x00 概述
0x01 原生安装
- # /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-multiline
- Validating logstash-filter-multiline
- Installing logstash-filter-multiline
- WARNING: can not set Session#timeout=(0) no session context
0x02 改镜像源安装
给 Ruby 加上国内的镜像站:https://gems.ruby-china.com/,替代https://rubygems.org。
1. 安装Gem并更新
- # yum install -y gem
- # gem -v
- # gem update --system
- # gem -v
- 2.6.13
2. 检查并修改镜像源
- # gem sources -l
- https://rubygems.org/
- # gem sources --add https://gems.ruby-china.com/ --remove https://rubygems.org/
- https://gems.ruby-china.com/ added to sources
- https://rubygems.org/ removed from sources
- # cat ~/.gemrc
- ---
- :backtrace: false
- :bulk_threshold: 1000
- :sources:
- - https://gems.ruby-china.com/
- :update_sources: true
- :verbose: true
3. 安装 bundle 并更改镜像源
- # gem install bundler
- # bundle config mirror.https://rubygems.org https://gems.ruby-china.com
4. 修改 logstash的 gem 镜像源
- # vim /usr/share/logstash/Gemfile
- # This is a Logstash generated Gemfile.
- # If you modify this file manually all comments and formatting will be lost.
- source "https://rubygems.org"
- gem "logstash-core", :path => "./logstash-core"
- ......
- # 更改默认的 https://rubygems.org 为https://gems.ruby-china.com
5. 安装 logstash-filter-multiline
- # /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-multiline
- Validating logstash-filter-multiline
- Installing logstash-filter-multiline
- Installation successful
- # /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin list
- logstash-codec-cef
- logstash-codec-collectd
- logstash-codec-dots
- logstash-codec-edn
- logstash-codec-edn_lines
- logstash-codec-es_bulk
- logstash-codec-fluent
- logstash-codec-graphite
- logstash-codec-json
- logstash-codec-json_lines
- logstash-codec-line
- logstash-codec-msgpack
- logstash-codec-multiline
logstash-filter-multiline- logstash-codec-netflow
- logstash-codec-plain
- logstash-codec-rubydebug
- logstash-filter-aggregate
- logstash-filter-anonymize
- logstash-filter-cidr
- logstash-filter-clone
- logstash-filter-csv
- logstash-filter-date
- logstash-filter-de_dot
- logstash-filter-dissect
- logstash-filter-dns
- logstash-filter-drop
- logstash-filter-elasticsearch
- logstash-filter-fingerprint
- logstash-filter-geoip
- logstash-filter-grok
- logstash-filter-jdbc_static
- logstash-filter-jdbc_streaming
- logstash-filter-json
- logstash-filter-kv
- logstash-filter-metrics
- logstash-filter-mutate
- logstash-filter-ruby
- logstash-filter-sleep
- logstash-filter-split
- logstash-filter-syslog_pri
- logstash-filter-throttle
- logstash-filter-translate
- logstash-filter-truncate
- logstash-filter-urldecode
- logstash-filter-useragent
- logstash-filter-xml
- logstash-input-beats
- logstash-input-dead_letter_queue
- logstash-input-elasticsearch
- logstash-input-exec
- logstash-input-file
- logstash-input-ganglia
- logstash-input-gelf
- logstash-input-generator
- logstash-input-graphite
- logstash-input-heartbeat
- logstash-input-http
- logstash-input-http_poller
- logstash-input-imap
- logstash-input-jdbc
- logstash-input-kafka
- logstash-input-pipe
- logstash-input-rabbitmq
- logstash-input-redis
- logstash-input-s3
- logstash-input-snmptrap
- logstash-input-sqs
- logstash-input-stdin
- logstash-input-syslog
- logstash-input-tcp
- logstash-input-twitter
- logstash-input-udp
- logstash-input-unix
- logstash-output-cloudwatch
- logstash-output-csv
- logstash-output-elasticsearch
- logstash-output-email
- logstash-output-file
- logstash-output-graphite
- logstash-output-http
- logstash-output-kafka
- logstash-output-lumberjack
- logstash-output-nagios
- logstash-output-null
- logstash-output-pagerduty
- logstash-output-pipe
- logstash-output-rabbitmq
- logstash-output-redis
- logstash-output-s3
- logstash-output-sns
- logstash-output-sqs
- logstash-output-stdout
- logstash-output-tcp
- logstash-output-udp
- logstash-output-webhdfs
- logstash-patterns-core
6. 离线打包
这里安装好了,那么就可以打个离线的 zip 包,方便生产环境直接安装。离线包将包含所有依赖的包。
- # cd /usr/share/logstash/bin
- # ./logstash-plugin prepare-offline-pack --overwrite --output logstash-filter-multiline.zip logstash-filter-multiline
- Offline package created at: logstash-filter-multiline.zip
- You can install it with this command `bin/logstash-plugin install file:///usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-filter-multiline.zip`
7. logstash-filter-multiline使用方法
- codec =>multiline {
- charset=>... #可选 字符编码
- max_bytes=>... #可选 bytes类型 设置最大的字节数
- max_lines=>... #可选 number类型 设置最大的行数,默认是500行
- multiline_tag... #可选 string类型 设置一个事件标签,默认是multiline
- pattern=>... #必选 string类型 设置匹配的正则表达式
- patterns_dir=>... #可选 array类型 可以设置多个正则表达式
- negate=>... #可选 boolean类型 默认false不显示,可设置ture
- what=>... #必选 向前previous , 向后 next
- }
- ## negate 只支持布尔值,true 或者false,默认为false。
- 如果设置为true,表示与正则表达式(pattern)不匹配的内容都需要整合,
- 具体整合在前还是在后,看what参数。如果设置为false,即与pattern匹配的内容
- ## what 前一行 或者后一行,指出上面对应的规则与前一行内容收集为一行,还是与后一行整合在一起
- negate默认是 false,不显示与patten匹配的行
- 由what决定 向前或向后 匹配
- negate 设置为true
- 则与patten 不匹配的行
- 由what决定 向前或向后 匹配