Recently, most of Examination Systems are implemented with structural
style design and analyse which is unavoidable to cause lack in code’s reusability
and readability. And their functions are implemented in server side. So they
are also lack in the User’s experience and performance. This system applied
Object-Oriented analysis and design, and applied three layer architecture on the whole, and combines Ajax to realize some logic
in the client side, and use NHibernate as data access layer. All above improves
the code’s reusability and readability, the user’s experience and the
performance of system. Also simplified the development of system. This system
implemented question manage, making selecting strategy according knowledge, randomly
selecting question according to selecting strategy, examination timing, automatic submitting
paper, auto scoring for objective question, score online, check score and other
Keywords:three layer architecture;OO;NHibernate;Ajax;XSLT