
This is a brief note of how I dual boot Kali Linux on Macbook air early 2015 and how I fixed WiFi problem


Before you do, you might be interested to have a look at this video or official guide (the steps are different, but it gives an idea)

1. Prepare a minimum 20 GB of HDD from Machintosh HDD (Partition, add partition)
2. Prepare a USB bootable of Kali Linux
3. Reboot and hold option key, you’ll get into a boot menu where you can select your USB drive
4. Select Live Kali, open GParted, resize the USB drive to make sure that there is no additional unallocated space on it, otherwise, it gonna mess up because you might not select the right space to install.
5. Reboot, again hold option key to get to menu again, select USB
6. Select Kali installer
7. From here, make you you can connect to Internet because you require your Kali to work especially when install Boot loader.
8. Partitioning is an important part, make sure you select the right free (unallocated space 20GB or whatever you spare)
– partition
9. Then just next and next follow the normal process until finish and reboot; YOU’ve DONE!!!


After installation finish, you will face a serious problem that WiFi doesn’t work, so follow this:


$ lspci | grep Wireless
03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Limited BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 03)

1. 添加 “deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free” 到文件: /etc/apt/sources.list
2. 执行命令:(前提:先用网线连接电脑,使电脑可上网) apt update && apt upgrade -y

if it turns out error, you might follow advice from error, you might run: apt –fix-broken install

3. 执行以下命令:

$ apt install linux-image-$(uname -r|sed \'s,\[^-\]\*-\[^-\]\*-,,\') linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed \'s,\[^-\]\*-\[^-\]\*-,,\')
$ apt install broadcom-sta-dkms
$ modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac bcma
$ modprobe -r wl && modprobe wl

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