
raw  adj 原始的  之前查过一次,但是很快就又忘了,今天又见到这个词,足见这个词使用频率很高


(1)短语:raw material 原料,   in the raw 处于自然状态;未开化的;裸体,   raw water n. 未净化的水

(2)句子:Use hogan.compile() to precompile your templates into vanilla JS. It\’s best to serve your templates precompiled whenever you can (rather than the raw templates), as parsing is the most time consuming operation(最耗时的操作).



Compact  除了合同,契约;紧凑的,压缩的外,还有 简洁的 意思

globbing  通配符    例如:filename globbing 文件名匹配        globbing pattern 通配符模式串

glob    n.(液体的)一小滴,一滴

spit  v 吐口水    spit at you  向你吐口水

例如:Literally. Spit. I\’m so not kidding.  从字面上。随地吐痰。我不是在开玩笑。

tilde  n 波浪线

concatenation    n. 串联,连结  

像 concatenation、[minification]、grunt-contrib-uglify 和 linting这些常用的任务(task)都已经以grunt插件的形式被开发出来了。

underscore    n 下划线;底线  vt. 强调;划线于…下

例如:Three lines of the first paragraph were underscored in red ink  第一段中有三行用红墨水在下面画了线。

The name will probably be passed as an argument to require(), so it should be something short, but also reasonably descriptive.

reasonably   adv. 合理地;相当地;适度地

descriptive  adj. 描写的,叙述的;描写性的

bundle     n. 束;捆  vt. 捆

Version must be parseable by node-semver, which is bundled with(捆绑) npm as a dependency.



permute    vt. 交换;变更;排列

过去式 permuted 过去分词 permuted 现在分词 permuting

permute matrix 换位矩阵

vector permute 向量重组



refactor  n 重构 vt重构



concurrently    adv. 兼;同时发生地

例子:In the following “hello world” example, many connections can be handled concurrently. Upon each connection the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done Node is sleeping.

Addons  扩展   C/C++ Addons

Synopsis    n. 概要,大纲。       昨天刚学了一个类似的词agenda,今天又出现一个。

brand new   adj 全新的,崭新的  

Experimental    adj. 实验的;根据实验的;试验性的     Stability: 1 – Experimental

例如:Some are so proven, and so relied upon, that they are unlikely to ever change at all. Others are brand new and experimental,

underlying  adj. 潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的

v. 放在…的下面;为…的基础;优先于(underlie的ing形式)

例如:The API has proven satisfactory(令人满意的), but cleanup in the underlying code(底层代码) may cause minor(轻微的) changes.  

Backwards-compatibility is guaranteed.  向后兼容是保证。

highlight   v 强调,突出  n  

例如:All of this documentation is meant to only highlight the builtin core modules provided by Node, and not to highlight the module and collection of modules found in the community. Node.js doesn\’t want to be in the business of picking winners or losers, so to avoid the appearance of favoritism we only discuss our APIs.

favoritism  n.偏爱,得宠,偏袒   We tried to meet both children\’s needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness.

problematic   adj. 问题的;有疑问的;不确定的



commas  n.逗号( comma的名词复数 )

agenda    n. 议程;日常工作事项

armature         作为一个文件夹名称,里面存放x.json数据      

n. 电枢(电机的部件);盔甲,甲胄;防卫器官

ticker    (文字动态变化例子中使用) n. 滴答响的东西;自动收报机;钟表;断续器




Texture  n. 质地;纹理;结构;本质,实质

SpriteSheet  精灵薄片

curve  n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表  (二次贝塞尔曲线)

adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的

vt. 弯;使弯曲


  • n. 瓷砖,瓦片
  • vt. 铺以瓦;铺以瓷砖


  • prep. 在两者之间
  • adv. 中间地

 如果想使用缓动动画,你需要使用 Tween 这个类。 Tween 中封装了最常用的缓动动画功能,包括动画时间设定,缓动动画控制, 缓动效果控制等等。



modesty  n 谦逊;质朴;稳重       短语:without modesty 不谦虚的   Modesty helps 虚心使人进步骄傲使人落后


finer    adj. 出色的,好的    更精细    【 fine 的变形】

短语:a finer-grained level   细粒度的水平

The sync function may be overriden globally as Backbone.sync, or at a finer-grained level, by adding a sync function to a Backbone collection or to an individual model(单个模型).

