Raspberry Pi(中文名“树莓派”),是只有信用卡大小的微型电脑,其系统基于Linux。为了改善学校宿舍的上网环境(校园网登陆系统导致不能用路由器多设备通用网络),通过树莓派访问校园网登陆系统上网并且24小时开机分享热点实现24小时多设备上网。
- 用读卡器将树莓派NOOBS操作系统解压缩至tf卡中。注意!不要把解压后的文件夹拖入tf卡中,应该点进文件夹,同时按ctrl+A将所有文件复制进tf卡中;
- 将tf卡插入树莓派,将除了电源以外的线都接好,包括散热风扇、硬盘、屏幕HDMI线等,其中网线接在宿舍上网端口上,最后接上电源,树莓派启动;
- 最后,根据系统提示安装好操作系统,进入桌面;
- 树莓派初始的登录用户名:pi初始密码:raspberry
sudo passwd root #设置root密码
sudo passwd -u root #解锁root用户
- 很明显,使用显示器的我发现有一点不对劲,树莓派桌面显示居然有黑边,于是上网查找解决办法;
- 打开config.txt:sudo nano /boot/config.txt;
- 在默认情况下,取消注释(取消“#”)修改下面这段,
- 输入命令行sudo raspi-config;
- 选择5.Interfacing Options;
- 找到VNC(远程桌面),选择 Yes(是)。
- 将代码clone到本地
sudo git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap cd create_ap sudo make install
- 安装依赖的库
sudo apt-get install util-linux procps hostapd iproute2 iw haveged dnsmasq
- 打开热点(此时,树莓派wifi开着,但没有连wifi)
sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 热点名 密码
- 此时不出意外热点将会开启,但是会有warn,可以执行以下代码
sudo create_ap --no-virt wlan0 eth0 m热点名 热点
- 以服务方式启动,执行开机自启
#1.修改服务配置,添加--no-virt参数 sudo vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/create_ap.service # 将 ExecStart=/usr/bin/create_ap --config /etc/create_ap.conf # 修改为 ExecStart=/usr/bin/create_ap --no-virt --config /etc/create_ap.conf #2.默认配置文件/etc/create_ap.conf,将下面两横改为自己的ssid和密码即可,修改自己的dhcp网关 sudo vi /etc/create_ap.conf # 将 GATEWAY= SSID=MyAccessPoint PASSPHRASE=12345678 # 修改为 GATEWAY= SID=dzxj PASSPHRASE=11111111 # 启动一个服务: systemctl start create_ap.service # 关闭一个服务: systemctl stop create_ap.service # 重启一个服务: systemctl restart create_ap.service # 显示一个服务的状态: systemctl status create_ap.service # 在开机时启用一个服务: systemctl enable create_ap.service # 在开机时禁用一个服务: systemctl disable create_ap.service # 查看服务是否开机启动: systemctl is-enabled create_ap.service
- 异常一:WARN: brmfmac driver doesn\’t work properly with virtual interfaces and it can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter.For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203
ERROR: Your adapter can not be a station (i.e. be connected) and an AP at the same time处理:sudo nmcli dev dis wlan0
- 异常二:
sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 88166908
WARN: brmfmac driver doesn\’t work properly with virtual interfaces and it can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter. For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203 WARN: Your adapter does not fully support AP virtual interface, enabling –no-virt Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.cDxIozig PID: 1132 Network Manager found, set wlan0 as unmanaged device… DONE/bin/create_ap: line 1669: dnsmasq: command not foundERROR: Wrong version format!
