The limits of your language are the limits of your world.语言观决定世界观

1.切入正题(cut to the chase;get down to business)

  1. get down to business,
  2. Let\’s get down to business.让我们言归正传吧
  3. I have talked too much.Let\’s get down to business.我说的太多了,让我们言归正传吧。
  4. Let\’s get down to business at hand.让我们着手处理手头的事吧。
  5. at hand,着手,处理。
  6. cut to the chase抓住核心;抓住要害;切中要害
  7. Hi every,we all know why we are here today,so let\’s cut to the chase.嗨,各位,大伙儿都知道今天我们为什么在这里,那就直入正题吧。
  8. But I thought maybe,you know,cut to the chase and just.但是我想,可能的话,你知道,就直截了当了。(注意:cut to the chase常常和just连用,就比如以下几个句子)
  9. Okay,let\’s just cut to the chase.好了,我们还是别兜圈子了。
  10. Paul,why don\’t you cut to the chase and tell us what happened after dinner.保罗,你为什么不直接告诉我们晚餐后发生了什么事?
  11. Let\’s just cut to the chase,heidi,which of my boys go you like?干脆直接了当一点海蒂,你喜欢哪一个?


3.夜班night shift(值班);大夜班;凌晨班graveyard shift(复数graveyard shifts;墓地轮班)

  1. We thought,okay,he needs to adjust to the night shift.我们认为,好吧,他需要适应夜班
  2. Two thousand mostly female workers carry out进行,执行 a ten-hour night shift夜班 at an armaments factory军备厂 dedicated to致力于(doing sth) making tank parts坦克零件.两千名主要为女性的工人在一家专门制造坦克零件的军备工厂进行了十小时的夜班。
  3. You work the graveyard shift?你是做夜班的?
  4. He suggested we should go eat after my graveyard shift.他建议说我们可以在我的大夜班之后一起去吃东西。
  5. Do you know the origin of term(词) graveyard shift?你知道墓地值班这个词的由来吗?
  6. Could the graveyard shift be more than a figure of speech?夜班被比喻为墓地轮班,应该不仅仅只是一个修辞比喻而已吧?
  7. Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?坟场工人是不是喜欢值大夜班
  8. In order to keep up with all the demands of teenager,he works the graveyard shift and says,I sleep four hours a night on average and call it sleep for the week.为了跟上对一位青少年的所有要求,他经常熬夜工作。摩迪卡说:我平均每晚睡4个小时。
  9. Besides her mom was working the night shift at the hospital and wouldn\’t be able to hear them \’getting out of hand\’ .此外,他的母亲正在医院值夜班,无法听到他们** ‘失控’ **。
  10. For the most part though虽然,this is a brilliant job出色的工作,but if alcohol did not exist,we would have a very quiet time on the night shift.虽然在大多数情况下,这是一项出色的工作,但是如果不存在酒精,我们在夜班中将有一个非常安静的时间。
  11. After working the night shift for three months,I was transferred调到,转入 to the day shift.在夜班工作了三个月后,我被调到了白班
  12. Today begins my transition into working the night shift.今天开始我过渡到夜班工作。
  13. Cognitive performance improved from baseline to test periods during the night shift.夜班期间从基线到测试期间认知能力得到改善。
  14. 注意:一定不要用night job ,这种夜班指的是穿着特别暴露的夜班,而且外国人听到也许还会问 How mauch …?Oh,That is very awkward.哦,那是非常尴尬的。


  1. peasant farmers,个体农民
  2. Chinese peasants farm their own plots.中国农民在他们自己的土地上耕作。
  3. Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。
  4. He was born of a peasant family.他出生于一个农民家庭
  5. He was a peasant in his early years.他早年是一个农民。
  6. farmer,农场主;农民->A farmer is a person who owns or manages a farm.
  7. The farmer peddled兜售 his fruit from house to house.那个农民挨家挨户兜售他的水果。
  8. Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admintted conspiring to murder her husband.法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。
  9. At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer.有时当工作让我沮丧时,我喜欢幻想自己是一个农场主。

