
Transana is software for professional researchers who want to analyze digital video or audio data. Transana lets you analyze and manage your data in very sophisticated ways. Transcribe it, identify analytically interesting clips, assign keywords to clips, arrange and rearrange clips, create complex collections of interrelated clips, explore relationships between applied keywords, and share your analysis with colleagues. The result is a new way to focus on your data, and a new way to manage large collections of video and audio files and clips.

Transana is free, and Open Source. It was developed at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, where it continues to be maintained and enhanced. It is widely used in the education research community, where video is an integral part of most researchers\’ methods. Researchers in many other disciplines also find it useful in their work.

Transana runs on Windows in both single-user and multi-user versions. Macintosh versions are in Alpha-Test release, and work quite well despite one significant flaw.

You can read more about Transana, or download it for free right now.

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