处理: sudo yum install dnsmasq -y
- 异常三:
sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 12345678
WARN: brmfmac driver doesn\’t work properly with virtual interfaces andit can cause kernel panic. For this reason we disallow virtual interfaces for your adapter. For more info: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap/issues/203 WARN: Your adapter does not fully support AP virtual interface, enabling –no-virt Config dir: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ PID: 2497 Sharing Internet using method: nat hostapd command-line interface: hostapd_cli -p /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ/hostapd_ctrl Configuration file: /tmp/create_ap.wlan0.conf.gC5KSqVQ/hostapd.conf处理: sudo create_ap --no-virt wlan0 eth0 my_raspi 12345678
Failed to create interface mon.wlan0: -95 (Operation not supported)
- 将代码clone到本地
- 挂载移动硬盘
#确认硬盘已经插好,查看状态 sudo fdisk -l #找到硬盘的Device项目,应该为/dev/sda1,然后 df -h #发现硬盘并未挂载,下面创建挂载目录 sudo mkdir /home/pi/toshiba #然后把硬盘挂载在这个目录 sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/pi/toshiba #再次 df -h #发现硬盘以及挂载在了相应的目录了,但是我们的硬盘是NTFS格式的,Linux不能直接读取,下面安装NTFS格式可读写软件 sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g #加载内核模块 modprobe fuse #让移动硬盘开机自动挂载 sudo nano /etc/fstab #在文件的最后一行添加 /dev/sda1 /home/pi/toshiba ntfs-3g defaults,noexec,umask=0000 0 0 #有时若挂载出错,报错Mount is denied,用命令 sudo fuser -m -u /dev/sda1sudo kill 1308 #再按照步骤重新挂载。
- 安装seafile所需依赖
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python2.7 libpython2.7 python-setuptools python-imaging python-ldap python-urllib3 sqlite3 python-requests
- 安装并部署seafile
cd /home/pi/seafile
sudo tar -xzf seafile-server_6.3.4_stable_pi.tar.gz
cd seafile-server-6.3.4 sudo ./setup-seafile.sh
Press [Enter] to continue#此处按回车继续 [sever name]: #此处给服务器起一个名字 [This server’s ip or domain]: #输入局域网内树莓派的IP Where would you like to store your seafile data?Note: Please use a volume with enough free space.[default: /home/pi/seafile/seafile-data ]#高度注意!!此处是在指定seafile的数据存放位置,因为之前挂载了硬盘,切不可直接按默认设置,需要改到硬盘目录下,你可以填写/home/pi/toshiba/seafile-data What tcp port do you want to use for seafile fileserver?8082 is the recommended port.[default: 8082 ]# seafile服务器的端口号,默认8082,回车表示默认即可,若自行修改则要额外开放端口 If you are OK with the configuration, press [ENTER] to continue.# 这里确认你的seafile服务器配置,没问题继续回车----------------------------------------------------------------- Seahub is the web interface for seafile server.Now let\'s setup seahub configuration. Press [ENTER] to continue ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 这里开始安装seahub,回车继续----------------------------------------------------------------- Your seafile server configuration has been completed successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 已经安装完成了,下边是告诉你怎么启动安装好的程序。 run seafile server: ./seafile.sh { start | stop | restart } run seahub server: ./seahub.sh { start <port> | stop | restart <port> } ----------------------------------------------------------------- If the server is behind a firewall, remember to open these tcp ports: ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 下边是程序要使用的端口,如果开启了防火墙,需要开放这两个端口。 port of seafile fileserver: 8082 port of seahub: 8000
sudo pip install urllib3==1.23
- 开启seafile
cd /home/pi/seafile/seafile-server-6.3.4 sudo ./seafile.sh start sudo ./seahub.sh start
最后可以在浏览器访问:IP:8000 到达seafile“云盘”管理页面。
- 开启重新启动
#首先创建seafile服务文件 sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/seafile.service #输入下列内容 [Unit] Description=Seafile # add mysql.service or postgresql.service depending on your database to the line below After=network.target [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=${seafile_dir}/seafile-server-latest/seafile.sh start ExecStop=${seafile_dir}/seafile-server-latest/seafile.sh stop RemainAfterExit=yes User=seafile Group=seafile [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target #再创建seahub启动文件 sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/seahub.service 输入下列内容 [Unit] Description=Seafile hub After=network.target seafile.service [Service] # change start to start-fastcgi if you want to run fastcgi ExecStart=${seafile_dir}/seafile-server-latest/seahub.sh start ExecStop=${seafile_dir}/seafile-server-latest/seahub.sh stop User=seafile Group=seafile Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target #最后设置开机自启动 sudo systemctl enable seafile.service sudo systemctl enable seahub.service
- 挂载移动硬盘