其中《一位年轻医生的笔记》中有这么一句台词:And save the world,one peasant at a time.一次拯救一个农民,就能拯救世界。

4.三好学生merit student,Triple-A student

  1. I was awarded Triple-A student last semester.上学期我被评为三好学生。

5.操场sports field(ground),drill ground,soccer field,playing fields,;sporting house 妓院;playground 游乐场

  1. Some of the people on the sports ground are playing ball games, and some are running.操场上也有打球的,也有跑步的。
  2. Our playing fields extend as far as those trees.我们的操场延伸到那些树前。
  3. Elanine went outside to inspect the playing field.伊莱恩走到外面查看操场。

6.眼镜盒glasses case

  1. And,throw out your contact lens case once a month,just to reduce your risk of infection.还有,每个月换一副新的眼镜盒,以减小眼部感染的风险。
  2. Where to buy a box of contact lenses that we pay to send a contact lens case.凡是买一盒隐形眼镜我们抚松一个隐形眼镜盒。


  1. We use meter here.The meter reads 60 yuan.我们这里使用计价器,表上计费60元。
  2. You can refuse to pay if the taxi driver doesn\’t use a taximeter to calculate the bill.现在坐出租车,加入司机不用计价器计费,你可以拒绝付钱。


  1. power plant,发电厂
  2. chemical plant blast ,化工厂爆炸
  3. The plant provides forty percent of the country\’s electricity.全国总电量的40%是这家发电厂提供的。
  4. She planted her feet wide and bent her knees slightly.她双脚分站稳,膝盖微屈。
  5. So far no one has admitted planting the bomb.到目前为止,还没有人承认是自己了炸弹。
  6. The plant was dismantled of all its equipment and furniture.这家工厂的设备和家具完全被拆除了。

9.母校alma mater,one\’s old school,one\’s monther school

  1. He has fond feeling for his Alma Mater.他对自己的母校有着深厚的感情。
  2. I still have affection for my old school.我依然眷恋着母校。
  3. As their graduation day drew near,the sutdents felt reluctant to leave their school.临毕业时,同学们对母校都十分留恋。

在《坏老师》中,有这么一句台词:And it\’s Standford,my alma mater

10. reluctant,不情愿的,勉强的

  1. He was reluctant to admit he was wrong.他不愿意承认自己犯错了。
  2. She refused my invitation with a reluctant smile.她勉强地微笑拒绝了我的邀请。

11.我很热,It\’s very hot;我很冷It\’s is very cold.

在英语应用中,I am very hot,通常会被理解为我很骚,当然,这个一般不能用。

12.淡水sweet water,fresh water

  1. Fresh water and other commodities are in short supply.淡水和其他商品短缺。
  2. The perch is a freshwater fish.鲈鱼是淡水鱼。

13.confidence man 骗子

  1. copies,仿制品,复制品

在《迷失|第一季》中有这么一句台词:It was his name.He was a confidence man.这是他的名字,他是一个骗子。

Romanced my monther to get to the money. 为了钱,花言巧语骗了我妈。

romance n.浪漫 v.欺骗 可以记为,太过浪漫就是欺骗。 at home in 熟悉,精通,擅长,学到家了

  1. In other words,college education is to train good members of society,who will be at home in undertaking any social welfare activities after they graduate.换句话说,大学教育培养一个人成为社会的好成员,使他在毕业后能够自如的从事任何社会公益活动。

15.husband v.勤俭节约->house(hus房子)+band(bind绑):和房子绑在一起的人,一家之主。

在英语中也是由重男轻女的思想的。就比如,在圣经当中记载,上帝按照自己的形象造出了亚当,随后,又从亚当的身上拿出了一根肋骨,造出了女人,亚当说:“This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;this one will be called \’woman\’ , for she was taken out of man.”可以翻译为:这时我的骨中骨,肉中肉,这要称为女人,因为她是从男人身上取出来的。
  1. Husbanding precious resources was part of rural life.节约地使用宝贵的资源是乡村生活的一部分。
  2. Are they husband and wife?他们是夫妻吗?
  3. Her husband walked out on her.他的丈夫抛弃了她。

16.walk out on 离开,抛弃,未履行诺言

  1. I don\’t want you to walk out on this wedding.我不想要你抛弃这场婚礼。
  2. You want to walk out on me when I baddly need you.你在我最需要你的时候,却想要离开我。
  3. You cann\’t walk out on me .I really need your help.你不能丢下我不管,我真的需要你的帮助。
  4. Do you want to walk with me and live , or walk out on me and die ?你是想和我一起走并生存,还是走出去死?