tweak   vt 调整,扭;用力拉;    n. 扭;拧;

If you want to use a custom AJAX function, or your endpoint doesn\’t support the jQuery.ajax API and you need to tweak things, you can do so by setting Backbone.ajax.



clobber   vt. 击倒;痛打

Useful for embedding Backbone on third-party websites, where you don\’t want to clobber the existing Backbone.

bulk  n. 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块 vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要

in bulk 整批,散装;大批,大量

Adding and removing models one at a time is all well and good, but sometimes you have so many models to change that you\’d rather just update the collection in bulk


hand off   移交   be handed off 被移交

behave     vi. 表现;行为举止

All attached callbacks are bound (绑定) to the view before being handed off (移交) to jQuery, so when the callbacks are invoked, this continues to refer to the view object. When delegateEvents is run again, perhaps with a different events hash, all callbacks are removed and delegated afresh — useful for views which need to behave differently when in different modes.




interpolate  vt. 篡改;插入新语句  vi. 插入;

interpolated   adj 内嵌的

Because Underscore.js is already on the page, _.template is available, and is an excellent choice if you prefer simple interpolated-JavaScript style templates.

while     conj. 虽然;然而;当……的时候

例子:While templating for a view isn\’t a function provided directly by Backbone, it\’s often a nice convention to define a template function on your views.



In this fashion    照这样     

例子:In this fashion, views can be rendered at any time, and inserted into the DOM all at once, in order to get high-performance UI rendering with as few reflows and repaints as possible.

declarative  adj. 宣言的;陈述的,说明的

Get started with views by creating a custom view class. You\’ll want to override the render function, specify your declarative events, and perhaps the tagName,className, or id of the View\’s root element.

digging into  深入挖掘

Instead of digging into a JSON object, looking up an element in the DOM, and updating the HTML by hand, you can bind your view\’s render function to the model\’s "change" event — and now everywhere that model data is displayed in the UI, it is always immediately up to date.


general   adj. 一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的     n. 一般;将军,上将;常规

例子:The general idea is to organize your interface into logical views, backed by models, each of which can be updated independently when the model changes, without having to redraw the page.翻译:总体思路是……。我看到general的第一反应是“一般的idea”,实际是总体的、大体的思路。



Web applications often provide linkable, bookmarkable(可作标签的), shareable URLs for important locations in the app. Until recently, hash fragments (#page) (散列片段)were used to provide these permalinks(永久链接), but with the arrival of the History API, it\’s now possible to use standard URLs (/page). Backbone.Router provides methods for routing client-side pages, and connecting them to actions and events. For browsers which don\’t yet support the History API, the Router handles graceful fallback and transparent translation to the fragment version of the URL.

翻译:Web应用经常为一些重要应用的地址提供一些可链接的的,可做标签的,可共享的 URLs。直到最近,散列片段被用来提供永久链接,但是随着History API的到来,现在使用标准URL成为可能。 Backbone.Router提供了路由客户端页面的方法,并将它们与动作,事件建立联系。对于那些不支持History API的浏览器,Backbone.Router将优雅的回退,透明的转回散列片段方式处理。


instantiate  vt 举例,实例说明  Equivalent to instantiating a model with a hash of attributes, saving the model to the server, and adding the model to the set after being successfully created.

iteration   n 迭代

occasionally   adv. 偶尔;间或

proxies     n 代理,代理人

例子:Backbone proxies to Underscore.js to provide 28 iteration functions on Backbone.Collection.

pluck    vt/vi  摘;拔;扯  n勇气;内脏;快而猛的拉    He plucked a sheet of paper from his notebook


arity    n. 参数数量

Note that Backbone depends on the arity of your comparator function to determine between the two styles, so be careful if your comparator function is bound(绑定).

comparator    n 比较器

By default there is no comparator for a collection. If you define a comparator, it will be used to maintain the collection in sorted order.


