svn 使用的是集中服务器 就是只有一个服务器的意思

git 是分布式服务器



可以在Windows上通过安装 Visual SVN Sever 。




在windows系统上可以安装 VisualSVNSever 或 TortoiseSVN 软件来搭建 Svn 环境,由于Mac自带了svn的服务器端和客户端功能,所以我们可以在不装任何第三方软件的前提下使用svn功能,不过还需做一下简单的配置


进入 SVN China  官网注册账号。


2.项目经理把框架 import  到服务器上,组长就可以把自己电脑上的本地的服务器框架删掉。

3.团队个人从服务器上获取框架, check  out  

4.分别编码(切记重要的是,不要多人去修改一个文件<有可能是在以前过期的版本上修改,会不能成功,这时候要 组员商定后 点 resolve 解决按钮>)


6.其他人去更新代码  update



compare With HEAD 会出现两个面板,服务器上的代码,与本地我的代码是否存在没有更新的东西。如果发现不一样就赶快 Update 

log  就是我们在提交的时候,修改的时候打上去的注释,用于记录修改原因,版本,以及其他的说明

translation  能把你今天对框架里面做了什么操作,都显示出来,上传了什么代码?下载了什么代码?修改了什么代码?


在这个SVn 里面本地的文件是操作的副本,只有上传到Svn  服务器上的才是真正的框架原本(*这里要注意一下,所以我们在更新一下真正的之后就可以把本地的删除)


 下面简单的操作一下使用 SVN 进行完成项目的管理工作。




p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 21px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }


先在电脑的账户目录下面建一个文件夹 Svn Repositories  用来存储所有 svn 管理的代码仓库。操作如下




MACdeMacBook-Pro:SvnRepositories  mac$ cd /Users/mac/SvnRepositories\  
MACdeMacBook-Pro:SvnRepositories  mac$ svnadmin create /Users/mac/SvnRepositories/mycode
svnadmin: E000002: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E000002: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E000002: Can\'t create directory \'/Users/mac/SvnRepositories/mycode\': No such file or directory
MACdeMacBook-Pro:SvnRepositories  mac$ 





MACdeMacBook-Pro:SvnRepositories  mac$ svnadmin create /Users/mac/svn/repository 
svnadmin: E000002: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E000002: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E000002: Can\'t create directory \'/Users/mac/svn/repository\': No such file or directory
MACdeMacBook-Pro:SvnRepositories  mac$ 





p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s2 { font-kerning: none }

如果在终端输入svnadmin create /Users/mac/svn/repository 代码,无提示说明创建成功,如下图所示:





在账户下面可以看到 svn下面有个 erpository 代码仓库。






 配置  svn 用户权限/Users/mac/svn/repository/conf/目录下存在3个文件: authz、passwd、snvserve.conf


p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }



p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
span.s2 { font-kerning: none; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: 0px #ff0000 }

1.打开 authz 用户权限分配内容显示如下,然后进行编写修改为如下,具体的实际场景可以自己去根据需要修改。


### This file is an example authorization file for svnserve.
### Its format is identical to that of mod_authz_svn authorization
### files.
### As shown below each section defines authorizations for the path and
### (optional) repository specified by the section name.
### The authorizations follow. An authorization line can refer to:
###  - a single user,
###  - a group of users defined in a special [groups] section,
###  - an alias defined in a special [aliases] section,
###  - all authenticated users, using the \'$authenticated\' token,
###  - only anonymous users, using the \'$anonymous\' token,
###  - anyone, using the \'*\' wildcard.
### A match can be inverted by prefixing the rule with \'~\'. Rules can
### grant read (\'r\') access, read-write (\'rw\') access, or no access
### (\'\').

# joe = /C=XZ/ST=Dessert/L=Snake City/O=Snake Oil, Ltd./OU=Research Institute/CN=Joe Average

# 用户组
# admins是组名,admin是组员,可以写多个,用”,“分隔.如admins=admin,master  

# harry_and_sally = harry,sally
# harry_sally_and_joe = harry,sally,&joe

# [/foo/bar]
# harry = rw
# &joe = r
# * =

# 设置/目录权限  

# 这里的意思是admins组的成员都有rw的权限,rw是读写得权限,也可以写成admin=rw,只赋予某一个用户有读写权限  

# 这里如果不写的意思是,下一级目录的用户不具备继承关系,也就是没有访问/的权限,* = r,就是别>的用户只能远观了, * = rw,就让其他的用户也有继承关系了,就是也可具备读写权限  
* =   

# [repository:/baz/fuz]
# @harry_and_sally = rw
# * = r


 2、打开 passwd 进行相关的编辑与设置,编辑用户和密码如下:


### This file is an example password file for svnserve.
### Its format is similar to that of svnserve.conf. As shown in the
### example below it contains one section labelled [users].
### The name and password for each user follow, one account per line.


# authz 的用户名对应起来,后面是用户密码  

# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret


3、打开 svnserve.conf 文件夹,然后再修改为如下:(svn 的配置信息)

### This file controls the configuration of the svnserve daemon, if you
### use it to allow access to this repository.  (If you only allow
### access through http: and/or file: URLs, then this file is
### irrelevant.)

