屏蔽vlan 120这个段的ip的所有2333端口
[NTT_3L]int Vlanif 120 [NTT_3L-Vlanif120]dis this # interface Vlanif120 ip address 1xx.75.2.x # return [NTT_3L-Vlanif120] [NTT_3L]acl 3888 Info: When the ACL that is referenced by SACL is modified, the SACL will be dynamically updated. During the update, these SACL will become invalid temporarily. [NTT_3L-acl-adv-3888]dis this # acl number 3888 rule 10 deny tcp destination 1xx.75.2.0 destination-port eq 2333 # return [NTT_3L-acl-adv-3888] [NTT_3L]traffic-filter inbound acl 3888 ##将规则应用
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