  • n. 表明;指示
  • v. 表明;指示;要求(indicate的ing形式)
  • adj. 指示的

A comparator can be defined as a sortBy (pass a function that takes a single argument), as a sort (pass a comparator function that expects two arguments), or as a string indicating the attribute to sort by.

chapters.comparator = \'page\';

polymorphic    adj. [生物] 多态的;[生物] 多形的;多形态的;

例子:A collection can also contain polymorphic models by overriding this property with a constructor(n. 构造函数;构造器) that returns a model.

raw   adj 原始的 未处理的 未加工的 粗糙的  n 擦伤处 vt 擦伤

例子:parse is called whenever a model\’s data is returned by the server, in fetch, and save. The function is passed the raw response object, and should return the attributes hash to be set on the model.



straightforward   adj. 简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的       adv. 直截了当地;坦率地

 It\’s often a straightforward(简单的) serialization(串行化) of a row from the database, but it could also be client-side computed state.

arbitrary adj. [数] 任意的;武断的;专制的

eg:A special property of models, the id is an arbitrary string (integer id or UUID).


transparently  adv 显然地,易觉察地;明亮地

A model\’s unique identifier is stored under the id attribute. If you\’re directly communicating with a backend (CouchDB, MongoDB) that uses a different unique key, you may set a Model\’s idAttribute to transparently map from that key to id.


convention   n [计] 约定    n. 大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗

例子:Backbone views are almost more convention than they are code — they don\’t determine anything about your HTML or CSS for you, and can be used with any JavaScript templating library. 翻译:Backbone的view几乎是惯例超过它们的代码。

conversion  n 转换,变换;[金融]兑换   conversion rate 汇率;折合率;兑换率

emit   vt. 发出,放射;发行;发表

例子:Generally speaking, when calling a function that emits an event (model.set,collection.add, and so on…), if you\’d like to prevent the event from being triggered, you may pass {silent: true} as an option.


tangled  adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的


  • n. 纠纷;混乱状态
  • vt. 使纠缠;处于混乱状态  The wind tangled my long hair; The bad news tangled my thoughts terribly
  • vi. 缠结;乱作一团  The threads tangle easily

    tangle with 与…吵架,争吵;与…争论;与…有纠葛

frantically   adv. 疯狂似地;狂暴地

例子:It\’s all too easy to create JavaScript applications that end up as tangled piles of jQuery selectors and callbacks, all trying frantically to keep data in sync between the HTML UI, your JavaScript logic, and the database on your server.


counterparts   n (契约)副本(counterpart的复数);相对物;相对应的人

overarching   adj. 首要的;支配一切的;包罗万象的  

                    v. 成拱形(overarch的ing形式)

overarch     vt. 在…上做拱 vi. 成拱形


  • n. 老生常谈;司空见惯的事;普通的东西
  • adj. 平凡的;陈腐的

In an ecosystem where overarching, decides-everything-for-you frameworks are commonplace, and many libraries require your site to be reorganized to suit their look, feel, and default behavior — Backbone should continue to be a tool that gives you the freedom to design the full experience of your web application.


predecessor  n 前驱,前任者,前辈;前身,被取代的原有事物

successor     n 接替的人或事物,继承人,继任者

举例:The present scheduling algorithms(调度算法) are mostly based on task duplication, and the dependence between the predecessor tasks and successor tasks is not well taken into account.

