php unit 的使用
1: 新建文件user case 文件名称为:AddTest.php
namespace Domain\Test\UseCase; use Domain\UseCase; use Domain\UseCaseInterface; use InvalidArgumentException; use PDO; use Shared\Json; use Exception;
class AddTest extends UseCase implements UseCaseInterface { public function execute(array $data) { if (!isset($data['test_code'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('test_code not provided'); } $query = $this->db->prepare(" INSERT INTO phpUnit_test ( test_name,test_code) VALUES ( :test_name, :test_code )
"); $query->bindParam(':test_name', $data['test_name'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $query->bindParam(':test_code', $data['test_code'], PDO::PARAM_STR); if (!$query->execute()) { throw new Exception(Json::errorInfo($query)); } $new_id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); return [ 'test_id' => $new_id, ]; } }
2.在phpunit /文件下新建 文件名+Test.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Domain\Test\UseCase\AddTest; use Domain\Test\UseCase\GetTestCode; use Domain\Test\UseCase\DeleteTest; final class TrainingTest extends TestCase { private static $db; // 数据库 public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void { require __DIR__ . '/../../../../config/'; require __DIR__ . '/db.php'; self::$db->query("SET @eamic_user = 'PHPUnit';"); } public function testAddtest(): void { global $DB_connection_admin; $test = new AddTest(self::$db); $msg = $test->execute([ 'test_code' => 'E' . Date('mdhis'), 'test_name' => 'PHPUnit' . Date('mdhis'), ]); // 返回的ID应该大于0 $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $msg['test_id']); } public function testGetTestcode(): void { $test = new GetTestCode(self::$db); $msg = $test->execute([ 'test_id' => 9 ]); // 应该得到东西 $this->assertArrayHasKey('test_id', $msg); $this->assertArrayHasKey('test_code', $msg); } public function testDeleteTest(): void { $test=new DeleteTest(self::$db); $msg = $test->execute([ 'test_id' => 24 ]); // 受影响行应该等于1 $this->assertEquals(1, $msg['rowCount']); } }
终端输入:切换到 test 目录
phpunit 终端命令:
phpunit-watcher watch 是检查所有的关于文件名+Test.php 的文件。
phpunit-watcher watch –filter=TrainingTest 是检查TrainingTest.php 的文件。
新建一个删除的use case,文件名称为DeleteTest.php
<?php namespace Domain\Test\UseCase; use PDO; use Exception; use Domain\UseCase; use Domain\UseCaseInterface; use InvalidArgumentException; use Shared\Json; class DeleteTest extends UseCase implements UseCaseInterface { public function execute(array $data) { if (!isset($data['test_code'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('test_code not provided'); } $delete = $this->db->prepare(" DELETE FROM phpUnit_test WHERE test_code = :test_code;"); $delete->bindvalue(':test_code', $data['test_code']); if (!$delete->execute()) { throw new Exception(Json::errorInfo($delete)); } $rowCount = $delete->rowCount(); return [ 'rowCount' => $rowCount, 'test_code' => $data['test_code'], ]; } }
<?php declare(strict_types=1); use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Domain\Test\UseCase\AddTest; use Domain\Test\UseCase\DeleteTest; final class TrainingTest extends TestCase { private static $db; // 数据库 public static function setUpBeforeClass(): void { require __DIR__ . '/../../../../config/'; require __DIR__ . '/db.php'; self::$db->query("SET @eamic_user = 'PHPUnit';"); } public function testAddtest(): void { // When I create a test $addTest = new AddTest(self::$db); $test_code = 'test' . Date('mdhis'); $msg = $addTest->execute([ 'test_code' => $test_code, 'test_name' => 'PHPUnit' . Date('mdhis'), ]); // Then I check that the wo_id is numeric // 返回的应该是一个数字 $this->assertIsNumeric($msg['test_id']); // And its value should be greater than 0 // 返回的ID应该大于0 $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $msg['test_id']); // When I delete a test // 当我删除一个test $deleteTest = new DeleteTest(self::$db); $msg = $deleteTest->execute([ 'test_code' => $test_code ]); // Then I should have a rowCount equal to 1 // 受影响行应该等于1 $this->assertEquals(1, $msg['rowCount']); } }