root@root:~/Desktop/sourceCodes/hbase-2.1.1/bin# ./hbase
Usage: hbase [<options>] <command> [<args>]
  --config DIR         Configuration direction to use. Default: ./conf
  --hosts HOSTS        Override the list in \'regionservers\' file
  --auth-as-server     Authenticate to ZooKeeper using servers configuration
  --internal-classpath Skip attempting to use client facing jars (WARNING: unstable results between versions)

Some commands take arguments. Pass no args or -h for usage.
  shell           Run the HBase shell
  hbck            Run the HBase \'fsck\' tool. Defaults read-only hbck1.
                  Pass \'-j /path/to/HBCK2.jar\' to run hbase-2.x HBCK2.
  snapshot        Tool for managing snapshots
  wal             Write-ahead-log analyzer
  hfile           Store file analyzer
  zkcli           Run the ZooKeeper shell
  master          Run an HBase HMaster node
  regionserver    Run an HBase HRegionServer node
  zookeeper       Run a ZooKeeper server
  rest            Run an HBase REST server
  thrift          Run the HBase Thrift server
  thrift2         Run the HBase Thrift2 server
  clean           Run the HBase clean up script
  classpath       Dump hbase CLASSPATH
  mapredcp        Dump CLASSPATH entries required by mapreduce
  pe              Run PerformanceEvaluation
  ltt             Run LoadTestTool
  canary          Run the Canary tool
  version         Print the version
  regionsplitter  Run RegionSplitter tool
  rowcounter      Run RowCounter tool
  cellcounter     Run CellCounter tool
  pre-upgrade     Run Pre-Upgrade validator tool
  CLASSNAME       Run the class named CLASSNAME


hbase hfile -v -p -m -f hdfs://ns/hbase/data/default/tab1/5cd31c374a3b30bb859175495cbd6905/cf/9df89dc0db7f401e943c5ded6d49d956


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