我装了一个软件,我主动把这个软件目录下的所有文件全部删了, 但是它的信息在注册表中还存在,并且影响了我使用其他软件。这时我想把这个软件彻底卸载。于是我用windows自带的Add/Remove工具卸载,虽然Remove list 中有X的信息,当我click to uninstall, there is

error, because it could not find the uninstall program. I must repair it first. But I need the original install kit. It is a problem, since I could not find that.


So I download some professional unIntall tools  “完美卸载”, but no use.


Now I presume that, the X info is listed in the “Add/Remove Programs”, then there must be some install/uninstall info in the registry.


1.So I find the related info like “Direcotry/X” in the registry. (Like under “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer/Folder or UserData”,  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall), and delete the key.


2. Open the Add/Remove program to uninstall \’X\’. It said could not find “Uninstall kit in C:/WINDOWS/Installer”.


3. I copy a new installkit of X (Note: it is not the original one) to “C:/WINDOWS/Installer”. 


4. I try to unistall “X” again, it succed!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!



Before that , I also try to unintall “X” in the safe mode, but It seems no use. I could not even use the Add/Remove program of windows.

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