17.fair 事务,公平,展览会,博览会

推荐一首英文歌《Scarborough Fair》
  1. CANTON FAIR Since 1957 ,广交会
  2. It didn\’t seem fair to leave out her father.将他父亲排除在外似乎不公平
  3. fair and banlanced ,制衡,公正而公平
  4. It\’s import to protect my fair skin from the sun.保护我白皙的皮肤不受日晒是很紧要的。
  5. My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount.我街对面的邻居游历甚广

18.TFBOYS:战斗男孩,The fighting boys加油男孩

  1. 加油:come on; go; go for it; add oil。

19.coin 硬币;编造,创造

  1. coin a story 编造一个故事
  2. the other side of the coin.事情的另外一面
  3. two sides of the same coin.同一事物的两个方面
  4. notes and coin 纸币和硬币
  5. These finding are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.这些研究结果提醒人们,失业率下降的另一面是底薪。
  6. The minister reportedly stressed that economic and political reforms were two sides of the same.据报道,部长强调经济改革和政治改革是一个问题的两个方面
  7. Jaron Lanier coined the term \’Virtual reality\’ and pioneered its early development.杰伦.拉尼尔创造了”虚拟现实”这个,并成为,并成为推动其早期发展的先驱人物。

20.novel,小说; 新奇的

  1. a novel feature , 新特征
  2. “War and Peace” is a great novel by Leo Tolstoy.《战争与和平》是列夫托尔斯泰的长篇巨著。
词根:nov = new 新的
  1. innovate v.革新 in 使…+ nov 新的 + ate(形容词后缀) ->使什么变新->革新
  2. innovation n.(制度等)革新
  3. innovative adj.创新的
  4. nova n.新星 nov + a ->新天体->新星
  5. novate v.用新事物代替
  6. novation n.更新 nov 新的 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果->更新 n.运动;哥们儿,老兄;v.炫耀,故意显示,得意地穿戴

  1. Good on you, sport! 老兄,你真行!
  2. Go on, be a sport。来来来,别不够朋友
  3. to make sport of sb/sth。开某人/某事玩笑
  4. be a (good) sport (尤指困境中)开朗大度,讲交情
  5. He was accused of having no sense of humer, of not being a good sport. 他被指责缺乏幽默感,不够大度
  6. to sport a heard, 故意蓄着大胡子
  7. She was sporting a T-shirt with the company\’s logo on it.她穿了一件带有该公司徽标的T恤衫,很是得意。

22.industry: 工业,行业,勤

  1. industry pays.天道酬勤,行业工资。

23.check v.阻止,抑制


  1. 制衡 check and balance.
  1. 吃,dine , dine out , dining hall 餐厅 ,diner 食客,小早餐厅。
  2. 喝汤,eat soup。
  3. AA制,Let\’s share/split it./Let\’s go fifty-fifty.不能说Let\’s AA。
  4. 我请客, It\’s my treat./ It\’s on me。
  5. 网络,Internet/dotcom/world wide web。
  6. 流量,traffic。
  7. 网吧,cyber cafe。
  8. 粉丝,fans,
  9. 关注,拥护,follow ,follower

