苹果4s 屏幕密码忘了 Apple 4s screen password forgot
苹果4s 屏幕密码忘了
Apple 4s screen password forgot
E-mail: 313134555 @qq.com
Connect the iPhone to the computer with a USB cable, and then you will hear the sound of the computer connected successfully.
Please turn off your iPhone now, and then you will hear the sound of the computer\'s unconnected success.
Please press the switch key and the home button at the same time, continue to the 10th second, please release the key immediately, and continue to hold the home button.
4、这个时候iTunes会自动启动,并提示进行恢复模式(iPhone会一直保持黑屏状态) 。
The iTunes will start automatically, and prompt recovery mode (iPhone will remain black screen)。
5,爱思助手,这时会提示 DFU模式。然后在高级功能里,找到并选择 读开机密码 。
Aisi helper, this will prompt the DFU mode.Then in the advanced function, find and choose to read the boot password.
6,如果 读开机密码 失败。那么可以 用固件 刷机。
If you read the boot password failed.Then you can use the firmware.
In the itunes software interface,if you have downloaded the firmware, you can hold down the Shift key on the keyboard, click "restore", and select the corresponding firmware to restore.If not, just click restore and you will be prompted to download.
卡在 正在等待nand
The card is waiting for nand
The brush may be slow at first.Please try to wait 15 minutes.