

复合能力/偏好设置文件:(CC/PP)结构和词汇 1.0
Translation of the document: “Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies 1.0”. Translator: 陈珊 (Shan Chen).
文档对象模型 (DOM) 级别 2 样式规范
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).
文档对象模型 (DOM) 级别2 视图 规范
Translation of the document: “Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Specification”. Translator: 杜怡冬 (Yidong Du).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XML信息集 (第二版)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translators: 李攀 (Pan Li), 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
OWL Web本体语言 指南
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Guide”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni), 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
OWL Web本体语言概述
Translation of the document: “OWL Web Ontology Language Overview”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 兰煜峰 (Yufeng Lan), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
Translation of the document: “Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax”. Translators: 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 詹子鹏 (Zipeng Zhan), 武浩 (Hao Wu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project, 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
Translation of the document: “RDF Primer”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), 朱礼军 (Lijun Zhu), 詹子鹏 (Zipeng Zhan), 刘升平 (Shengping Liu), 倪跃 (Yue Ni), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
同步多媒体合成语言(SMIL) 1.0 规范
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
将样式表与 XML 文档相联系 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Web内容可访问性指南 1.0
Translation of the document: “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”. Translator: 吴隽辰 (Junchen Wu).
XHTML™ 1.0: 可扩展超文本标记语言 用XML 1.0重新形成的HTML 4
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language – A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XML 链接语言(XLink) 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XML1.0 可扩展标记语言1.0 (于一九九八年二月十日之推荐标准)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML 1.0 (Second Edition) 可扩展标记语言第二版 (于二零零零年十月六日之推荐标准)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XPointer element() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer 架构
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer xmlns() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “FAQ: Using to Link to Localized Content”. Translator: WTB Language Group.
开始: 使网站容易使用
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
不要使用”点击这里” 作为链接文本
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
Translation of the document: “HTML and XHTML Frequently Answered Questions”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
入门教程:使用 N3 初探 RDF 和 Semantic Web
Translation of the document: “Primer: Getting into RDF & Semantic Web using N3”. Translator: 王超 (Chao Wang).
用 MathML 将数学放上网路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 陳建泰 (Chientai Chen).
用 MathML 将数学放上网路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).
W3C 会员制度
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
可扩展标记语言(XML) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Candidate Recommendation)”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).


複合能力/偏好設置文件:(CC/PP)結構和詞彙 1.0
Translation of the document: “Composite Capability/Preference Profiles (CC/PP): Structure and Vocabularies 1.0”. Translator: 陈珊 (Shan Chen).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML Information Set”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).
XML資訊集 (第二版)
Translation of the document: “XML Information Set (Second Edition)”. Translators: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu), W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project.
Translation of the document: “Namespaces in XML”. Translators: 李攀 (Pan Li), 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
同步多媒体合成語言(SMIL) 1.0 規范
Translation of the document: “Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 1.0 Specification”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
將樣式表與 XML 文檔相聯繫 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “Associating Style Sheets with XML documents”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XHTML™ 1.0: 可擴展超文本標記語言 用XML 1.0重新形成的HTML 4
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XHTML™ 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language – A Reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XML 鏈接語言(XLink) 版本 1.0
Translation of the document: “XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XML1.0 可擴展標記語言 (於一九九八年二月十日之推薦標準)
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “XML 1.0 Recommendation”. Translators: 徐子淵 (Kevin Hsu), 梁中平 (Liang Chung-Ping).
Translation of an earlier version of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)”. Translator: 裘强 (Q. Qiu).
XML Base
Translation of the document: “XML Base”. Translator: 洛杉磯中華學習中心 (Los Angeles Chinese Learning Center).
XPointer element() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer element() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer 架構
Translation of the document: “XPointer Framework”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
XPointer xmlns() 模式
Translation of the document: “XPointer xmlns() Scheme”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
Translation of the document: “XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0”. Translator: 陳宏 (Hong Chen).
開始: 使网站容易使用
Translation of the document: “Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Quick Tips To Make Accessible Web Sites”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
不要使用”點擊這里” 作為鏈接文本
Translation of the document: “Don’t use “click here” as link text”. Translator: 梁英志 (Eagle Liang).
Translation of the document: “Web Standards Switch”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
用 MathML 將數學放上網路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 種參 (Samuel Chong).
用 MathML 將數學放上網路
Translation of the document: “Putting mathematics on the Web with MathML”. Translator: 陳建泰 (Chientai Chen).
W3C 會員制度
Translation of the document: “W3C Membership”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
Translation of the document: “XML in 10 Points”. Translator: 阮明儀 (Yammie Yuen).
可擴展標記語言(XML) 1.1
Translation of the document: “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Candidate Recommendation)”. Translator: 徐涵 (Collin Hsu).

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