短语 is not taken into account  没被充分考虑



legend  n 图例    传奇;说明;

litres    n [计量]公升,litre复数  也是公升,计量单位的意思

serial   adj. 连续的;连载的;分期偿还的   n. 电视连续剧;


gauge  n 仪表,计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格     vt. 测量;估计;

radar  n. [雷达] 雷达,无线电探测器

plot  n (建筑物等的)平面图;标绘图;基址图;(曲线等)图表;

funnel  n 漏斗;烟囱   vt使呈漏斗形      Funnel plot 漏斗图 ; 倒漏斗图             filter funnel 过滤漏斗 ; 滤清漏斗 ; 漏斗式滤器 ; 漏斗

donut  n 炸面圈,环状线圈






combo 联合体;结合物




CollabNet,国际著名的软件产品及服务提供商,由Brian Behlendorf和O\’Reilly & Associates在1999年7月共同创立的,公司总部位于美国加州旧金山市。CollabNet致力于提供专为分布式团队设计的集成、开放开发应用平台。通过集成具有协作、项目管理和应用程序生命周期管理功能的软件配置管理、变更管理和问题跟踪工具,CollabNet 简化了任何规模组织的开发。CollabNet 平台集成了广泛的软件开发工具,为分布式应用程序生命周期管理提供了完整的解决方案。

revert   vi. 回复;重提;返祖遗传;归还 vt. 使回复原状

reintegrate vt. 重建;恢复;使重新完整     reintegrate a branch

revisions    n. 校订,[印刷] 修正;复习(revision的复数形式)

eligible    adj 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的

you can merge a specific set of revisions or all eligible revisions  翻译:你可以合并一组特定的修正或全部合格的修正

manually record merge information (block one or more revisions) 翻译:手动记录合并信息(一个或多个修改时阻塞)




regarding    prep. 关于;至于;就…而言;在…方面:

Questions on specific points regarding translating Chinese to/from another language

with regard to adv. 关于;至于

in this regard 就这一点而言

in regard to 关于

regard as vt. 把…认作

as regards 至于,关于



The mustache selector also allows you to pass an Array of View Models to render which makes populating(填充) lists a breeze(微风,轻而易举的事)

// These two are identical(adj 同一的;完全相同的, n 完全相同的事物), the latter just provides a terser(简洁的) syntax.
$.Mustache.add(\'dom-template\', $(\'#dom-template\').html());


Set Delimiter(分隔符) tags start with an equals sign and change the tag delimiters from {{ and }} to custom(自定义) strings.

Consider the following contrived(人为的) example:

contrive   vt 设计;发明;图谋


  • adj. 人为的;做作的;不自然的

According to ctemplates, this “is useful for languages like TeX, where double-braces(双括号) may occur in the text and are awkward(尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的) to use for markup(标记).”



Chainable     adj 被证明的

utility  n 实用,效用,公共设施  adj 实用的,通用的



The Deferred object, introduced in jQuery 1.5, is a chainable utility object created by calling the jQuery.Deferred() method. It can register multiple callbacks into callback queues, invoke callback queues, and relay the success or failure state of any synchronous(同步) or asynchronous(异步) function.




literals 字面量  literal adj 字面的,逐字的  The Highcharts options in the examples are defined as object literals.

notation 符号,注释   notate v 以符号表示  By notating the configuration this way, we can have a clean, human readable and low space consuming (adv 消耗的;强烈的。低空间消耗的) config object. 



emulator 仿真器  This ARM emulator over USB can improve efficiently the performance for the debug system.

emerge  冒出,露出(from),涌现    emerging market 新兴市场


  • n. 计量表,仪表;测量仪器(gauge的复数形式)
  • v. 计量;估计;修正(gauge的第三人称单数)



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spin v 旋转      spinning icons 旋转的图标

stacked icons  堆叠的图标



submission guideline 提交指南

magnifier 放大镜

miscellaneous 杂项

linearize 线性化

outline 轮廓,大纲,概述

verbose  a 冗长的,啰嗦的 verbose display详细的资料

referrers n 反向链接

abbreviation 缩写

topographic  a 地形测量的 display topographic information

ruler n 统治者,尺子

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