becalm v. 使安静

be 使… + calm 安静 → 使安静

befall v. 降临

be 使… + fall 落下 → 使落下 → 降临

befit v. 适合

be 使… + fit 合适 → 适合

befool v. 欺骗

be 使… + fool 笨蛋 → 使人成笨蛋 → 欺骗

befoul v. 弄脏;污蔑

be 使… + foul 肮脏的;邪恶的 → 使(某物)变得肮脏的;使(某人)看上去邪恶的 → 弄脏;污蔑

beguile v. 欺骗

be 使… + guile 欺骗 → 欺骗

befriend v.视为朋友

belittle v.轻视,小看


before prep. 在…之前

be 构成介词 + fore 前面 → 在…之前

behind prep. 在…之后

be 构成介词 + hind 后边 → 在…之后

below prep. 在…下面

be 构成介词 + low 低 → 在…下面

beneath prep. 在…之下

be 构成介词 + neath 在…之下 → 在…之下

beside prep. 在…旁边

be 构成介词 + side 旁边 → 在…旁边


becloud v. 布满乌云

be 加以…,饰以… + cloud 云 → 布满乌云

beflower v. 用花覆盖

be 加以…,饰以… + flower 花 → 用花覆盖

behold v. 看到

be 加以…,饰以… + hold 拿住 → 用〔眼睛〕锁定住 → 看到

belie v. 掩盖

be 加以…,饰以… + lie 说谎 → 用说谎掩盖〔真相〕→ 掩盖

bepowder v. 撒粉

be 加以…,饰以… + powder 粉末 → 加粉末 → 撒粉

前缀:re- 重复,再

redo v.重做

举例说明,1.You got us redo this three times already.你已经让我们重做了三次了。

举例说明,2.Because I will not redo it again.因为我可不会再做一次了。

reappear v.再现,再次发生

举例说明,He had not expected the young man to reappear before evening.他没想到这位年轻的男子会在黄昏前再次出现。

举例说明,Courage seems now to have deserted him. May it quickly reappear.他现在似乎失去了勇气,但愿他能够重新振作起来。

词根 pear= to come in sight 看见

appear v. 出现

ap 表加强 + pear 看见 → 看见 → 出现

appearance n. 出现

appear 出现 + ance 状态,性质,状况 → 出现

disappear v. 消失

dis 不 + appear 出现 → 不出现 → 消失

reappear v. 再现

re 重新 + appear 出现 → 再现

前缀 re-

rebound v./n. 回弹

re 回;向后 + bound 跳跃 → 回弹

recall v./n. 回忆

re 回;向后 + call 想起 → 回忆

reclaim v. 取回;回收

re 回;向后 + claim 要求 → 要求拿回 → 取回

reflect v. 回想;反射

re 回;向后 + flect 弯曲 →〔光线〕向回弯曲 → 反射

regress v. 倒退

re 回;向后 + gress 走 → 倒退

rejuvenate v. 返老还童

re 回;向后 + juven 年轻 + ate 做,造成,使… → 回到年轻状态 → 返老还童


reactionn. 反动;反应

re 相反;反对;不 + action 行动 → 反动;反应

rebel v. 反叛

re 相反;反对;不 + bel 战斗 → 反过来打〔自己人〕→ 反叛

remove v. 移开;除去

re 相反;反对;不 + move 移动 → 往反方向移动 → 移开

renegade n. 叛徒

re 相反;反对;不 + neg 否认 + ade 表人 → 反过来否认〔自己人〕的人 → 叛徒

repeal v./n. 撤销,取消

re 相反;反对;不 + peal 呼吁 → 不呼吁 → 取消

reprobate n. 堕落者

re 相反;反对;不 + prob 正直 + ate 表人 → 不正直的人 → 堕落者

return,返回; retreat,撤退; refund 退款; recession 衰退

**relax 休息; relief 释放; that\’s a relief 如释重负;recreation **


reappear v. 再出现

re 一再,重新 + appear 出现 → 再出现

rearrange v. 重新安排

re 一再,重新 + arrange 安排 → 重新安排

reassure v. 消除(某人)疑虑

re 一再,重新 + assure 放心 → 一再让人放心 → 消除(某人)疑虑

rebirth n. 再生,新生

re 一再,重新 + birth 出生 → 再生,新生

recommend v. 使受欢迎;推荐

re 一再,重新 + commend 赞扬 → 一再赞扬 → 推荐

recompense v. 赔偿

re 一再,重新 + compense 补偿 → 一再补偿 → 赔偿

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