### Visit for more information.

### The anon-access and auth-access options control access to the
### repository for unauthenticated (a.k.a. anonymous) users and
### authenticated users, respectively.
### Valid values are "write", "read", and "none".
### Setting the value to "none" prohibits both reading and writing;
### "read" allows read-only access, and "write" allows complete
### read/write access to the repository.
### The sample settings below are the defaults and specify that anonymous
### users have read-only access to the repository, while authenticated
### users have read and write access to the repository.

# anon-access = read 匿名用户有读写权限
# 禁用匿名用户读的权限  (read 改为 none)
 anon-access = none

# 登录用户的写的权限 
  auth-access = write
### The password-db option controls the location of the password
### database file.  Unless you specify a path starting with a /,
### the file\'s location is relative to the directory containing
### this configuration file.
### If SASL is enabled (see below), this file will NOT be used.
### Uncomment the line below to use the default password file.

# 这里需要放开注释,关联passwd.
 password-db = passwd

### The authz-db option controls the location of the authorization
### rules for path-based access control.  Unless you specify a path
### starting with a /, the file\'s location is relative to the
### directory containing this file.  The specified path may be a
### repository relative URL (^/) or an absolute file:// URL to a text
### file in a Subversion repository.  If you don\'t specify an authz-db,
### no path-based access control is done.
### Uncomment the line below to use the default authorization file.

# 这里要放开注释,关联authz
 authz-db = authz
### The groups-db option controls the location of the file with the
### group definitions and allows maintaining groups separately from the
### authorization rules.  The groups-db file is of the same format as the
### authz-db file and should contain a single [groups] section with the
### group definitions.  If the option is enabled, the authz-db file cannot
### contain a [groups] section.  Unless you specify a path starting with
### a /, the file\'s location is relative to the directory containing this
### file.  The specified path may be a repository relative URL (^/) or an
### absolute file:// URL to a text file in a Subversion repository.
### This option is not being used by default.
# groups-db = groups
### This option specifies the authentication realm of the repository.
### If two repositories have the same authentication realm, they should
### have the same password database, and vice versa.  The default realm
### is repository\'s uuid.
# realm = My First Repository
### The force-username-case option causes svnserve to case-normalize
### usernames before comparing them against the authorization rules in the
### authz-db file configured above.  Valid values are "upper" (to upper-
### case the usernames), "lower" (to lowercase the usernames), and
### "none" (to compare usernames as-is without case conversion, which
### is the default behavior).
# force-username-case = none
### The hooks-env options specifies a path to the hook script environment
### configuration file. This option overrides the per-repository default
### and can be used to configure the hook script environment for multiple
### repositories in a single file, if an absolute path is specified.
### Unless you specify an absolute path, the file\'s location is relative
### to the directory containing this file.
# hooks-env = hooks-env

### This option specifies whether you want to use the Cyrus SASL
### library for authentication. Default is false.
### This section will be ignored if svnserve is not built with Cyrus
### SASL support; to check, run \'svnserve --version\' and look for a line
### reading \'Cyrus SASL authentication is available.\'
# use-sasl = true
### These options specify the desired strength of the security layer
### that you want SASL to provide. 0 means no encryption, 1 means
### integrity-checking only, values larger than 1 are correlated
### to the effective key length for encryption (e.g. 128 means 128-bit
### encryption). The values below are the defaults.
# min-encryption = 0
# max-encryption = 256




p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
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p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #ff0000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: 0px #333333 }
span.s2 { font-kerning: none }

svnserve 启动svn服务; -d 标示svnserve将会作为一个服务程序运行在后台 -r 标示将/Users/mac/svn/repository/作为根目录(网络搜索的,忘求证)



不能连接上上面的 svn 本地服务器,这是怎么回事啊?后来我将服务器后面添加了一个 5555 的端口,结果访问服务器,还是不能导入根目录成功。

后来打开了上面配置的三个svn本地服务器的文件,检查了一下,是原来是在每一个设置的行前面有空格,我把空格去掉就可以了。测试能够连接成功了。( 主要是 svnserve.conf  文件里面,的有效设置行都要定投写,svn服务器的配置相当比较敏感空格)链接

 参照 链接 的博客没有实验成功在终端里向服务器里添加一个 svnroot 根目录。 《后期有时间了再搞一下吧,这里先笔记到此》


下面是直接实验使用 CornerStone 工具来进行检出、修改、提交代码。


1、新建一个   Repository


p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 11px Menlo; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }

2. 配置svn server



p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }

3. 等待片刻,提示成功,显示一下界面






参考链接:链接1 链接2

p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px “Courier New”; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #ff0000; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 14px Arial; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 11px Menlo; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }
p.p1 { margin: 0; font: 11px Menlo; color: rgba(51, 51, 51, 1); -webkit-text-stroke: #333333; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) }
span.s1 { font-kerning: none }

版权声明:本文为benpaobadaniu原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。